How to play the Grob Attack | Chess Opening | IM Andrey Ostrovskiy

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In this video, IM Andrey Ostrovskiy is sharing with you some of the major ideas and plans in the Grob Attack. The Grob Attack is a popular opening for blitz games and for players who don't want to avoid the strict theory. The Grob Attack starts with white's first move 1.g4 and based on that move several interesting variations can arise that will be analysed for both sides in the different lines.

Make sure to watch the video to the end where an interesting exercise is waiting for you!

22:12 - Exercise

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I just stumbled with this channel and I can say it’s the most underrated chess channel in all of YouTube.

Excellent quality, well scripted, nicely edited and of course, great camera positioning with great content.

If you had Patreon, I am sure most of us would consider helping out as we can!


Perhaps this opening is a good opportunity to independently expand your knowledge without having to memorize previously analyzed positions.
Thanks a lot for this!


g4 serves two valuable purposes; First, it is a poisonous red herring for those that except the gambit, when deploying the Grob Gambit. And second, it inhibits the development of blacks Kings Knight to its natural post of Nf6.


Excelent quality. Well scripted and great camera positioning. Hello from Brazil.


Thank you for the video, your teaching is awesome. Do you think you would ever do a video on the move b4? It is a move I have no idea how to play against


white be like "ha, prevented ur 1... f5 🧐" 😂


This is amazing I lost 4 games to 2000 points rating oponent but I won with a grob once


I love this attack! Don't win a lot with it, but the games are open, exciting, and every so often... black blunders a rook or worse!!


Interestingly, the idea I saw in the exercise was that black really wants to play c6 ASAP, which is what led me to a3, with white having no real immediate way to punish Na6. Did I miss something critical in this position, or after Na6 does white simply have to play g6 right away or lose the initiative? The big thing about Na6 of course is that it does not prevent black from playing c6, so that is still a threat. Am I out to lunch? good vid btw.


seems an interesting opening to try on blitz games (and get rekt lol). i also like the channels which puts the timestamps on their videos ✌️

edit: just tried it on a game, opponent didn't understand what i'm doing (so do i) just kept attacking and won finally. it was fun and fresh really, thanks for bringing this one to us


Great opening. Positions are dynamic, fresh and exciting. Very unbalanced. A mess that is not analyzed a lot if black takrs the pawn. After a decade of playing chess with boring classical openings this brings new life. Also helps winning games. A lot of players blunder in these less known positions.
