RedisTimeSeries Explained

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Have you ever tried to wrangle data via timestamps but never had the time to do so? Join Justin as we take a stroll down 'in-memory' lane with the RedisTimeSeries module. The RedisTimeSeries module, part of Redis Stack, lets the developer create time series data structures within Redis with the speed you've come to love from Redis. Redis Stack is an extension of Redis that adds modern data models and processing engines to provide a complete developer experience.
In addition to all of the features of OSS Redis, Redis stack supports:
- Queryable JSON documents
- Full-text search
- Time series data (ingestion & querying)
- Graph data models with the Cypher query language
- Probabilistic data structures
00:00 Introduction
00:25 What is RedisTimeSeries?
00:50 Example explanation
01:27 TS.CREATE - create a time series object
03:01 TS.ADD - add to a time series object
03:31 TS.ALTER - update a time series object's options
04:00 TS.RANGE - retrieve a range of a time series' values
06:06 TS.CREATERULE - create rule for a time series object
07:48 TS.QUERYINDEX - query labels across time series objects
08:29 Conclusion
In addition to all of the features of OSS Redis, Redis stack supports:
- Queryable JSON documents
- Full-text search
- Time series data (ingestion & querying)
- Graph data models with the Cypher query language
- Probabilistic data structures
00:00 Introduction
00:25 What is RedisTimeSeries?
00:50 Example explanation
01:27 TS.CREATE - create a time series object
03:01 TS.ADD - add to a time series object
03:31 TS.ALTER - update a time series object's options
04:00 TS.RANGE - retrieve a range of a time series' values
06:06 TS.CREATERULE - create rule for a time series object
07:48 TS.QUERYINDEX - query labels across time series objects
08:29 Conclusion