How We SAVED $100,000 Before 25 | Our Best Minimalist MONEY SAVING Tips + What We Did

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In the past 5 years (aka since we got married), Christopher and I have really made savings a priority and have been able to save over $100,000! So today I want to share our journey, how we did it (most of the time making under $50,000 a year combined), and our best money-saving tips, and the things that made the biggest difference in our being able to save. 💸



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Do you have any savings goals you're trying to reach? What are they and what steps are you taking to reach them? ✨

P.S. Whatever they are, know I'm cheering you on! 🎉


Saying no to alcohol is such a huge tip for saving money! As someone who grew up surrounded by alcoholism, I saw the people I love spend $50-$80 a day on alcohol and I live in an area where that would be seen as normal. Hard to stray from the norm, but it is definitely necessary


I don’t understand all the negative comments here. If you don’t find this helpful or inspiring, move on to videos about how to make a million dollars FAST! She is giving you her experience so you can be inspired and figure out how you might apply it to your life. She is putting herself out there. Nice job, Ashlynne. While you have, admittedly, had advantages others may not have had, you’ve made a lot of tough choices that others won’t make and will instead blame on this or that. I am 60 and while I did have student loans, I could have made a lot of better decisions that would have put me in a much better financial situation now. But, it’s never too late to implement a lot of your suggestions now. Great job! 🌷


I am 26 and just started my career. You inspired me to save from the first paycheck itself. Love these money-related videos. Keep them coming. ❤


I love this. I wish I saw this when I was 25. Also, a huge tip is to make sure you marry someone who has the same money mindset.


Focusing on the big 3 expenses such as housing, transportation and food in our survival/optional categories first was key to our success as well! Great insight and advice Ashlynne!


My husband and I are hoping to pay off our mortgage early. These are spot-on tips for today's time that you listed! I find that over time, exercising the counter-culture muscle gets stronger.


Thank you for sharing your journey! Honestly, I would love to meet your parents and Christophers. The people who raised you because they are phenomenal. It is incredibly difficult these days at least in the area I live to find young people this goal driven and mature as well as future minded at such a young age.


We’re debt free too! Working on the mortgage- 1/2 way there! We’re only 33/34, but I wish we had started younger! Looking back, There is so much we could have gone without if we had a plan and we would had been just fine ! Great job!


Can't believe you are not 25 yet. Amazing job you guys done at this age!


By the time I was 25 I was a registered nurse, was married and had two small children. My life was going ok until I had a catastrophic accident when I was 38 and then I lost everything, job, savings and house - unfortunately somethings in life cannot be prepared for no matter how you save. It's good to save but live your life as well.


That's exactly how it works!
I was married and we had two full incomes. But we made debts instead of savings.
After I got divorced and unfortunately became disabled, I really had to overthink my financial situation, because I owned two cats and five birds which had to be fed, too. And you know what? I developed the same techniques you did ( adapted to my personal needs) and now my depts are all payed off and I start building up savings, although I can't work full time anymore and I only have this small income plus some social money (I live in Germany, different social system than USA).
My new minimalistic live is so much better than the life I had before. I never thought that! I love my tiny little apartment, a capsule wardrobe is sooo uncomplicated, simple, fresh, selfmade meals are so delicious and healthy and going by bus and train has many more advantages, than I thought!


We did and do all of this. I think the biggest problem these days is that people just cant wait. They cant wrap their head around to save for something for months or even years - instead go out and buy the next shiny thing they can afford now and have that instant gratification.
I know so many people who bought cars they cant afford to keep up and have less magical living situation than the car would suggest.


I work as an illustrator and I'm specializing in art within the local car community. I find that my car is a huge staple for my business, and after crashing my old one, insurance made it possible for me to have my car completely paid off. I was previously stuck in a horrible car loan, so I think the biggest lesson I learned was never to finance a car. It seriously impacted my ability to rent an apartment, thankfully once I got out of the loan, life got so much easier in that regard. One thing I wanted to mention was that since cars are my passion (and an expensive hobby), I've been thinking for months on modifying my car. The modifications I want are around $7k+... This video really helped me reconsider, haha. I already do have my dream car... I don't think it'll benefit my business the amount of money it'll cost to grasp the attention to it with the car... Hm. My income isn't too great, but between me and my boyfriend, we definitely could use to work as a team more. I know he's going to keep modifying his car, and refinance his car loan too. I just wanted to say this really helped inspire me to maybe make savings more of a priority with my boyfriend, so we can work as a team to kinda meet in the middle. Maybe cut our car modifications down by half or something, idk. Thanks anyway, sorry this is so scattered <3


I am so glad you made your channel. At your age I was in the opposite direction and had to fix, fix and fix in my late twenties.
A lot of people do not see the value in setting up your future.
I see it as being a manager of the life God has blessed us with.
I always believed it in faith but it takes a whole new meaning when you go from poverty and needing provision. Then to having your heart give to others so they won’t need.
This is the first video I have ever seen on your channel and had to say, I am happy for two! 👍🏻😊


Living minimally since 2018 has helped me a lot to save. It became a habit to me to say no to things i don't need even if I can afford. Until now at 28, I don't use things to impress people.


I love watching my savings go up! I don't have any debt, either.


You remind me of me, got married at age 19 and started off with 2k each total of 4K
I am now turning 40 this year 3 kids later
And I have to say it start early saving as early as you can . I now own a house over 1 million and two condos I’m trying to go more minimal now that’s how I saw your Chanel and it’s helped so much to simplify I wish I had learned this sooner but it’s never too late .


In Greece, where the salary starts from approximately 500 euros per month and most people earn 500-800, you can bearly cover your basic needs...


Doing the Ramsey way! I love to see it :) thank you, this video was really encouraging and helped me see that I am on the right track.

I have about $4k in savings, some in a 401(k), and $3k in cash, I'm currently working on paying my debt down as fast as possible. Once I'm done there, my savings goal is $10k before I start actively investing and maxing out my retirement contributions. In order to do so I'm avoiding excessive spending as much as possible (but I do budget in some "fun money" and for pre-planned trips), reselling things on Mercari, and I have several income streams.
