TCP Overview Part 1 || TCP Explained || IIT Computer Networks Lecture Series

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Layer 3 or the Network layer uses IP or Internet Protocol which being a connection less protocol treats every packet individually and separately leading to lack of reliability during a transmission. For example, when data is sent from one host to another, each packet may take a different path even if it belongs to the same session. This means the packets may/may not arrive in the right order. Therefore, IP relies on the higher layer protocols to provide reliability.
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol):
TCP is a layer 4 protocol which provides acknowledgement of the received packets and is also reliable as it resends the lost packets. It is better than UDP but due to these features it has an additional overhead. It is used by application protocols like HTTP and FTP.
UDP (User Datagram Protocol):
UDP is also a layer 4 protocol but unlike TCP it doesn’t provide acknowledgement of the sent packets. Therefore, it isn’t reliable and depends on the higher layer protocols for the same. But on the other hand it is simple, scalable and comes with lesser overhead as compared to TCP. It is used in video and voice streaming.
tcp ip model,
tcp ip protocol,
tcp protocol,
tcp in computer networks,
tcp ip,
tcp vs udp,
tcp congestion control,
tcp header,
tcp and ssl handshake,
tcp and udp difference,
tcp and udp protocol,
tcp and udp explained,
tcp and ip model,
tcp and its types,
tcp and udp in tamil,
a tcp connection,
a tcp message consisting of 2100 bytes,
a tcp/ip tutorial,
tcp bus,
tcp by gate smashers,
tcp buffer,
tcp basics,
tcp bbr,
tcp bulk data flow,
tcp burnt my face,
tcp by sikandar,
tcp buffer size,
tcp block mac,
gold b tcp,
mc menor b tcp,
menor b tcp,
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tcp connection termination,
tcp congestion,
tcp client server program in c,
tcp computer networks,
tcp congestion avoidance,
c tcp client server example,
c tcp client server,
c tcp sockets,
c tcp socket programming,
c tcp server multiple clients,
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c.v vs tcp,
tcp/ip c'est quoi,
c.v tcp,
tcp data transfer,
tcp delay modeling,
tcp datagram,
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tcp dup ack and retransmission,
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tcp explanation,
e tcp security_error error #2048,
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osi et tcp/ip,
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mc poze e tcp,
tcp flags,
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tcp frame format,
tcp flags explained in hindi,
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tcp fairness,
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tcp format,
tcp f,
tcp gate smashers,
tcp gate,
dtcp gadi,
tcp gana,
tcp gate questions,
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tcp global synchronization,
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tropa do g tcp,
tcp handshake,
tcp handshake process in hindi,
tcp hindi,
tcp header part 2,
tcp hijacking attack,
tcp header and flags,
tcp handshake explained,
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i tcp in mobile computing,
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tcp jacobson algorithm,
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tcp julioprofe,
tcp joke explained,
tcp sliding window protocol
tcp ka full form
tcp kbc,
tcp keep alive,
tcp kya hota hai,
tcp ka full form kya hai,
tcp kya hota hai in hindi,
tcp keepalive packet,
tcp keep-alive segment,
k.o cagao tcp,
tcp live,
tcp layer,
tcp layer in hindi,
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tcp live event,
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tcp labview,
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tcp model explained,
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tcp network,
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tcp new reno congestion control,
tcp network layer,
tcp ns3,
tcp node red,
tcp no delay mod 1.8.9,
tcp go back n,
tcp optimizer,
tcp osi model,
tcp reset attack,
tcp rto,
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol):
TCP is a layer 4 protocol which provides acknowledgement of the received packets and is also reliable as it resends the lost packets. It is better than UDP but due to these features it has an additional overhead. It is used by application protocols like HTTP and FTP.
