Is REAL Vegan Chicken Possible? Making the BEST Plant Based Chicken EVER!

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We are finally finishing the PEA Protein Chicken recipe and WOW is it good!!

The goal of SauceStache is to continue trying something new, something new to me and something different.
I find inspirations from you the SauceSquad and my constant hunt of social media to see what food is being made around the globe and how can I try to make it. Lets try to make some food and have fun!!
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Okay, so I made this, and HOLY COW. This is, no joke, the best chicken substitute I've had yet. Flavor is good, and because of the layering, when it fries up, the edges of those layers crisp up so nicely and have a texture almost like meat fibers. Wanted to do a little write-up because I did a couple things differently than you. You may have seen my old post on this video where I was wondering if you could put the dough through a pasta roller... well, I did it, and it worked amazingly. I used the arrow root to keep it from sticking to the rollers. With thinner layers, it made it so I could stack more layers up using the same amount of ingredients that you used. I altered your coconut oil mix because it looked a little thin to me. I used 1 cup of water instead of the 1.5 you called for. It came out kind of like a thick foam. I put that in the freezer to firm up, but was impatient and just decided to spread it as a foam in between the rolled out dough. Worked great! I think I got about 12-15 layers into mine. I boiled it up and my layering was much more defined than yours, almost like a layered pastry. I was worried, but I actually think it worked out to be better for frying. For future experiments... which I will absoLUTEly be doing... I want to take the pasta rolling one step further and make either spaghetti or linguine strands. I thought I might be able to sort of pile those up, mix in the coconut oil mixture, and see where that gets me texture wise. One other thing, I think I'll use more chicken flavoring in the dough next time. Curious if you have any ideas with this one issue... the initial texture of the fried chick-un here is excellent, but as you chew it more, the texture sort of goes to a more gritty feeling. Would more gluten help that out do you think? I hesitate to add too much, because I really don't love the flavor of gluten. Anyhow... slam dunk so far Mr. Stache, and I really hope you mess more with these layering techniques. That is what muscle fibers are after all, so if we're trying to mimic that, I think this is the way to do it.


Side note: You making your wife laugh that hard was so wholesome!


That thunder just means you're making Chick'n of the Gods!


I LOVE this video, the thunder, and Monica making noise were so funny. And of course great recipe as always!


That's it, you've finally convinced me to buy all these powders you use.
Bro is there any chance you can write the formula in the description plz?


This is really cool, I need to try this. Probably should get some plain pea protein first cuz I think chocolate flavored chicken would be really weird lmao


Now, that's the type of content I love :D I greatly appreciate your ceaseless willingness to explore, expand, test and improve your ideas. And the fact you've decided to share your adventures with us is just incredible! The biggest thank you Mark! You're a legend <3
I must say, this recipe turned out absolutely bomb. And the fact it's relatively simple to prepare, makes me happy ;D I wonder how it compares texture-wise to chickwheat...also, I've seen someone on a Seitan-related fb group make vegan salmon using VWG- you should give this idea a go!
Anyways, sending you both all the love!
I hope you're safe and wish you a great end of the week!


glad you posted this before waiting for a “gluten free” I recognize there are a lot of folks who can’t have gluten or have a gluten free preference but for the majority of us vegans without a gluten allergy this is awesome!


Why aren't you selling your own brand of meat replacement products? I would totally be up to buy this. Your own brand, seriously.


update: I made this a second time and it came out a lot better-I had added too much liquid in there initially, so it came out mushy. Now, I will say, althought the texture came out better, it still had this pasty, aftertaste, almost like paste. I wonder if it was the arrowroot of the methycelulose??? I also thought it lacked flavor even when I added salt and pepper etc...before frying up, so I wonder if I could add in salt, sage, thyme, etc...IN the batch while in the food processor?! Then when I steam it, all those flavors will lock in. What are your thoughts on that? Thanks for your hard work in putting this video out. I really enjoy watching them.


Between the thunder being "unbelievable!" And Monica's background noise this has been one of my favorite videos on this channel 😆


Can't wait to try this! & loving all the funny cutaways and interruptions from in this episode, i think it adds a fun flair to your videos!


Ya, definitely gonna try this one. Looks amazing! These layered methods seem to be where it's at for texture I think. Makes sense, considering that's what meat fibers are made up of. Nice work Mr. Stache.


I want to see your take on Beef Jerky!! - We love watching your videos :) nice job on this.


I really like the folding method you've been using along with the fake fats. Seems a little time consuming & work involved, but the final product looks just like real meat. It's amazing! I have to try this, one of these days.


My favorite part of this video quickly became when you called your wife out for being loud in the background and she was cackling 🤣🤣🤣🤣 That's something my husband would do! Love the fun 😁 Oh and the recipe looks good!


Can this be done without gluten and turn out the same?


I have a request: Can you imagine/create a cheese with a avocado base? It's already creamy. I have a nut allergy.


Yoooo thank you!!!
Edit: Could you share a recipe without methyl cellulose and gluten?


pea protein "chicken" is my favourite chicken alternative, my second favourite is quorn. i'm not vegan (instead vegetarian), but there _is_ vegan quorn. the texture of that is far more fibrous than quorn made with egg white.
