Critical Racists | Christopher Rufo | EP 280

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Christopher Rufo cast himself into the middle of controversy as he sought to bring light to the inner workings of American academia, and more specifically, how our institutions have begun to funnel in a new and ultimately detrimental worldview, critical race theory. He sits down with Dr Jordan B Peterson to discuss the subject, delving into the true threat that has breached thousands of publicly funded schools.

Rufo is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute. Before this he was a visiting fellow for domestic policy studies at The Heritage Foundation, as well as a Lincoln fellow at the Claremont Institute, and a research fellow at the Discovery Institute of Washington. In his early career, he worked in the documentary filmmaking field, where he saw first hand how impoverished communities in the United States operate, and more appropriately continue to struggle under a cycle of seemingly inescapable destitution.

He is the author of two books, “No Way Home: The Crisis of Homelessness,” and “How to Fix It with Intelligence and Humanity.” Today he publishes a show dedicated to these topics on his YouTube channel, “Christopher Rufo Theory."

Christopher Rufo's early experiences led him to publicly stand against the rapidly growing movement we see today to teach Critical Race Theory in schools, focusing mainly on K through 12. He argues that CRT looms as “an existential threat to the United States.”

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As someone who was born and lived in Soviet Union and now living in France I deeply appreciate and agree with every bit of what is said about Soviet system. But it's not just it. The problem is deeper.

I think that Jordan Peterson doesn't vocalise enough (due to his diligence I believe) in his elaboration on why the privileged ones turn into radical left. Yes, to some degree there is a guilt and lack of discipline and thought this guilt it's they way to exercise the power and get some recognition (this was said in the podcast) but what I saw and understood it is way beyond that. This feeling goes further up until the point where their desire to do some good with not much effort transforms to desire to judge and desire to unshakable authority, where they don't even need to explain their words (don't forget, they are lazy), they are accepted by everybody, meaning they want to basically become and replace God. This itself is as close to sociopathy as I can tell.


JP NEEDS to have James Lindsay on for a really long podcast diving into the history and philosophical implications of Leftism, Communism and all of the dots connecting it to today’s world with CRT and Queer Theory and the like.


Laughing out loud about protestors being undisciplined and unable to assemble in the morning. Jordan Peterson is one hell of a comedian and truth teller.


One thing (of many things) I will always admire about JBP is that he makes enlightenment widely accessible! Thank you sir. 🙏


I feel that feelings of guilt are one of the most corrosive emotions one can have. Especially since they seldom correlate to culpability.


Brilliant conversation and my respect for both of you is immense for what you do.


2 heroic legends of the modern culture war together for a 90 minute conversation....
And you had the generosity to share it with us.
Thank You!!


Great interview! Christopher Rufo is an eloquent and knowledgeable speaker, and Dr. Peterson asks all the right questions.


I'd been impressed by Christopher Rufo in his other interview with Dr Peterson, so had to come back for more. What an engaging and articulate young man. It is always interesting when someone who started out quite far to the left then changes to a more conservative approach. It's impressive too that he is someone who is taking action to change things, and he gave examples of states which are trying to "level the playing field". The champagne socialist types always have an inner contempt for the working people. One of the "new" Labour politicians here in the UK said of his party's mass immigration policy of the early 2000s that "they wanted to rub the Conservatives' noses in diversity", tells you everything you need to know. It will be interesting to see how the CRT and DEI mob seek to ruin the STEM subjects, having already done for arts and humanities.


I would LOVE for Jordan Peterson to respond to Chris Rufo’s recent video on the subject of defining CRT. I respect & like you both a lot. We could all benefit from hearing you two flesh this out in the public arena where we can have the opportunity to think & refine our thoughts.


I’m a big fan of yours, from Vancouver, BC and, began listening to your YouTube videos about 4 months ago and began reading your book - 12 rules for life, which I have discovered is falling entirely in line as to how I have been living my life for the past year. I suffered some major crises in my life which included the sudden death of my daughter at 34, my only sibling, my brother, at 56, also sudden, my dad at 96, and my husband leaving the marriage, all within a 3 year period. Two and a half years ago I suffered a breakdown where I was involuntarily hospitalized, certified under section 23 of the mental health act, treated like a criminal and was grossly mis-diagnosed by a psychiatrist who didn’t do her due diligence, with bipolar disorder and subsequently forced injections of anti-psychotic medication for 1 year that made me anxious, gravely depressed & suicidal for the first time ever in my life, when my problem turned out to be one that required the complete OPPOSITE treatment - medication for ADHD, for which I was just recently diagnosed with, and successfully treated for, after 59 years. I have accepted 51% responsibility for all of it (because anything less than 51% means I don’t own it and therefore can’t fix it). I have come out a different, more responsible and learned individual, ironically happier and more driven now than ever to accomplish my goals, which are similar to yours, I think.

What concerns me is this, especially among Gen Z and younger Millennial populations, however no age demographic is immune: More and more people are willing to forgo their individual rights/freedoms in favour of averting responsibility. Our current government is capitalizing on this behaviour in the interests of maintaining/increasing it’s power and appeasing the people by creating a dysfunctional parent (government) - child (citizen) relationship. This creates a vicious cycle where we become even more reliant on government as we simultaneously lose our passion to improve. A very successful First Nations Chief, Clarence Louie, one of the first Indian Bands to capitalize on the use of their land by developing a winery and surrounding condominium complexes among other amenities, once told me “the quickest way to kill a man is to pay him to do nothing. He put his people to work which gave them a reason to get up in the morning, and the rest is history. They became among the healthiest/wealthiest Indian Bands in the province. Unfortunately, I see us heading in the opposite direction with all of the government handouts. Although I’m not a fan of Trudeau, it seems his government policy is responding exactly to what it is the people think they want rather than what it is they need. Younger generations who haven’t got a clue about what it is to live in a socialist country are the most vulnerable and what I would say to them, is “be careful what you wish for”. Just my two cents on that.

I would really love to discuss a few ideas I have about how I might be able to make a difference in changing current attitudes. I connect well with young adults as I spent several years working in a high school library in addition to raising four children (3 Millennials; 1 Gen Z, and, for the first 4 years, co-raising my granddaughter (my deceased daughter’s child, who is now, 6). I am devoting my life to seeing that capitalism continues here in Canada, we gain back some freedoms and to make the world a better place. You can learn more about me as I post on all social media platforms under my name-my profiles are public. Thank you for your tireless, dedicated work to this end and I look forward to listening to more of your videos and podcasts.


Excellent work. Both of you.

Christopher speaks very well and definitely has done his homework.


Dr. Peterson keeps blowing me away with his brilliant insights.


I just want to thank Christopher for his time and efforts in this area. Its so honorable to act when nobody else is.

Please feel free to 'like' this comment if you wish to share the same sentiment.


I knew Rufo was an effective journalist/activist. I didn’t know, however, that he is exceptionally informed and intelligent. Good to have him on the team.


Love how intense and animated Jordan becomes when the discussion is something he feels passionate about - he turns it into an art form, surprised Christopher didn't spontaneously applaud like I orator.


This interview was mind-blowing. I'll be looking forward to listening more of Mr. Rufo


"Yeah well it's so annoying when the working class doesn't know what's best for them" Laughed out loud at that one! Great episode, incredibly revealing of what is a very backwards ideology.


Absolutely worth a listen. So much good information was presented and in an intellectual and balanced way. Bravo!


This was for me the best of two worlds coming together. So thankful of the work you both do.
