How To Find Your Own Definition of Success

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What if your definition of success doesn’t match the world’s? Here’s how to feel fulfilled and accomplished, no matter what society thinks.

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I've known people all my life who did everything society expected them to do to keep up with the appearance of success; yet, they seemed unhappy & unfulfilled. I believe true success is living your dreams with freedom, happiness & passion. Success is living the life you've always wanted. Being happy with what you do. Feeling passion with your purpose. Feeling free to be who you are.


I'm 71 Marie...and, the oldest person doing videos here in the youtube beauty community.  I can tell you - from a 71 year old's perspective - that feeding my soul has been the one thing that has contributed to what I call success.  I've had the highs and I've had the lows and there are time when I just didn't know.  At 71, I'm content...just plain content....all is well with my soul.  xoxo patti :)


My whole mantra for the past two years has been helping entrepreneurs define success on their own terms. I filmed a video a few years ago about “dream scale shame” and how we each need to own what really matters to us and not fall prey to the “shoulds” of others.
In truth, success is a destination (not a journey) and you’re already there. Everything you do, don’t do, and the choices you make/don’t make shape the success you’ll see tomorrow. The only definition of success that matters is YOURS.


I love that definition of success... liking who you are, liking what you do, liking how you do it...(and I add) and liking who you do it with.


Loved this gal's question because I feel the same way. What just occurred to me tho is the typical definitions of success are all about "me" and what I want.  I'm thinking true success is more about who we help in this world, who we can lift up, encourage and help accomplish their dreams and goals. I think Zig Ziglar put it something like this "When we help other people get what they want, we will get what we want." or something like that.


Ralph Waldo Emerson's definition resonates with me:  
To laugh often and much 
to win the respect of intelligent people 
and affection of children; to earn the 
appreciation of honest critics and 
endure the betrayal of false friends;
to appreciate beauty, to find the best
in others; to leave the world a bit 
better, whether by a healthy child
a garden patch or redeemed
social condition; to know even
one life has breathed easier because
you have lived. This is to have 

Btw, lovin' that fringe  :)


My definiition of success, freedom and abundance is the same. It is: to be able to do what you want to do, whenever you want to do it.

Success = to be able to do what you want to do, whenever you want to do it.
Freedom = to be able to do what you want to do, whenever you want to do it.
Abundance = to be able to do what you want to do, whenever you want to do it.


Thanks Marie, you are a big inspiration. Sharing your vid now!!


Love the Fringe Writing goals and meeting them and crossing them out of the list !!! love your vids keep them coming :)


Thanks for another great video!

I've been thinking about this a lot lately and have decided that my definition of being truly successful is when, at any moment, if you died, you can go happily knowing that you had done what you had set out to do in life.


Overwhelm often comes when we start to compare ourselves with others but as the video points out, having clarity about those goals will make you realize that what others have may not be what you consider happiness or success. Thanks for another great lesson.


I think that quote embodies everything that success is. You are truly inspirational. Thank you so much for this video!


Success= being able to control my own time and live a life of wealth( mind, body and soul) and being a constant inspiration.


...success to me is to be able to materialise your very own potential in the world. Each of us has something very unique to share and give, experiencing pure joy while doing so! There´s nothing wrong about money but without the joy in what you´re doing it becomes so worthless! So let´s be brave enough to follow our hearts and dreams and celebrate our very own form of success!


Success from me means enjoying my life, loving my career, and being financially stable! I don't want for a lot of money, just enough to live worry free of financial difficulties. All my life I've witnessed my family struggle financially and I don't want to live that way. I want to learn how to save, balance, and enjoy what I can afford! Happiness doesn't live in your pockets, it lives in your heart & mind! marieforleo 


Success is doing what you want, happiness is wanting what you got.


Love the fringe, Marie. And loved your discussions. I'm still trying to figure out what it is I have to offer the world and get over the notion that I'm "ONLY" a wife and mother, or "ONLY" a writer, and "ONLY" a person with an AS degree. At the stellar age of 60 you'd think I knew it all, but that's not true. I still don't know what I want to have at the end of my life. But you've given me some food for thought.


Success is developing my art while living out of it! Not even getting rich, just having enough to enjoy life, family and certainly work!


My definition of success: Being the best game designer in the world. Wait... I already am. Thanks for the wonderful bits of inspiration.


success is do what you love love what you do


Success is the ultimate act of your end emotions. We are what we do, after we become strongly opinionated after going through every possibility and being able to present that as who we are. That is what I want. I want to progress. I want to remember conclusions that I come to and the reasons I came to them to be able to constantly question them and keep going to that one direction.
