10 Tips for Keeping Your House Clean & Organized with Kids! | ft. Papaya Reusables | Kendra Atkins

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10 Tips for Keeping Your House Clean & Organized with Kids! | ft. Papaya Reusables


Member: 23809167

---NEW videos every Monday and Thursday!---

Hi everyone! My name is Kendra and I create videos to help motivate you in different aspects of your life. I am a mom to identical twin girls who are 3 1/2 and a little boy who is almost 1! I hope all of my content can serve you in some way. Whether that's entertainment, encouragement or just to feel like you have someone who knows what you are going through. I am a stay at home working mom and going through all the same things all of us moms go through! Thanks so much for stopping by and I will see you soon!


FTC: Some links may be referral links. All reviews and opinions are always my own! Thanks to Papaya for sponsoring today's video.
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You mentioned thinking of things you're grateful for while doing dishes... one thing that never ceases to bring me great joy is CLEAN RUNNING WATER! If I ever feel like I don't want to clean the kitchen I just imagine all my ancestors carrying water in buckets from wherever they had to get it in whatever state of cleanliness they found it in and boiling it over a fire that they had to collect wood for etc etc. Just focusing on the insane ease of rinsing off a dish and placing it in the dishwasher truly makes me grateful every time.


Attitude makes a huge difference I think. Although sometime I have to summons the energy, the kids aren’t always going to be at home and I’m sure one day I’ll miss all their little things (and messes)


I implemented a ‘1 thing per day’ weekly schedule for myself when my second (now 2.5) was a baby and it’s stuck ever since and relieves me of having to think about what to get done. So Mondays are laundry, Tuesdays are watering plants, Wednesdays are mopping or bathrooms, etc. Cheers!


I’ve found a “no shoes rule” to really help keep the floors, carpet clean. My whole family automatically take shoes off at the door!
Great ideas, great video!😁👍🏼


I love that the kids help with everything, and home schooling makes that possible. I didn’t even know how to make an egg when I was 18 and moved into my apartment. I had no idea. But I had to get up at 6am for school, which was a 45 bus ride minute away and then only got home at 17:15pm after sports and another 45 min bus ride, and had so much homework that I never helped with dinner, or with laundry or with school lunches. Got home from school, did homework, then ate dinner, then had a shower and then last bit of homework before bed. High school was insane. Way too much homework. My mum did it all. And now I realise that it’s actually because I was unavailable for the whole day. Turned 18 and moved out, and didn’t know what to do with a spatula let alone a washing machine 🤣 oh well, learned fast. But that’s a huge plus for home schoolers. So lovely your kids are learning early on 😊


Loved the video! Having a cleaning and laundry schedule helps SO much! I know exactly what needs to be done each day. And if a day gets skipped, like if we’re sick or away from the house that day, I know exactly where to focus my energy. I also build in “no cleaning” or “no laundry” days to catch up, use that time in another way, or clean/launder something I don’t do every week (such as vacuuming my car or washing our dogs’ bedding). A schedule saves my sanity 😬


i’ve always liked ur channel but as a mom of a 4, 2, and 1 year old that intends on homeschooling and trying to raise my kids with similar values that u talk about i’m thankful for u ❤️ ur videos are 🔥


Talking about picking up toys, I hadn’t really thought about this before, but when I was little I didn’t really play with toys outside of my bedroom. This wasn’t a house rule, I just mostly preferred playing in my room, same with my friends. I didn’t know anyone with a “playroom”, we played in our bedrooms, outside or occasionally in a basement. I would occasionally bring a doll or stuffed animal out into the living/family room, but never a bunch of toys. This was in the 80s, so maybe it’s just a different time or kids have more toys nowadays, I don’t know. It’s funny how I hadn’t really thought about it until today. I just know we didn’t have a lot of toys strewn throughout the house. I mean, my bedroom was a total mess though. 😆


What I do to help me keep a clean house is by doing exactly what I am doing now watching YouTube videos on mom hacks how to keep a clean house. I not only learn some much much much needed awesome hacks but it also motivates me because I'm such a mom I get all excited when I find little hacks


Awesome video.... Especially #10....your kids will greatly benefit in the long run by the positive mindset about cleaning that you are instilling in them now. It's excellent that you let your kids get involved with cleaning and chores at such a young age. You're exactly right....kids want to mimic what adults are doing so they can feel grownup and responsible.


Great tips, I enjoyed listening! I have a preschooler and mobile baby and have been getting overwhelmed by all the stuff that gets moved around/left all over the ground. I think the 1 in 1 out rule is a great one that I can start too!


I love your view out your kitchen window.
The deck you’re putting in with that view will be incredible.


I’ve always loved your videos, but feel like I can relate to you so much in this season of life! My daughter is 5 and my son is 2. While I’m not home schooling, my daughter does a part time preschool program and we do a lot of activities and learning at home so I find your videos super relatable and helpful 😀


This was a fantastic video ideas and great motivator both, and I will order those Papaya an amazing Mamma, doing great things!!!


I literally clean all day every day (I’ve been cleaning 3 hours so far today) and my toddler will TRASH a room while I’m cleaning the other one. I don’t even know how to keep up


I needed this video!! Thank you!! I’ve also really been enjoying the devotionals you’ve shared.


I am surprised you don’t use norwex. I have used them for five years and haven’t strayed. I also just get a bunch of cloth napkins from antique stores and that has been helpful. Those are cute. I have some similar from grove too that are almost like a foam. It’s interesting haha. Thanks for sharing your tips!!


Towards your comment of the towels, Mico cloth towels also sponges


Just what I needed this morning--- thank you!


Oh my God, I missed your mommy videos sooo much!! 😍 About to start a binge watch marathon, lol.

Love your classic parenting style, Kendra. Kiddos grew up way too fast, what happened? Lol 😭 nooo Ugh, 💔
