Powerful Guided Meditation 》Meet Your Spirit Guide(s) 》Open Ending

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A meditation like this helped me to connect with my spirit guides. Those who are looking for the connection I hope this helps you to meet your guide(s) or at least to come closer to feeling the connection. Repeat as often as you like.

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I have been doing this meditation on and off for about 3 months. Last night I finally had a breakthrough. At my greatest time of need my spirit guide showed himself. So many times I thought I needed to make contact and wanted a breakthrough but it happened when I needed it most. Thank you so much for this beautiful meditation.


Beautiful meditation. I met my guide it was mostly a contour shape of a being (it felt more like a male) and it gave me a hug, and I felt so much love. Thank you very much.


I just done this and it felt like i levitated out of my physical body, i havent stopped crying since i done this. It was like i knew that everything was taken care of and i have this person to guide me all of the time❤ im so happy. Thank you so much for this! Have an amazing day!


I saw my Grandmother, and my guide was a tall African American man named ‘Alec’, and I also saw a deer running in the distance. Afterwards I felt like almost kind of high. THANK YOU SO MUCH!


I usually just go into deep sleep mainly because of my hectic schedule and also your voice is so soft and gentle..reminds me of my mom telling me bed time story when I was a kid..thank you so much for this video


I saw a flowing blue light, it might have been a dress, I asked who are you, but she fled, I begged for her to stay, that I needed guidance. Everything went dark...my eyes grew heavy, then they felt glued together, when I asked why, I heard her..."they are the tears you fear to shed". I began to cry and she gave me the encouragement and I desperately needed. Long black hair with full red lips, her eyes were covered by her hair...her name was Anya...Thank you Anya...thank you...


Thank you Divine Pura Rasa, this meditation is amazing ❤ I could hear some whispers but couldn't understand much. Hope one day I will be able to hear my guides🙏


Rasa meditations are always effective for me. If you meditate everyday you'll know how to make good use of the "open" time. 10 years ago I would have thought a meet your spirit-guide meditation was silly. But that was before I met my spirit guides. When I got to the gate my Spirit guides showed me standing there tapping my foot, checking my watch and knocking on the door repeatedly, being impatient like I can sometimes be. They always have jokes. The trick to meeting your Spirit guides is to realize that they are with you everywhere and working with you in everything you do. You have permission to stay tapped in. And you always are if you just tune into all of the reminders and guidance they give you - just ask your intuition. Have a great day everyone.


I saw a woman with long black hair, I asked her name and I didn't hear her speak but Rebecca popped in my head, not sure if I made that up or if that really is her name! I then asked her if she could take me to my dad who passed last yr, and he came out of a white light and I teared up! He looked younger, like he was in his thirties, he passed when he was 80.. I'll be trying this again and again!


I met a lady, Anne. She had long brown hair and soft features. She didn't talk and showed me her finger to her lips. She communicated with thought. We danced and she made me aware to hold hands with those I read for. Great meditation, shame about the open end x


This was quite something, I met my spirit guide I think but got a complete shock when the music ended and another video started playing. My crown still open and pulled away from my guide. Hoping your other videos are fully guided as Im new to meditation and nervous about opening myself up with little experience. The music and pace was very nice though x


My light from my head chakra and the light within the tunnel had a lot of movement to it, I could see it ebbing and flowing, almost as if gusts of wind were blowing glitter to and fro, it had a shimmer but not glittery as such. At half way through the tunnel I was met by a being, all white and gold white, a robe to the floor, long white hair, not from age, but just white, with a small rounded hat on top. It walked beside me to the gate. I opened the gate and it walked in with me, and I realised this was my spirit guide. We hugged, we danced around and around, we held our hands up and touched them to each other's and enjoyed seeing the energy transfer from one to another, and mingle as one also. We looked at the flowers on the ground, we danced more arm in arm around and around. I was given his name, Lievephlem. This being was other worldly and I looked up to him, but I was so comfortable with him. No words were spoken yet we discussed how we can now work easily together now we have met. We briefly kissed, it was entirely platonic, there was no place for embarrassment or worrying about touching another's lips, I felt love but not in the way you would think from a kiss. To my utter surprise, the wind slightly moved the long robe, and he transformed into an eagle, but made of the same light as before. He soared through the sky, for a short while he took me with him. Then I floated in the air and watched him dip and soar over the luscious landscape. He was free, there were no constraints. Could anybody help me discover why he met me before the gate and walked me through the gate by his side as oppose to opening the gate to find him myself? I wasn't nervous, I was relaxed, I meditate regularly, so I can't understand why he felt the need to do that. It did however only become clear that he wasn't simply someone taking me to my guide only as the gate opened, when I realised he was my guide.


I met my spirit daughter. I guess she's the one who tends to hang out on my left side. She was talking to me, but I could only hear a faint ringing in my ears. I couldn't really see her, but she appears to be about 6 years old and likes it when I draw ponies haha she kissed my cheek. It's nice knowing she's always with me. Mayne I'll get to meet her in person one day.

I also saw a raccoon before opening the gate and then later I saw a warthog, boar, or javalena run up and come stand guard for me, so that was interesting. I sensed a dog before the javalena came, bit then the dog disappeared.

Thank you for this video :) it was very interesting and I think this visitation/meeting was more.... Real? Than the other ones that have more voicing over. The long silence in the video allowed me to open my senses and not be distracted by following instructions. Please keep making these! My only tip would be to enunciate just a little more because I was having a hard time understanding what you were saying at times. I'm definitely subscribing, though, and will be revisiting this video.


This was awesome but ended abruptly. Scared me half to death when a different video started. Xx


I've been using a different video which I like, I feel I get so close to letting something happen or open. I can feel totally relaxed, but something is still hanging on that just doesn't let it happen. Wish me luck 💛


Trusting me to find my way back, haha. Lovely meeting. I was floating in the universe between all the planets. And then I met my guides. Wow, just the right time for me. Thank you for this oppertunity.


Everytime I feel like i'm getting somewhere I start to panic and I see black then white anyone know why this could be and how to relax fully? I feel so relaxed then tend to overthink?


it was nice, I just thought that u would bring us back, made me feel like I could of fell asleep but I did like it.


Thank you my friend for your Spirit guide meditation take care and God bless NAMASTE ..PEACE


I've been trying to meet my spirit guide for so long. I dunno what I am doing wrong. Ever since I almost died in Afghanistan back in 2009 I've felt that someone has been following me. Can you help me connect more please?
