Obscure Changes in The Thousand Year Door Remake!

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Previously I made a video on some of the most obscure mechanics present in Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, and now that the Nintendo Switch remake is out there's lots of obscure changes and even brand new deep cut mechanics! This video is to highlight some of the ones we've found as a community so far!


#PaperMarioTheThousandYearDoor #Challenge #TTYD
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One thing I saw mentioned by people on Twitter was that Boberie used to be the only one who wouldn't fall asleep to Luigi's stories for whatever reason in the Gamecube version, and people headcanon'd that into a character trait that makes sense cause he likes to listen to tales like that. They "fixed" it in the remake so now he falls asleep too.


Apparently Feeling Fine doesn't clash with the electric status effect in the remake! Truly, that was the best correction that could have been made. 😁


In the original, Grubba have you the condition to use a special move against Rawk Hawk, but it didn't actually matter if you did or not. In the remake, he instead just tells you to go all out for the championship battle, with no conditions, which I think makes a lot more sense thematically.


As for the fact about Tattle no longer spoiling: If you use Tattle on Red Chomps in the Pit of 100 Trials, Goombella still tells you that Grubba supposedly painted the Chomps red. So if you collect the Tattle Log in the Pit before Chapter 3, she tells you about Grubba before you canonically meet him in the story.


Another badge change once again involves Doopliss. If you fight him for the first time with the W Emblem equipped, then his disguise will also be Wario’s color scheme after you beat him. He does not revert back to red if you unequip the W Emblem, however. Also holds true to the refight in the Palace of Shadow. He will copy the colors of the W Emblem (Wario), L Emblem (Luigi), or both at the same time (Waluigi).


"Hammer Throw is one of the worst badges in Thousand Year Door" and yet the stylish animation for it goes hard. Curious.


Adding new tattle logs for bosses you fight again is smart because if you skipped tattling the Shadow Sirens in the original Chapter 2 fight, you'd only get Vivian's tattle in the trash can. Which spoils you'll fight the other two again but not her.

In the remake, now you'll get all three of their tattle logs since Chapter 2 Beldam and Marilyn are unique.


If you cook a Thunder Rage and a Thunderbolt, that yields a Trial Stew, which according to the wiki said was Japanese exclusive in the original game.


A really nice change that I love from the overworld, is that the room where the TYD is located, will have its background music add more instruments and melodies as you advance in the story.


“… with your new playthrough… or two.” Bringle knows his audience.


The prompt flying away from non guardable attacks also lets the player know that they aren't crazy and actually are hitting the timing.


I can't be the only one who found it really annoying that a hotdog and hot sauce yielded a Mistake in the original game, right? I am so happy with that change! That was definitely one of my pet peeves in the original.


One change that I don’t like in the remake is what they did for the audience. I love hearing them scream or react when either you interact with them or if the boss reacts to them in the original. Seeing Cortez or shadow queen draining the souls of the audience and there being no scream feels off. It is dark, but funny


Regarding the Crystal Star sequence at the end, I really liked the fact that the speech bubbles of everyone sending their wishes back to Mario are now coloured and misty, instead of being just regular old speech bubbles like the original had. It really emphasises the connection that is being forged between the Queen's tomb and the rest of the region, and shows that each and every area you've been to is cheering you on(whereas before you could only tell the source of a couple of the messages by their character's speech pattern).


8:16 it's also a bit of story telling since he has that life shroom yet doesn't uses it on any of the partners which implies that Mario goes out of his way to give the mushroom to his partners when they KO


i actually liked the old way the tattle locations worked - seeing location names i hadn't heard of when i first played as a kid made the world feel bigger and sold goombella as a smart character who knows about the world more than the player/mario. plus in the glitz pit especially it is very wrestling to be like "ALL THE WAY FROM KEELHAUL KEY, ITS THE GREEEEN FUZZYYYY" and you don't have any idea where that is but it's still a Vibe


17:46 as a kid I saw that the green fuzzies were from Keelhaul Key, and I assumed that it wouldn't be a place I would ever see, just some far off land like the places Luigi talked about. I thought it was cool worldbuilding to see foreign fuzzies all come to the Glitz Pit.


Another super obscure change is that they moved the Ultra Shroom and Jammin Jelly from the secret room behind Gloomtail's room to the room before Grodus (and the devs also added a Fire Flower in this room as well to have an easier time with the Grodus Xs), meaning that while they're much harder to miss, you can't get them before the second Shadows fight. The secret room still exists, it just has a Gradual Syrup, Shooting Star, and Mystery now.

Also also, during the scene after the Shadow Queen awakens, Professor Frankly is now in the entrance of the Palace of Shadow rather than Gloomtail's room.


I’m glad they added the hottest dog recipe. It was so bizarre to have the OG side quest revolve around both the hot dogs and hot sauce for it to not be an actual in-game item. Counting those chairs was not in vain.


I actually really like the new hot dog recipe. The whole story of the trouble is about combining hot sauce with hot dogs so it was pretty dumb that that combination turned up a Mistake in the original.
