AMERICA is better than CANADA | 5 Ways We All Know This To Be True, Stop Lying To Yourselves

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Is Canada a better place to live than the USA? Another statement that may shock some of you: AMERICA is better than CANADA! Sorry! In this video, I go over 5 reasons why America is a better place to live in than Canada. As a Canadian who has been living in the United States of America for years now, I can say this with complete confidence. Are you thinking of moving to either one of these countries? Or have you ever wondered what living in either of these countries is like? If you have, you should WATCH THIS VIDEO. You might be surprised with what I have to say. The points I make are based upon my personal experience and research I have done on the subject.

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I’m Canadian but I understand why Canada’s population is much lower then the U.S. if you go to the U.S, there is so much more to do, weather in some parts of the U.S has much better weather and you probably have more options for work then Canada. I personally just think that our current prime minister is destroying Canada and doesn’t care about Canadians like he claims to be, he supports the rich, even if they aren’t from Canada. The homes in the U.S are cheaper to buy or more affordable then homes in Canada and that’s thanks to Justin Trudeau. In Canada you have to drive a long ways and usually hours just to get to a popular destination. Most immigrants would prefer to migrate to the U.S over Canada. I don’t know what taxes are like in the U.S. ur in Canada, you are taxed on everything and if you make over 30k/yr, you are placed in a higher tax bracket, not sure if this is the same in the U.S?, you look at the population of Canada, 38 million and then there’s the U.S, 300 million, so therefore, you have more or a lot more options in the U.S.


A junior IT Admin in the USA earns way more money than a CTO in Canada. There just isn't much money in Canada.


I live in B.C and resent the high cost of living and high cost of vices, gasoline, commodities, and consumer goods. My money would go so much farther in the US


This "Canadians are nicer" phrase never made any sense as an American who also grew up in Canada. Americans are also nice to me too lol, including in the "meanest city" aka New York (NYers are actually nice ppl). I've seen mean people in Canada, and I'm talking about people who are actually from Canada.


I am a Canadian and think the job market in USA is much better than in nephew has a Masters degree from Harvard and could not find a job in Toronto. He went to Boston and got several offers in the first week...


As a Canadian, I used to live in the US, but had to come back to Canada with my American wife due to job loss. Stupidly I failed to secure the waiver even though I applied for a green card, so I had a 10 year bar. Needless as that is, US had more rights, I found that coming back to Canada I was severely limited based on opportunity. Don't get me started on the weather, even though yes the trees and mountains are great but shit it's f'n expensive here, especially in Vancouver. Hopefully I can move back. I lost a lot by moving back to Canada, from my gun collections, from the overall location and the ease of moving to any climate, more opportunity to make it in business. Yeah sure in Canada we have socialized medicine, but who cares.


I'm Canadian born and raised and have lived in the states for the past 6 years and can attest to everything your'e saying in this video! As much as I miss my family and friends back home I would find it hard to re- adjust to the many inconveniences of living in Canada. From a social stand point Canada does offer it's citizens many benefits but I far more enjoy my lifestyle in the U.S. than Canada. I feel many Canadians like to sh*t! on the U.S. because there is a little sense of jealousy when the two are compared but that's a whole other story.


What's tough in Canada is the lack of sunlight in winter! I'm depressed every winter....


Yep, and in addition to all that cool stuff in the US, if you want cold mountains and snow they have Alaska, Montana, Utah, Colorado, Wyoming .the country has it all.


Appreciate this video so much. US bashing has become en vogue. We're an easy target, the eyes of the world are always on us and with 330 million people we're bound to have our share of problems. It's refreshing to see someone freely admit that no place is perfect and if the USA is so bad, why are so many people beating down the doors to get here.


How can a canadian citizen move to US? Please make a video on the way you moved to US! How did you get your green card?


