Mini Stroke can Shorten Life Expectancy

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Frank Sullivan suffered a massive stroke in his sleep.

"My wife found me in bed and called 911 and they came and took me to the hospital."

He was left with lasting damage.

"My speech is definitely different than it used to be, obviously," says Frank.

Frank is keenly aware of the signs and symptoms of a stroke, and is reinforcing healthy habits to avert having one in the future.

"Despite everything that's happened I'm still strong and can do just about anything that I want to do," says Frank.

Research was clear that once someone has suffered a stroke, they're more likely to have a second. Now new studies find that so-called mini strokes also have long-term implications.

"The more fancy term is TIA or transient ischemic attack, those tend to be very short spells; a matter of minutes," says Dr. Ross Levine, medical director of vascular neurology at Lee Memorial Health System.

Conventional wisdom was that the TIA or mini stroke was a warning of sorts. After it was over, people would return to normal, knowing they were at risk for a major stroke. But the latest research shows there may be lasting damage.

"There are worries, and there are many people researching, that there is a permanent damage, microscopically, there can be permanent changes on scans," says Dr. Levine.

In addition to changes found in brain scans, studies done on mini stroke survivors suggest their life expectancy may be shortened. Five years after their TIA, survival rate was 13% lower than the general population. By nine years, the survival rate was 20% lower than expected.

"When you look scientifically, and you look as far down as the microscopic level, and then as far down at the electron microscopic level, there are models of transient ischemic spells with permanent changes," says Dr. Levine.
People with a history of stroke or TIAs could benefit from Frank's example in adopting a healthy lifestyle.

Lee Memorial Health System in Fort Myers, FL is the largest network of medical care facilities in Southwest Florida and is highly respected for its expertise, innovation and quality of care. For nearly a century, we've been providing our community with everything from primary care treatment to highly specialized care services and robotic assisted surgeries.

Рекомендации по теме

I had a minor stroke at 18.10 years old
I know im Young For Having this
But i Fully Recover In about 3-6 month
I don’t care Because Only Allah Knows How Many Years I Will Live Maybe Today I will Die Or Until i be 100years old
So Don’t Panic Guys
This Stroke is Better Than Other Disease’s


Oh great, thanks for the bad news, like I don't have enough problems.


37 had a stroke…not wanting to hear this


After a mild stroke does a person often feel weakness


Increasing age was associated with an increasing risk of death compared to the matched population. TIA had only minimal effect on patients younger than 50, but significantly reduced life expectancy in those older than 65. Compared to patients younger than 50, relative risk of death for patients 75-84 was 7.77 times higher and 11.02 times higher for those 85 and older.


Can this be a Mini-Stroke ??? Or what else is this?

Sometimes I hear ruptures or what I call grind/crack sound always happening only once when I'm very confused suddenly by something.
This sound like it's coming from inside of my brain. It's definitely NOT coming from jaw or neck or ligaments.
This sudden confusion is result of my thoughts process dynamic plot twist.
I just think a lot and sometimes my brain is surprised by what thought.
(I kinda explain this to myself this way)

It happened a lot of times, I could guess like x19 times.
It started happening reguraly from about 8 months ago.

BUT... Very First Time it was 14months ago, I remember that day I thought I was gonner because something was about to explode in my brain.
I felt it very intensly, at top-back of my brain.
I couldnt go to sleep because I was almost certain if I'll fall asleep it will rupture on itself.
This was my very first day in life I though for serious I'll die as soon as I'll fall asleep.
I knew I need somewhat disperse this something in my head, like meditation, relaxation or brain control.
Someway I managed to calm this feeling and fall asleep.

I'm 21yo male, healthy lifestyle + sport, introvert.
NO alcohol, drugs, smoking. NO agressive activities.
Mostly calm and nervous (Susceptible for nerves shivers, also bc of this I have troubles with hearth arythmia)

Also recently I've experienced nerve-wracking pain mostly on eyes for 3 months, later for few weeks my tooths and jaweline were affected by this nerve-pain, and recently it wanted to move onto my right ear, but I kinda managed to disperse this nerve-tension.

Recently I got Brain MRI, waiting for scan interpretation. 4 weeks from now.
I have something on top of my brain, not in the same place I was feeling "almost-stroke" state.
It looks wildly, kinda like entangled plant roots. Yeah, I know there are veins between skull and brain, but this doesnt look like ordinary veins.
I could tell that I'm growing second brain, bc it kinda looks like developing neural mass. And I know that I'm experimenting with perception & imagination, so... you never know...

Also when I'm trying to chill out I'm trying to leave my body, stop feeling excess body sensory stimulus, one time when I was really feeling almost muted from my body sensory I felt like for one-tenth of second everything very fast was collapsing into my brain, and I could state that this comparable with how I would imagine brain shutdown, which means medically coma.
But feeling this I immediately stopped meditation and cease this activity of so called 'soul-collapse', bc I felt like my mind make me feel it's dangerous for my life.


How I feel from what an 19 from drugs....fuck my life the docs sent me home


I had a mini stroke after an angiogram to ases my AVM after my radiation treatment. Will I live long?


This is nonsense. Considering the elderly are usually affected by mini strokes, their life expectancy might anyway not be another 20 or 30 years. And there are plenty of youngsters in their twenties getting TIA''s, yes they will most likely grow old and turn 70+. Ignore this video.


Terrible video. Only to scare people.
