Technical Architect vs Solution Architect vs Enterprise Architect (Best Tech Careers)

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In this video Technical Architect vs Solution Architect vs Enterprise Architect (Best Tech Careers) we give a breakdown of the different types of cloud architect career. Many people ask what is a cloud architect, what is a solutions architect, what is an enterprise architect, or what is a technical architect. So we decided to make this video about some of the best tech jobs and highest paying tech jobs to help you get cloud hired!

We provide a comparison of solutions architect vs technical architect, cloud architect, vs enterprise architect. We also explain the difference between solution architect vs enterprise architect and business architect vs enterprise architect.

It can be so confusing trying to navigate the different architect type roles, and we hope after this cloud architect career guidance you have a better understanding for your cloud career path.

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The differences between the Cloud Architect positions were clearly explained. What I learned from this presentation, as you move up the Architectural roles, your skill sets become less technical and more executive & business experience.


Wow! I had to pause watching this video to come say thank you for taking the time to make the distinctions between the different types of architects. I now have a lucid idea of the type of architecture that comes naturally to me. Thank you so much!


Thanks Mike for the key distinctions. The Tech roles that align with my focus at the moment are: the Cloud & Enterprise Architect positions. while I've done some Business Architect roles in the past. Your videos are a key resource guide for Tech Leadership Careers.


This really helped me understand the clear distinctions between different architect roles and plan my own career path. Your videos keep getting better and better!


This is definitely the video you needed. There are a lot of technical architects, solutions architects, and SEs (as I'm sure you know) that that are learning cloud technologies.

I was a technical architect at a VAR that used an 'escalation' technique when it came to the business side. I would start with the IT folks first, make a relationship with them, and start fielding some basic questions and discovery. I wanted to sniff out the NEED or the WANT for tech. From that, we could determine if a further discussion with business stakeholders was needed due to a perceived disconnect from an IT that just wanted 'toys' or had budget to burn.


As always, very well articulated, clear and concise.. I look myself somewhere between Solutions and Cloud Architect 👍


Great distinctions of the architects. Applying to the jobs and it seems to be a wishlist of everything so knowing your own skills can help to know which architect to apply for


this was so helpful. Enterprise Architect is my dream job but i didn't even know it was a job until this video. Thought my options to do that was to start my own company (which I tried for 3 years and I was miserable the whole time). I will now be pivoting my plan to ultimately get an enterprise architect job. Thank you Michael!


Today's problem is that many people give themselves the title of architect without using any recognized standard, method or framework. That is why there are so many misunderstandings in business about the role of architecture and the resulting expectations! One possibility would be to go e.g. in the direction of the Togaf standard of the Opengroup. This methodology is completely vendor neutral and well 600 Enterprises like IBM, Phillips, Fujitsu etc. recognize the Togaf standard! Of course, it is always important to describe the role of the architect transparently to the customer and also within the own company, then no false expectations can arise.
Anyway, I think the video explains well how the respective architectures could differ.


Finally found a clear description of the differences between these roles. I knew I should've stopped here first! :-D Thanks so much.


Thank you. My path to my end goal is clear now. Excellent summary and clarity.


Thank you Mike. We meet those terms out there and don't really know the difference. Thanks again for the clarification.


8:15 I’m a New PACS Administrator but want to become an Enterprise Architect. Great video !!!


Great Explanation Mike. I think you missed "Domain Architect" in the video


I was always confused among these. Thanks for explaining.


Thanks for this very insightful video. A few questions I have...

I am specialized in 1 SAAS Vendor Solution (CRM), and played roles as BA and Solution Architect for about 5 years in all for that solution (but over 10years of experience). However, in the long term I aspire to be an Enterprise Architect.

1. What next 2 roles will you recommendation in a path towards EA. Solution Architect or Business Architect or Cloud Architect?

2. On the average, how many years of relevant experience does one require to fill in an EA position?

3. How may one get into EA without prior EA experience ... especially an external applicant.

4. Considering an EA engages with an overview of a company's tech landscape which includes technologies from several vendors, what general other solutions would you recommend one should focus on with regards IAAS and PAAS? AWS, AZURE, etc?

5. Lastly, will you recommend an Architecture Certificate as a facilitation towards an EA role?

6. If Yes, which and why? TOGAF, Zachmann, ITIL v. 4, Gartner?

Many thanks in advance of your response.


Waaaaow awesome presentation and explaining - thanks a lot for it!!!


This was great; very informative. Thank you.


nice, could you please create video on SHarePoint technical architect


Doing a presentation for work and this was super helpful!!
