Operating Systems 4 - Device Manager Part 1

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Part 1 of 2 of the Device Manager Operating Systems tutorials

In this tutorial we concentrate on the device manager and it's four main responsibilities when dealing with devices.

We then look at 3 types of devices:
Dedicated, Shared and Virtual devices.

It then briefly covers what is a spooler. Explains Fixed head magnetic disk storage and Hard disk pros and cons.

Narrator: Sean Chiplock

Written By: Shaun Stone
Animated By: Shaun Stone

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Good source for more detailed information (No affiliation):
Understanding Operating Systems by Ann McHoes and Ida M. Flynn

I hope this and the other videos help you with your studies.
Рекомендации по теме

This is an excellent set of videos. Clear explanation that cover a great amount of detail. Well presented graphics and clear speech. Really top quality. Well done. Looking forward to the final installment of Device Manager. Will definitely be pointing my students to these videos. 


It says Part 1, waiting for the next!
