Rise of Nationalism in EUROPE Easiest One Shot Lecture | Class 10 History SST 2022-23 | Padhle

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Rise of Nationalism in EUROPE Easiest One Shot Lecture | Class 10 History SST 2022-23 | Padhle
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When France sneezing 🤧 syllabus increase and china sneezing 🤧 syllabus decrease


2:51 Start
4:11 French Revolution
7:50 Rise of Napoleon
14:06 Making of Nationalism
22:58 Zollverein
23:55 Conservativism in 19th CE
25:49 Fall of Napoleon
29:17 Revolutionaries
33:26 Age of Revolutions
37:50 Romanticism
42:12 Hunger Hardship
49:25 Making of Germany
51:46 Making of Italy
56:02 Case of Britain
1:00:12 Visualising the Nation
1:03:24 Case of Balkan
1:04:53 Anti Imperial Movements
1:06:19 Some Important Dates
I hope this
All the Best 🙂


Whoever is reading this will score 100% in all subjects is boards♾️


Important dates of history chapter 1
Rise of nationalism in europe

1848: Frederic Sorrieu a French artist prepared a series of four paintings visualising his dream of a world made up of democratic and socialist republics.

1789: the French Revolution

1833: emergent travelling in 1833 from Hamburg to Nuremberg to sell his goods would have to had to pass through 11 customs barriers and pay a custom duty of about 5% at each one of them

1834: a customs Union of Zollverein was formed

1815: Napoleon was defeated

1815: the representatives of the European powers like Britain Russia prussia and Austria who had collectively defeated Napoleon made at Vienna to draw up a settlement for Europe

1815: Vienna Convention

1807: Giuseppe Muzziniwas born.

1830: the first upheaval took place in France in July 1830

1821: the struggle of the greeks for their Independence began.

1824: English poet Lord Byron died in 1824

Treaty of Constantinople: 1832

1848: Paris was in a great trouble

After the year 1848: the autocratic monarchies of Central and Eastern Europe began to introduce changes that had already taken place in western Europe before 1815

1867: the habsburg rulers granted more autonomy to the Hungarian

1871: the prussian king William 1 was proclaimed German emperor

1831 and 1848: the failure of Revolutionary Uprising

1859: sardinia and piedmont succeeded defeating the Austrian forces

1861: Victor Emmanuel II was proclaimed the king of United Italy.

1707: the act of union between England and Scotland


*_Rise of nationalism in europe_*

*_1848: Frederic Sorrieu a French artist prepared a series of four paintings visualising his dream of a world made up of democratic and socialist republics._*

*_1789: the French Revolution_*

*_1833: emergent travelling in 1833 from Hamburg to Nuremberg to sell his goods would have to had to pass through 11 customs barriers and pay a custom duty of about 5% at each one of them_*

*_1834: a customs Union of Zollverein was formed_*

*_1815: Napoleon was defeated_*

*_1815: the representatives of the European powers like Britain Russia prussia and Austria who had collectively defeated Napoleon made at Vienna to draw up a settlement for Europe_*

*_1815: Vienna Convention_*

*_1807: Giuseppe Muzziniwas born._*

*_1830: the first upheaval took place in France in July 1830_*

*_1821: the struggle of the greeks for their Independence began._*

*_1824: English poet Lord Byron died in 1824_*

*_Treaty of Constantinople: 1832_*

*_1848: Paris was in a great trouble_*

*_After the year 1848: the autocratic monarchies of Central and Eastern Europe began to introduce changes that had already taken place in western Europe before 1815_*

*_1867: the habsburg rulers granted more autonomy to the Hungarian_*

*_1871: the prussian king William 1 was proclaimed German emperor_*

*_1831 and 1848: the failure of Revolutionary Uprising_*

*_1859: sardinia and piedmont succeeded defeating the Austrian forces_*

*_1861: Victor Emmanuel II was proclaimed the king of United Italy_*

*_1707: the act of union between England and Scotland_*___*Rise of nationalism in europe*_

*_1848: Frederic Sorrieu a French artist prepared a series of four paintings visualising his dream of a world made up of democratic and socialist republics._*

*_1789: the French Revolution_*

*_1833: emergent travelling in 1833 from Hamburg to Nuremberg to sell his goods would have to had to pass through 11 customs barriers and pay a custom duty of about 5% at each one of them_*

*_1834: a customs Union of Zollverein was formed_*

*_1815: Napoleon was defeated_*

*_1815: the representatives of the European powers like Britain Russia prussia and Austria who had collectively defeated Napoleon made at Vienna to draw up a settlement for Europe_*

*_1815: Vienna Convention_*

*_1807: Giuseppe Muzziniwas born._*

*_1830: the first upheaval took place in France in July 1830_*

*_1821: the struggle of the greeks for their Independence began._*

*_1824: English poet Lord Byron died in 1824_*

*_Treaty of Constantinople: 1832_*

*_1848: Paris was in a great trouble_*

*_After the year 1848: the autocratic monarchies of Central and Eastern Europe began to introduce changes that had already taken place in western Europe before 1815_*

*_1867: the habsburg rulers granted more autonomy to the Hungarian_*

*_1871: the prussian king William 1 was proclaimed German emperor_*

*_1831 and 1848: the failure of Revolutionary Uprising_*

*_1859: sardinia and piedmont succeeded defeating the Austrian forces_*

*_1861: Victor Emmanuel II was proclaimed the king of United Italy_*

*_1707: the act of union between England and scotland_*


Funfact: when you double tap a comment i gets liked...😅
Another funfact: I liked my own comment..


