Guided SLEEP Meditation • POWERFUL Hypnotic • MONEY & ABUNDANCE • 21 Day Program

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Caressed with gentle words of affirmation and soothing ASMR kind of whisper, this Guided Sleepy Meditation will carry you gently into the energy of Sleep and Prosperity. There is no effort required... Find your comfortable position, close your beautiful eyes and let me guide you into the stars... Practice this program for 21 days for powerful results!

Sleep and Prosperity - the best combo.

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TikTok - @purarasa_rasalukosiute

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#positiveaffirmations #sleepmeditation #gratitudeaffirmations
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Rasa your meditation started to change my life dramatically back in 2016. During this meditation last night I was reflecting on the profound impact you have had on my life and was overflowing with gratitude for your service. You saved me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart 💖


I just wanted to let you know... At the start of 2019, I started listening to your guided meditations. They helped me become a new person. I was doing them every single day. I was manifesting a new life. I felt renewed. Then my mother died in June 2019 and I lost all of it. I went into depression and I felt like I couldn’t do it anymore. I had a really bad nightmare last night and I couldn’t sleep. I felt exhausted now and still cannot sleep. But I’ve just come onto your channel again and it’s brought back all of the wonderful peaceful and relaxing feelings. So I want to thank you so much for what you do. 2020 is a new year and I hope your meditations help me further. Thank you so much. I hope this helps me sleep. Please consider doing one to help calm someone down from bad memories/dreams by cutting them away or something. The vision is in my minds eye when I shut my eyes and I wish it would go away. But I hope this hypnosis helps 💜


This meditation had me crying like a baby, my deceased father came to me in my sleep and protected me from darkness, after I called out to him for help
He then spoke to me, said something I never heard him say in this realm
I knew it was my dad's spirit when he said
I love you christina
Christina is my middle name and I just woke up crying because I never knew if my dad loved me when he wadvalive
Thank you spirit 😭😔💯❤️🙌


Thank you Rasa, your meditations became part of my life back since I started nursing school, manifest loving partner was the one I would hear just to be able to fall asleep, as it was the most soothing and calming for me. After days and hours of rigorous schooling and stress and exhaustion’s beyond belief, when nothing worked, your voice would help me fall asleep. Not only I met my loving partner as a bonus, but I gained much peace and now made a routine to listen to you at least once a day. Thank you for what you do! ❤️🌹🌸 Every meditation of yours works!!!


I had a vivid OBE listening to this. After I went through the roof my house, I was swimming through very thick air, like Jell-O. I put both hands in front of my face, and yes, my hands. My rings were on my fingers. I ALWAYS have trippy psychic stuff happen during Rasa's meditations 🙏🧙‍♂️🔮


i keep thinking to myself, “i love everything you’re saying.” after nearly every statement. i really dig this meditation 🥰💯


I’ve been meditating now for about 6 weeks. I came across your channel and have found I resonate with your meditations the best. I wanted to thank you for you work. The other night I saw a kaleidoscope which was so vivid and beautiful. Took my breath away.
Last night I tried this meditation about attracting abundance. Well it’s the first time I’ve ever had an out of body experience. Is this normal with this meditation? It was amazing. Still in shock about it xxx


Thank you, Rasa. I have been listening to your meditations for quite a while and this one most recently. It is one of your best (for me) sleep meditations. Namasté.


My partner and I listened to this meditation last night and each won $90 today at the club! Thank you Rasa, at last I am ready to receive 🙏❤️🙌🥰 .


Hiya beautiful people. Rasa is amazing, isn't she? So gentle and soothing. Whoever reads this comment, I wish you all the best of everything. If you are having a difficult time at the moment, I promise you that things will get better. 2020 has not been easy. It has proven that no matter what comes our way, we always find a way to deal with it. There has been a lot of full moons and a lot of astrological changes so it's not surprising that we have seen so much chaos and confusion. If you are struggling, please don't give up. Things are going to change soon. Around 2 weeks into November you will find that everything starts to settle down and there will be a calmness descending across the world. By Christmas everything will make more sense. Take care everyone. Sending love and light to you all ❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️


I melted to sleep in my chair. Just what I needed. I'm not sure about manifesting abundance but, the mindset of welcoming abundance being open to prosperity seems critical obtaining it.


I am absolutely full of gratitude. Words can't express what it is to get a good deep sleep after trying so many popular meditation and almost everything under the sun for years. You are a talent!!


Thank you my dear rasa for this astonishing, wonderful experience came through your being to my being... It was as if the almighty whispering words inside me, and the words vanished and it was a living experienced.
I am now realising that in this silence, I have found my home..
Thank you dear friend, .. Thank you very much... The fragrance of ur wispers still in the breez... and stay forever... Love to you


This meditation, especially ASMR sound is great ! I can feel your gentle feminine vibe here. Pls do more ASMR 👍👌. I recommend this meditation especially for women who already feel very feminine and want to maintain all the abundance they have in their life or gain even more 🙂❤️🎊


I feel asleep and towards the end of the video I woke up because my whole body was tingling/buzzing sooo rapidly and powerfully. What a cool experience. Very intense healing experience thank you. 💜💜💜💜


Thank you I know will be another good one, can not wait for tonight to do it when I get home from work, thank you for impact people life


Liebe Rasa du bist ein Geschenk des Himmels ❤️🎁💖 Dankeschön für Deine Meditation 👏 Mein Herz und Seele sind umhüllt mit bedienungslose Liebe, Dankbarkeit und wohlige Fülle 🌸Danke Danke Danke💖


Thanks for everything Rasa. Your meditations have become a really big part of my life. ❤️🙏


Woah i was woken up extra early and really needed to get back to sleep. I was sure it would not happen. But Rasa saves the day again. I went in to such a deep sleep even with the bright sun shining down through my window. It was amazing and I woke up happy and ready to start my day. Thanks Rasa! You never cease to amaze.


I've just listened to your manifestation for the first time. So very beautiful and feel very grateful and blessed. I eagerly look forward to receiving my blessings.
I thank you 🙏🙏🙏
