The Coraline Slave Theory

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Are other father and other wybie created by other mother or are they originally from somewhere else?

As we know the other world In Coraline is a very mysterious and scary world that has stirred up theories for a total of 13 years. While most people are focused on the cat, coraline never escaping, beldams transformation, and the bugs. I think people are overlooking something else.. the other father and other wybie.

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I’ve just realized something too. I’ve always wondered why the other Wybie wore a mask over his head right before saving Coraline from inside that mirror. It’s probably so the other mother wouldn’t be able to “see” through his button eyes and foil his plan
PS, I think the other Miss Spink & Forcible say “thief” instead of “please”


The Belldam made other father and other Wybie. Other father is a pumpkin and other Wybie is probably a doll stuffed with sand. My theory of why these two are specifically more helpful to Coraline is because those two were modeled after people who cared for her. Obviously Coraline’s dad loves her and Wybie wants to be Coraline’s friend. The others are essentially strangers. Maybe when the other mother made other father and other Wybie they gained some affection for Coraline that the real life versions hold for her.


Maybe the real reason that other wybie was muted was BECAUSE he told the cat about the other world, and the other mother punished him by removing his voice.


I’m so glad people are still so passionate about this movie. It’s so amazing, beautiful, fun, and terrifying at the same time. I absolutely love the aesthetic of this movie, and the theories behind it.


I think the power that the Beldam sucked out of the kid's souls leaked into her creations. There were 3 kids, yet only 2 of Other Mother's creations displayed free will. Wybie showed the most free will, and Other Father showed a little less. No others showed free will. So I'm thinking, the longer the children's soul was trapped in that world, the less willpower they had. Kinda like being in prison, you lose sense of who you are and you lose faith in the chances of ever getting out. So Grandma's missing twin sister couldve very well have taken over Wybie (would make sense too because theyre of the same blood). The small boy couldve been within the Other Father. He'd been in the other world for a long time, but not nearly as long as the pioneer girl. Lets face it, after a few hundred years in that cold damp room, Id give up hope too.

I dont think a normal human can survive being in her world for long since we conform to certain rules of reality. That'd take a huge toll on Other Mother to keep them alive as well as herself. She would also need to continue keeping them alive for an unknown amount of time because theres no telling when the next meal will come. Grandma was clearly very elderly when Coraline arrived, so it mustve been decades of no food for Beldam. Starvation makes one rush and so she mightve been unable to keep 100% control of her puppets. I think they were made of the same sand she filled in the spying doll too which could be made from souls.


Based on the book (not movie) the 3 kids bodies were repurposed as the dad and the 2 ladies (1 boy & 2 girl souls) "nothing can be created, only altered "


I honestly believe the Beldam could lure in adults. I think she prefers children because they are more dense in life energy, but that she might accept an adult if it suits her needs or if she needs a quick meal that's easy to convince. It's harder to say no if you've seen more of the horrors of the world than a child has. I think she avoids late teens like the plague though, since they're so often rebellious just for the sake of it and she craves control. The other thing I think is that if she could shape a child to look like another child, then why couldn't she shape a child to look like an adult? This would explain why it was so easy for Other Father to tap into Coraline's childlike sensibilities in a way her real father tries but ultimately fails to.


Other theories suggested that Wybie and the Other Father are more conscious and moral due to having more 'soul sand' (I'm sure you've come upon this theory before)
However, your theory makes much more sense in them actually being empathetic and forced to do the other mothers bidding. The video was made beautifully and had valid points, no 3 hour regurgitated theories. Love it!


I’ve seen a similar idea to this before, in reference to the book. The Beldam took three children before Coraline encountered her, two girls and a boy. The human characters are two women and one man, Wybie excluded because he’s not in the book. This theory suggested the humanoids were made from the bodies of the past kids. I think I favor this slave theory for the movie.


The last part is confirmed, Adults CAN get trapped in the other world, We know from the ghost children that the dolls are her eyes. (Coraline never really took the doll outside so it doesnt know what the world outside looks like except from the pink palace and thats why its all white and empty, Anyways.)
And coraline found dolls of her parents under their bed, Its a sign that the beldam spied on them and planned to take them too.


The way that I see it, the, 'Other' characters have ran on this sand like substance that is the thing that gives them life (such as when we see the mice turn to rats, sawdust comes out of them and even Other Wybie has sawdust as a hand at one point) What this tells me is that the more amount of sawdust is used on a figure, the more life they have, the more life they have, the more freewill they have. And because Other Father and Other Wybie are KEY people in Coraline's life, they require the most sawdust in order to maintain and have that emotional connection. I mean, with this logic then Bobinski, Spink, and Forcible should've all gotten equal amounts since Coraline knows them personally but they're not. Only Rats and Taffy.
So in short, the sawdust that the Beldam uses is the one that gives these characters life and the more life put into the character, the more freewill they have


Bro pls make more coraline theories this was soo good I hope it gets more attention you deserve it♥️


When me and my friend were in primary school, I asked the question about how The Other Father and Other Wybie had a lot more free will than the other copies. My friend suggested that when the Beldam created them, she gave them too much power of free will to think and do things on their own. And if I’m correct in the novel, there’s a mention of how the other copies were made from soul sand something like that. Which is weird cuz I’ve only read the graphic novel and there was no mention of that


It could also be the stronger her pawns' minds are, the stronger the toll is to keep them alive as her power drains because, for example, maybe that is why YB’s was the first to disintegrate. The other father was seemingly already deteriorating mentally as well. The stronger the consciousness probably makes it easier for them to rebel, and maybe since the beldam knew Coraline would interact with them more, it made it so they were naturally good.


Only 7 likes? Never seen something more underrated


Great theory but I’m pretty certain Wybie is a child...? He is never shown as an adult. So I’m not sure how/why Other Mother would be using him like she’s using Other Father instead of just eating his soul like the other children’s. Wybie is most definitely supposed to be a child. He talks like one, is the about same height as Coraline, and still has to be home at a certain time because he lives with his grandmother.


I think the scene where the other father is chasing coraline on his mantis tractor really gets me on edge a tiny bit because after he smashed the hole in the bridge he threw the ghost eye to coraline which was actually the shift stick so he was deffinatelly the true hero here


The witch seemed rather maticulous in her work. Especially after having practice with the other three children. I always interpreted other wybie & father as being made to care so much, due to how well she can copy life. They'd go against her will to fulfill their purpose they still have hearts but she molded them. She uses their souls to maintain her creations since before the kids she likely started with the house only. Eventually getting to the neighbors, garden if she had two more souls im sure she would have reached past the well. She's not lazy but simply cant sustain her youth creations and living beings all at once stretches her too thin.

Neat theory though i did enjoy it just my perspective is all 🎉


At the piano scene, I always thought the piano hands were good, and the father was bad💀


I have thought that it was just the “essence” or idea that the beldam is drawing from to create other wybie and her other dad was just so pure and kind in their love/care for coraline that no matter how evil the beldam is, she can’t overpower it completely