UDP (User Datagram Protocol):
UDP is also a layer 4 protocol but unlike TCP it doesn’t provide acknowledgement of the sent packets. Therefore, it isn’t reliable and depends on the higher layer protocols for the same. But on the other hand it is simple, scalable and comes with lesser overhead as compared to TCP. It is used in video and voice streaming.
tcp ip model,
tcp ip protocol,
tcp protocol,
tcp in computer networks,
tcp ip,
tcp vs udp,
tcp congestion control,
tcp header,
tcp and ssl handshake,
tcp and udp difference,
tcp and udp protocol,
tcp and udp explained,
tcp and ip model,
tcp and its types,
tcp and udp in tamil,
a tcp connection,
a tcp message consisting of 2100 bytes,
a tcp/ip tutorial,
tcp bus,
tcp by gate smashers,
tcp buffer,
tcp basics,
tcp bbr,
tcp bulk data flow,
tcp burnt my face,
tcp by sikandar,
tcp buffer size,
tcp block mac,
gold b tcp,
mc menor b tcp,
menor b tcp,
tcp congestion control in computer networks,
tcp connection termination,
tcp congestion,
tcp client server program in c,
tcp computer networks,
tcp congestion avoidance,
c tcp client server example,
c tcp client server,
c tcp sockets,
c tcp socket programming,
c tcp server multiple clients,
tcp programming in c,
c.v vs tcp,
tcp/ip c'est quoi,
c.v tcp,
tcp data transfer,
tcp delay modeling,
tcp datagram,
tcp deep dive,
tcp diagram,
tcp dumper,
tcp dup ack and retransmission,
tcp definition,
tcp duplicate ack,
dtcp approval,
dtcp telangana,
dtcp full form,
dtcp layout,
dtcp meaning,
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tcp explained,
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tcp education 4u,
tcp explained in tamil,
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tcp example,
tcp explanation,
e tcp security_error error #2048,
dende agora e tcp,
tcp or udp,
camada osi et tcp/ip,
osi et tcp/ip,
guerra cv e tcp,
sou flamengo e tcp,
pedreira e tcp,
uniao ada e tcp,
mc poze e tcp,
tcp flags,
tcp full form,
tcp features,
tcp frame format,
tcp flags explained in hindi,
tcp finite state machine,
tcp fairness,
tcp fragmentation,
tcp format,
tcp f,
tcp gate smashers,
tcp gate,
dtcp gadi,
tcp gana,
tcp gate questions,
tcp global,
pcp gaming,
tcp gun,
tcp group,
tcp global synchronization,
mc mano g tcp,
tropa do g tcp,
tcp handshake,
tcp handshake process in hindi,
tcp hindi,
tcp header part 2,
tcp hijacking attack,
tcp header and flags,
tcp handshake explained,
tcp header in hexadecimal format,
hp tcp,
hp tcp ip printer port,
tcp kya h,
tcp in mobile computing,
tcp in hindi,
tcp in tamil,
tcp ip tutorial,
i tcp in mobile computing in hindi,
i tcp in mobile computing,
tcp java,
tcp java program,
tcp job,
tcp java socket programming,
tcp joy,
tcp jacobson algorithm,
tcp hollywood,
tcp julioprofe,
tcp joke explained,
tcp sliding window protocol
tcp ka full form
tcp kbc,
tcp keep alive,
tcp kya hota hai,
tcp ka full form kya hai,
tcp kya hota hai in hindi,
tcp keepalive packet,
tcp keep-alive segment,
k.o cagao tcp,
tcp live,
tcp layer,
tcp layer in hindi,
tcp lecture,
tcp live event,
tcp liquid,
tcp layer model,
tcp labview,
tcp linux,
tcp model in hindi,
tcp model in computer networks,
tcp mechanism,
tcp mss,
tcp model explained,
tcp means,
tcp music,
tcp message format,
tcp machine,
tcp new reno,
tcp nptel,
tcp network,
tcp numericals,
tcp new reno congestion control,
tcp network layer,
tcp ns3,
tcp node red,
tcp no delay mod 1.8.9,
tcp go back n,
tcp optimizer,
tcp osi model,
tcp reset attack,
tcp rto,