Feeling Nauseated? Symptoms of R-CPD (the Inability to Burp)

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Unexplained nausea is the subject of this video. R-CPD (retrograde cricopharyngeus dysfunction) is a disorder that causes inability to burp, gurgling, bloating, flatulence, hiccups, and in some people, NAUSEA.

Dr. Bastian explains that nausea can for some be the "doorway" to discover that they have R-CPD. This video summarizes the syndrome, and ends with an anecdote of a young woman who struggled with nausea for years, only to have it finally relieved via treatment of her R-CPD.


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Story of my life. Nausea WAS my number one symptom. I had been to several drs over years and ended up at the Mayo Clinic, where I told the drs I was thinking about getting the botox and they also told me it would not fix my nausea. Well I did it anyway and 1 year later I'm still nausea free, along with all my other symptoms. Dr. Bastian and his team are amazing and truly changed my life!


So I have not been able to burp like a normal person my entire life (im 22) at like 19 u started being able to slightly do something that feels like a burp but doesn’t get rid of the trapped gas fully and only makes me feel more nauseous while pushing for the burp I’ve been to many doctors had endoscopy’s colonoscopy’s prescribed simethicone and famotodine but still nothing helps and today I just broke down at my friends party cause I couldn’t stay because of it I’m have an appointment in the 21st of this month and I’m going to bring this up hopefully something gets done because I’m tired of this ruining my life


I lost the ability to burp just today like it's gone (Wasn't born with it) my throat is already making a gurgle noise and I'm new to this and scared it's going to cause problems to my mental health, How would I explain this to a doctor who likely falsely diagnose me


Too bad Oregon health plan will call this procedure elective 😁😁😁😁


I can’t wait to get the procedure done. I’m tired of feeling miserable I’m 24 almost 25 and I’m ready to feel better!


I have had chronic nausea for 17 years, started at 17 years of age. Around this time I also started getting really bloated, having powerful hiccups (that felt like burps), chest/throat pain, and IBS type symptoms down lower. It's been bad enough to even cause me to get fatigued, not sleep well, muscle tension in shoulders/neck/and head, and it can even make me hot/sweaty when really bad. I am definitely getting this done after gastro specialists can't seem to help me and none of their medications relieve my symptoms either.


Thanks for this video. Finally some answers ive been told I have acid reflux and gerd for 25 years. Put on nexium. I told my doctor I don’t have heart burn or acid. I said I have this throat gurgle what I call an internal burp. I’ve suffered this for 25 years that horrible gurgling. I can’t even remember doing a real burp in my life. So I’ll finally get this looked into. It was so bad the other night I started googling and found rcpd. I thought I was the only one that had this throat gurgle


I have chronic nausea that started a few days after an iron infusion and has lasted many months. I have always had RCPD, but the nausea is new. The nausea does not get better or worse with my other RCPD symptoms like throat gurgles and bloating, which are very mild and go away with lying down. I am wondering if this sounds like RCPD-caused nausea? 

I feel nauseous when I wake up, especially if I have to wake up very early in the morning. It usually eases over the morning and I'm able to eat breakfast a couple of hours after waking. Sometimes it gets worse again after lunch, sometimes not. It gets worse after dinner, especially if I eat later in the evening. What throws me off is that it gets worse if I mess up my sleep pattern, and that things which help my other RCPD symptoms (laying down after eating) do not help the nausea.


You have solved my problems doc. I think all my stomach illnesses come from this, hence all scopes can't find anything wrong with me.


i think i have this condition, i'm 22 my mom says i burped as a baby but i haven't for as long as i can remember. i dont experience "daily suffering" as most that have this condition seem to, i have mild discomfort most days but pretty manageable so long as i avoid too much carbonation, i only get really bad discomfort if i have multiple carbonated drinks or especially if i get a sore throat and do alot of dry swallowing, also puking is very difficult(i can only choke out small mouthfuls at a time) do you think i should still be treated for RCPD?


Are there only doctors that treat this in America because I live in Australia and none of my doctors have heard about this condition and they know of no one who deals with it.
