Why the FIRST Jedi Abandoned the Original Jedi Code (Important) - Star Wars Explained

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Year: 2017
Title: Eternity

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This is partially why I love The Force Unleashed and Jedi Academy. Yes Galen is OP as Hell but, he and Jaden both managed to find balance and as result exceeded the potential of their peers. Even Luke used aspects of the dark side, he force choked a Gamorrean in ROTJ.


I have always thought that Grand Master Luke of Legends became A Jedai rather than a Jedi. He used light and dark, he accepted both with in the force and more importantly with in himself. He encouraged his students to do the same. He didn’t try to be unemotional, disconnected because it was this disconnect that Master Mundi and even Yoda held so tightly that eroded and destoryed the Jedi. I believe that the real scism of the Jedai was a slow acting. As they studied and became monks they began to disconnect from emotion and others. This led to an inability to handle emotions, this led to fear, to hatred, to Sith. Jacen Solo was able to go both ways because of his Uncle but lost his way. It is in this that all are wrong. To Balance the force one must balance oneself. There is no ignorance only knowlege, there is fear, there is Love, there is power, there is weakness, all are one, there is no light, there is no darkness, there is the force, there is Balance.


Great breakdown. I think the modern code is misunderstood. Fro example: it’s not saying “no emotion, only peace”; it’s saying if you can REGULATE your emotions (NOT repress them), then you will find peace.

I think as the Jedi grew in the high republic the true messages were lost.

Great breakdown. Qui Gon was a legend.


I personally feel that Qui Gon was the ONLY modern Jedi that had or was close to pure balance in the Force as a person. He refused to listen or follow any bureaucracy and did nothing but follow the Will of the Force, as all Jedi truly should...


I view the Force not as being light side or dark side, but as a spectrum. I think Luke, in legends continuity, got this right.


I always figured the Jedi code was just poorly worded. I interpret it as;

"Act not with emotion but with peace,
Eliminate ignorance with knowledge,
Immerse not in Passion but in Serenity,
Create not Chaos but Harmony,
And mourn not death, but be made one with the Force."


"balance lost" would be a dope name for an action documentary style series of how it all started 😊😅


The Bogan in and of itself is not the problem, it is taking it without the proper amount of Ashla. The problem is when they abandoned the Bendu, the middle, proper balance, in either way. Just like a scale, if too much of one side is present, it tips and causes chaos.


The Living Force is what the Jedi should have served, unbiased from the light or the dark but still in line with Laws of Morality, they should have been constantly reminded of the code, so that none would have ever lost sight of the original way. Without true balance, all will fall into madness and destruction. This is my answer.


Just as time changes and things evolve I believe the first Jedi did the same. There's always a use for different types of knowledge and ideologies in any given time, however if they didn't evolve and change this would've led to completely different paths and ultimately a different course of how the galaxy would've become. I personally view the first Jedi code to be more of a stronger type of Jedi ideology than the more passive view we get from all the movies.

I believe from this perspective had the Jedi kept this view they would've handled certain threats probably quicker than waiting til they had to interfere, however I think it would depend on any individual said Jedi to be able to be strong enough to not use their power over fear and also think more jedi would be prone to be seduced to the dark side because of this view in their code. While yes they would be stronger users of the force more Jedi wouldn't be strong enough I believe to temper that strength in times of fear to be able to not succumb to the dark. "There is no fear, there is power..." this one line in the original code would be that tightrope balance for those jedi not mentally strong enough.

I would love to see this original code be implemented in a vision of some sort later on where we get a holocron viewing from Luke or some shit where it showed of a time if the Jedi kept their original stance how different the galaxy would've been shaped with this view and influence. Would be neat. Fantastic video!! 🙌

What do you guys think?!


This is exactly why I will always lean towards the concept of being a grey jedi sentinel and a bendu je'daii for they were wayless rigid than the counselor and guardian orders of the jedi and the same can be said about the grey Paladin order; plus the grey jedi code and the je'daii code are way better than the jedi and sith codes because they offers true balance!💯😁😉👍


Personally I do believe the Jedi order was wrong to abandon the ancient Jedaii order code, and the way they use to strive for balance in the Force. The Jedaii order lasted for many thousands of years without conflict. The Jedi order could barely go a few hundred years without getting involved in a war (either with themselves, the Sith, or on behalf of the Republic). It took the outside interference of the Rekkata Empire attacking the Jedaii order that eventually lead to their downfall. The Jedi being out of balance with the Force and their dogmatic narrow views lead to their downfall.


Stupendous clearly loves the beginning of the beginning of all the beginnings and beginning of the jedi


Your very last point is so bang on it not only explains the split in the Jedi, it also describes America in literal terms as well. Now that is irony.


The nature of Ashla and Bogan is not one of Light and Dark, but of Fire and Water. The fire of the volcano meets the water of the sea to create new lands. Similarly, Ashla and Bogan come together to achieve things neither could accomplish on their own.


The problem with the ancient Jed'I code is it requires an unshakable mental fortitude and deep resonance with the living force to adhere to without falling to the dark side.


The force will never be balanced as long as there are Sith and Jedi. Neither side is balanced.


Rules are meant to be broken. I only have guidelines. I have aspirations. I have behaviors, some of which, that I'd never like to act on. But, I have no rules.


Balance is the only way both the Sith and Jedi are wrong as they have taken things to an extreme.


I get the feeling that the original Jedi were wrong to abandon their original code. They should've tried to keep it.
