C Programming Pros and Cons

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I need to know about C programming pros and cons.

It gets an A in difficulty, an F in verbosity and a pound sign if you want to make a lot of web apps for Microsoft servers.

I’ve heard about C-sharp, the C language plus the dot net framework, being one of their standards for server based applications.

It is challenging to create, but there is a high demand for it.

That equals dollar signs as long as Microsoft still uses it. Otherwise, it is an epic fail like Objective C when Apple switched to Swift.

Apple switched to Swift because C was a functional language, and the objective of Objective C was to make it an object oriented language. They ended up with a clunky hybrid they’ve now ditched.

At least if I knew C, I could know most of the commands they used, minus the classes.

It took a lot of classes to understand Objective C; now Swift classes are free through iTunes and a lot of other sources.

What are some of the other pros and cons of C?

There are a lot of online resources for it, and it does not change every year or put out a new version that breaks code in the old one. Some people like to talk about how it is close to the machine level.

That’s why it gets used to build operating systems, device drivers and so forth.

And Linux. And you’d be surprised how many games are created using C or C++, so they can switch the graphics and control the sound card fast enough to keep up with the action.

If I used what was popular with Linux gurus, I’d end up with a desktop full of software applications no one else has even heard of.

C is complicated, which means it is hard to do right. A lot of security flaws are traced to the incorrect use of C.

And many security flaws are traced to the proper use of Java and JavaScript.

C++ lets you add a lot of features that you cannot do with just C, like declarative programming, turing complete templates and object oriented style programming.

That explains the two pluses, as if one were not enough.

C++ has the downside of C’s massive vocabulary, so to speak, with a lot of features that are massively complex. It is hard to understand it all.

That’s hard to believe, given how hard C is in and of itself.

At least with C-dot-net, you get one of the best IDE in the marketplace, Visual Studio. It is fast, and programs compile and stand alone, though you have to compile it separately for each platform.

As long as I can use it keeping my distance from Microsoft.
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