
An Illustration of Vocal Cord Injury Prevention by Dr. Robert Bastian

Here Are 3 Simple Exercises to Strengthen A Weak Voice! You only need a few minutes per day...

Vocal Cord Swelling Checks: A Simple Way to Detect the Early Signs of Vocal Injury

What Happens When You Laugh? A Look Inside the Throat

Welcome to Laryngopedia

How to Keep (if possible) the Ability to Burp After Botox Treatment for R-CPD

Laryngospasm after Botox Injection for R-CPD - How to Avoid It

Can’t Burp? Dr. Bastian Answers Common Questions About R-CPD | Part 2

Fear of Vomiting and R-CPD | What Can You do About Emetaphobia?

Laryngospasm - Straw Breathing Part 2 | Sensory Neuropathic Cough

Laryngospasm of Voice | Sudden, Brief Change in Voice

Do Shaker Exercises Work in Treating R-CPD? (inability to burp, no burp)

Sudden Difficulty Breathing? This May help...Straw Breathing for Laryngospasm #choking #laryngospasm

Having Trouble Swallowing Foods and Pills? A-CPD Can Be Treated with Cricopharyngeal Myotomy

Abrupt Feeling of Air Hunger? GASPING SYNDROME

What if Botox Doesn’t Work for My R-CPD? | High Quality Injections

Why Does Robert Kennedy Jr. Have a Hoarse Voice? The Answer Is Spasmodic Dysphonia (SD) #voice

To Diminish your Voice Problem, Read to Children!

Neurogenic Chronic Cough Treatment with a Superior Laryngeal Nerve Block

Voice Use after Vocal Cord Microsurgery

3 Exercises to Strengthen Your Voice! Only takes 90 seconds per day #shorts #voice #voicetechnique

Still Coughing After COVID? | Sensory Neuropathic Cough (SNC)

Hyoidynia | A Toothache in the Neck

Botox Injection Into the “Fortress Larynx” for Spasmodic Dysphonia