This world is not black and white as most would like to see it. It is more complex! Everything in this video is based on your personal experience as a healthy young IT guy living and working in the US, and, therefore, is biased (and there should have been a disclaimer about it at the beginning of video!). However, not everyone is the same. The question of what is better for a person should be based on each person's individual circumstance. While I agree to a few things mentioned in this video to some extent, I find it too generic to be true for everyone. Let's start: 1) Salaries are generally higher for people in private sector in the US versus Canada. But, Public servants in Canada (such as teachers, policemen, firefighters, etc.) have much higher salaries in Canada than in the US (a policeman gets US $100, 000 in Canada with much more social benefit package (sickness, more vacations, etc.) than in the USA ($60, 000 with much less social benefits);
2) Why do you keep mentioning the most northern parts of Canada (and yes we know tundra, arctic, etc.) while less than 0.01% of population of Canada lives there)? It doesn't make sense! First of all, climates in Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver (where most live) are quite comparable to prominent and major European cities (Berlin, Frankfurt to Toronto; and London, UK, to Vancouver; and Moscow to Montreal, etc.).I don't recall people complaining being miserable there because of the weather! The most southern parts of Canada with mild winters are quite large enough to accommodate the whole population of India (1.5 billion people while currently its only 38 million people) and Canada holds 60% of planet's drinking water supply! With global warming, Canada is heating up much faster than the rest of the world and its northern parts are becoming warmer year by year. Someday they will be habitable too (it is a matter of time!);
3) Canada may have harsh winters in some parts of the country but its generally is free of deadly animals, natural disasters (such as earthquakes (California), hurricanes (Florida), tornados, etc.);
4) Taxes (income tax, and sales tax, etc.) in Ontario and Quebec are comparable to California and New York (yes the states with highest tax rates), while taxes in Alberta (Canadian provinces with lowest taxes - HST 5% only, and low income taxes) are low enough to be comparable to Texas!;
5) Social benefits in Canada are one of the best in the world: Canada pays around $3, 000 for each new born baby, while the US pays nothing. Canada also by law provides one-year paid (75% of salary) maternity leave for Both Parents, while in the US there is no such requirement on employers and most people don't get anything. Canada also pays much higher social benefits per each child in unemployed families ($500 per child every month), while in the US people don't get anything. There are much more and much higher other benefits for socially vulnerable groups in Canada versus the USA: the physically disabled, the deaf, the blind, HIV positive people, etc.;
There is a compulsory (by-law) paid two-week (Ontario, BC, Quebec) or three-week (Alberta) vacation for employees in Canada, while there is none in the US (yes, some "high-profile companies" in the US voluntarily choose to provide a two-week vacation for their employees, but certainly others are left behind the board and do not have any paid vacation in a year).
6) Education system in public schools in the US is much weaker compared to Canada, let alone so called "ethnic" public schools in "ghettos" in the US where they seem to have "airport-style" security system at the entrance of such schools where they check students for guns, drugs, etc. Generally, Canadian public schools are much safer and free of charge and provide much higher education! While some private schools in the US are good, they are unjustifiably and unaffordably expensive while education standards in those US public schools are quite comparable to that in free public schools in Canada!;
7) Safety in Canada is much higher everywhere: guns are not allowed, no "ghettos" and "no-go-zones" as such.;
8) Healthcare in Canada is free for everyone (yes, its free for the most poor and homeless too who don't pay anything for it and who don't pay any taxes too). Healthcare in the US is a complex corrupted system of insurance companies, medical institutions, government agencies, etc. (so called bargaining of medical bills between the medical institution and the patient is also common as if you were in some bazaar in the Middle East). So called "private insurances" in the US often have so called "deductibles of $5, 000 or even more and will not work until you pay $5, 000 and only then become effective to cover the rest).;
9) Canada is generally much more tolerant towards "the other": LGBTQ, immigrants, people of color (black people, brown people) etc. than the United States. Canadians are much more accepting to immigrants, refugees, gay people, Muslims, etc. Police brutality is a real thing in the US especially towards ethnic minorities. It's much easier to immigrate to Canada than to the USA through immigration programs.

All in all, Canada seems a better place for middle class people with families or immigrants (population: 10% poor, 80% middle class, 10% super-rich), while the US is indeed a better place for superrich (population: 30% poor, 40% middle class, 30% superrich). By disregarding the above facts, you are simply unfairly belittling as you called "true glory" of Canada. And yes, believe it or not Canada can shine quite proudly before the USA when it comes to social benefits, safety, social progressiveness and tolerance! Believe it or not there are many who would choose Canada over the US!


I'm American, but I lived in Canada for a couple of years. To add to what you said, Canada is a big ripoff in terms of housing prices and the prices of commodities. Online shopping is like shopping online in America in 2003. People in America are friendlier, funnier, and more innovative. Technology is on an entirely different level (Google, Microsoft, Apple, etc.). If you live in or around Quebec, the second most important province, there is the constant threat of separation and ethnic politics. I'm not sure why Canada is often cited as a better than America as a place to live. The only correction I'd make is that there are several continental American places that are colder than Canada's warmest parts. Minnesota, North Dakota, Maine, etc. are colder than southern Ontario or Vancouver, but they are on our periphery and are far more realistic in terms of housing prices and cost of living for the common person.


Canadian work environment is dominated by manipulative unions and all the political parties seem to support them. Canadian system support manipulation and sharing the pie. Canada discourage competition and discourage achievement. Canada tells everybody, "You can work hard and try to be an achiever, but you are not going to get many rewards for your efforts. Canada has huge potential, but it do not reward people who put in the effort, it rewards only the unions. Canada is a very frustrating place in short.


I am an American living overseas. It seems that in recent years so much bad news has come out of Canada especially regarding politics and political rights. That seems to have spawned so many videos of people in Canada complaining about the country and wanting to leave. In reaction Canadians loyal to their country are jumping in to defend Canada. I have learned something from their defenses. They can shoot off a post with a list of what is wrong with America. It is like they have memorized 15 or 30 reasons America is so bad. What is going on? Do y'all take classes up there about what is wrong with America and in order to pass you have to recite from memory all those wrongs.
If you ask an American what is wrong with Canada they would probably say a few things like it's too cold or it's boring. Because of my situation I am more aware of Canada's serious and scarey problems up there. Yet we are not so obsessed with your problems. But Canadians are obviously so obsessed with America's problems that they can whip out a list of 15 things wrong with America in 30 seconds flat.
When someone can be so fast in listing another person's faults so quickly like that it tells me one thing. They're jealous!


I love hearing positives things about US because lately all I see on YouTube is how we're 3rd world compare to Canada Australia and much of Europe


I dont know if I missed it but housing to me sticks out the most. As an American I am astonished at the housing and rent prices in Canada, even outside of Vancouver and Toronto.


You convinced me. Half of Canada is covered in snow and ice. I hate cold weather. Thank you.


I guess if you've got a good job and make a decent living america seems like a more fun place to live because you have way more options were you wanna live and how to live your life


1. Weather
2. More cities
3. More things to do
4. More diverse
5. Fast food
6. More opportunities
7. Sports
8. Rights
9. More diverse cousins
10. Cheaper housing
11. Military
12. more diverse landscaping
13. Money has more value
14. Better taxes
15. Chick-fil-A
