Religious conflicts in India | Wikipedia audio article

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Religious conflicts in India

00:01:49 1 Ancient India
00:04:17 2 Medieval India
00:07:06 2.1 Hindu, Buddhist and Jain kingdoms (642–1520)
00:09:16 2.2 Muhammad bin Qasim (early 8th century)
00:10:10 2.3 Minor dynasties (late 8th through 10th century)
00:13:03 2.4 Mahmud of Ghazni (11th century)
00:15:46 2.5 Mohammed Ghori (1173–1206)
00:16:11 2.6 Delhi Sultanate
00:16:31 2.6.1 Qutb-ud-din Aibak (1206–1210)
00:17:05 2.6.2 Alauddin Khalji (1296–1316)
00:20:13 2.6.3 Tughlaq Dynasty (1321–1394)
00:22:55 2.6.4 Timur's massacre of Delhi (1398)
00:24:37 2.6.5 Sikandar the Iconoclast (1399–1416)
00:25:46 2.6.6 Sayyid dynasty (1414–1451)
00:27:10 2.6.7 Lodi dynasty (1451–1526)
00:28:29 2.7 Mughal Empire
00:34:39 2.8 Maratha Empire
00:35:43 2.9 Sikh Empire
00:36:34 3 Colonial Era
00:36:43 3.1 Goa Inquisition (1560–1774)
00:37:59 3.2 Tipu Sultan (1782–1799)
00:45:05 3.3 Indian Rebellion of 1857
00:46:32 3.4 Partition of Bengal (1905)
00:48:03 3.5 Moplah Rebellion (1921)
00:49:45 3.6 Partition of British India (1947)
00:51:08 4 Modern India
00:52:09 4.1 Gujarat communal riots (1969)
00:52:59 4.2 Anti-Sikh Riots (1984)
00:55:42 4.3 Exodus of Kashmiri Hindus
00:57:07 4.4 Religious involvement in North-East India Militancy
00:58:07 4.5 Anti-Hindu violence
01:01:29 4.6 Violence against Muslims
01:04:35 4.7 Anti-Christian violence
01:06:47 4.8 Anti-atheist violence
01:06:56 5 Statistics
01:09:35 6 International human rights reports
01:11:07 7 In film and literature

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Religious violence in India includes acts of violence by followers of one religious group against followers and institutions of another religious group, often in the form of rioting. Religious violence in India, especially in recent times, has generally involved Hindus and Muslims, although incidents of violence have also involved atheists, Christians and Sikhs. There is also a history of Muslim-Parsi riots (List of riots in Mumbai).Despite the secular and religiously tolerant constitution of India, broad religious representation in various aspects of society including the government, the active role played by autonomous bodies such as National Human Rights Commission of India and National Commission for Minorities, and the ground-level work being done by non-governmental organisations, sporadic and sometimes serious acts of religious violence tend to occur as the root causes of religious violence often run deep in history, religious activities, and politics of India.Along with domestic organizations, international human rights organisations such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch publish reports on acts of religious violence in India. Over 2005 to 2009 period, an average of 130 people died every year from communal violence, or about 0.01 deaths per 100,000 population. The state of Maharashtra reported the highest total number of religious violence related fatalities over that five-year period, while Madhya Pradesh experienced the highest fatality rate per year per 100,000 population between 2005 and 2009. Over 2012, a total of 97 people died across India from various riots related to religious violence. The world's average annual death rate from intentional violence, in recent years, has been 7.9 per 100,000 people.
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