Happy to see prany bhaiya in 10th after studying from him in 9th 😊


Lovely Explanation brother ❤ keeping going 🔥🔥🔥


Pranay Bhaiya,
Ik I'm very late for writing this message but this video just came in my recommendation so I got reminded to write you a thank you note.

Bhaiya thank you very very veryyyy much for all your amazing videos. Just because of you I scored 99 in my sst paper... I cannot thank you enough, no one and i literally mean NO ONE can ever teach like you did. Back in February when I was preparing for boards i hadn't touched sst throughout the year coz I hated it. But when there were only 15 days left for sst paper I stumbled across on your channel and I swear to GOD I completed my syllabus, practiced previous year questions, maps and everything!!! My paper went so freaking good that I cried. The thing is, the only person who can make a student finish their syllabus JUST BEFORE boards is YOU!!
4-5 ghante ka one shot dekh kar to koi bhi bachha padh lega but 1 ghanta ya 40-50 mins ke one shots dekh kar itne ache score dilane wale teachers bhot rare hote hai.
Thank you thankyou so much bhaiya... Aap ye note padho ya na padho, aapka ehsan mere upar hamesha rahega... God bless you bhaiya <3

And for juniors who'll be giving boards next year, trust Pranay bhaiya and padhle tenthies blindly. You're on a perfect platform. All the besttt for your boards and I know that you'll rock your 10th the way I did and the way every padhle tenthies student did. Go! It's time to study!!


I hope all students get 95+% in board examination ❤️‍🔥


When boards sneezes, our pressure increases 😅


2:51 Start
4:11 French Revolution
7:50 Rise of Napoleon
14:06 Making of Nationalism
22:58 Zollverein
23:55 Conservativism in 19th CE
25:49 Fall of Napoleon
29:17 Revolutionaries
33:26 Age of Revolutions
37:50 Romanticism
42:12 Hunger Hardship
49:25 Making of Germany
51:46 Making of Italy
56:02 Case of Britain
1:00:12 Visualising the Nation
1:03:24 Case of Balkan
1:04:53 Anti Imperial Movements
1:06:19 Some Important Dates


Hey Everyone, Please Read NCERT because I guess sir accidentally skipped a part of Napoleon Life....He fought a battle in 1813 named Battle of Leipzig...In which he lost a bunch of his on Page 7 bottom right corner


2:51 Start
4:11 French Revolution
7:50 Rise of Napoleon
14:06 Making of Nationalism
22:58 Zollverein
23:55 Conservativism in 19th CE
25:49 Fall of Napoleon
29:17 Revolutionaries
33:26 Age of Revolutions
37:50 Romanticism
42:12 Hunger Hardship
49:25 Making of Germany
51:46 Making of Italy
56:02 Case of Britain
1:00:12 Visualising the Nation
1:03:24 Case of Balkan
1:04:53 Anti Imperial Movements
1:06:19 Some Important Dates
I hope this 🤩🤩🤩
All the Best 😎😎😎😎


Revising syllabus with him so to be sure for exams
He is a legend himself


1848: Frederic Sorrieu a French artist prepared a series of four paintings visualising his dream of a world made up of democratic and socialist republics.

1789: the French Revolution

1833: emergent travelling in 1833 from Hamburg to Nuremberg to sell his goods would have to had to pass through 11 customs barriers and pay a custom duty of about 5% at each one of them

1834: a customs Union of Zollverein was formed

1815: Napoleon was defeated

1815: the representatives of the European powers like Britain Russia prussia and Austria who had collectively defeated Napoleon made at Vienna to draw up a settlement for Europe

1815: Vienna Convention

1807: Giuseppe Muzziniwas born.

1830: the first upheaval took place in France in July 1830

1821: the struggle of the greeks for their Independence began.

1824: English poet Lord Byron died in 1824

Treaty of Constantinople: 1832

1848: Paris was in a great trouble

After the year 1848: the autocratic monarchies of Central and Eastern Europe began to introduce changes that had already taken place in western Europe before 1815

1867: the habsburg rulers granted more autonomy to the Hungarian

1871: the prussian king William 1 was proclaimed German emperor

1831 and 1848: the failure of Revolutionary Uprising

1859: sardinia and piedmont succeeded defeating the Austrian forces

1861: Victor Emmanuel II was proclaimed the king of United Italy.

1707: the act of union between England and Scotland


2:51 Start
4:11 French Revolution
7:50 Rise of Napoleon
14:06 Making of Nationalism
22:58 Zollverein
23:55 Conservativism in 19th CE
25:49 Fall of Napoleon
29:17 Revolutionaries
33:26 Age of Revolutions
37:50 Romanticism
42:12 Hunger Hardship
49:25 Making of Germany
51:46 Making of Italy
56:02 Case of Britain
1:00:12 Visualising the Nation
1:03:24 Case of Balkan
1:04:53 Anti Imperial Movements
1:06:19 Some Important Dates
I hope this


Friends I Have to tell you something
"If you havent done anything in the whole Year, no matters just try to de your best in 2 months you can achive a good percentage. And don't be depressed guys don't let people's ruin your fuc#ing dreams...


4:11 French Revolution
7:50 Rise of Napoleon
14:06 Making of Nationalism
22:58 Zollverein
23:55 Conservativism in 19th CE
25:49 Fall of Napoleon
29:17 Revolutionaries
33:26 Age of Revolutions
37:50 Romanticism
42:12 Hunger Hardship
49:25 Making of Germany
51:46 Making of Italy
56:02 Case of Britain
1:00:12 Visualising the Nation
1:03:24 Case of Balkan
1:04:53 Anti Imperial Movements
1:06:19 Some Important Dates


Bhai I'm currently in 11th and I still remember how u helped me during boards. I can't thank u enough, I've no clue how without u would've done in social board exam. Seriously thank u so much.
