Legal expert breaks down Alec Baldwin's upcoming 'Rust' trial

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White collar defense attorney Mark Sedlander says the involuntary manslaughter charge against Alec Baldwin is unusual as workplace accidents – like the fatal shooting of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins – are usually civil cases, not cases tried in criminal court. (July 5)

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i thought everyone heard the armorer tell him it was a "cold gun" ...


Guns don't fire by themselves, Baldwin better admit that he pulled the trigger and did not know the amunition was live before he's put in the can


I heard today, his defense saying he had no way of knowing there was a live round in the gun. That means he had no way of knowing that there was NOT a live round in it either. So pointing and then pulling the trigger of a gun that you are not sure is loaded with a live round is what?


I don't think Alec is guilty here.
This was purely an accident.
I'm not a fan of Alec's politics but hes a great actor. This was an accident😢


Only reason he's on trial is because he made fun of the orange man. The armorer is the one responsible for weapons on the set. Just because he has a producer credit doesn't mean a thing.


He should dress up and do his Trump skit in court.


Alec Baldwin is not guilty even if you MAGA people wish he were. Dave Halls pleaded to gun charge. He admitted that he made a mistake. The gun was supposed to be checked by him after the girls. That was not Alec Baldwin’s job. Actors do not have the duty to check the gun. The judge struck out the excuse that Alec was a co-producer. Alec will be acquitted. He should be. What happened to Halyna Hutchins was a tragedy for her and her family and for Alec Baldwin in a different way. He didn’t deserve this. It makes people wonder if he had been framed.
