RedisConf 2021: Elevate your Redis experience with Redis plugins for Grafana, Volkov Labs

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RedisConf 2021
Speaker: Mikhail Volkov
Track: Operate Redis at Scale
This session explores how a Redis data source and application plug-ins enable users to connect to a Redis database, and build dashboards in Grafana to easily observe Redis and application data. Elevate your Redis experience with custom dashboard panels that add Redis CLI, Latency Monitor, biggest keys, and other useful functionalities.
Speaker: Mikhail Volkov
Track: Operate Redis at Scale
This session explores how a Redis data source and application plug-ins enable users to connect to a Redis database, and build dashboards in Grafana to easily observe Redis and application data. Elevate your Redis experience with custom dashboard panels that add Redis CLI, Latency Monitor, biggest keys, and other useful functionalities.
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