GYSS 2023 Panel Discussion - Revolutionary Tools for Science

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The most anticipated event on Day 1 of the GYSS 2023 was the panel discussion on "Revolutionary Tools for Science". Moderated by Dr Gisbert Schneider from the Singapore-ETH Centre (SEC), the panellists comprise Prof Aaron Ciechanover (Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2004), Prof Didier Queloz (Nobel Prize in Physics 2019), and Sir Konstantin Novoselov (Nobel Prize in Physics 2010).

“Breakthroughs are going to happen, and they’re going to happen in the human mind,” said Sir Konstantin Novoselov, when asked about the possibility of more convenient tools stifling creativity and critical thinking.

In an engaging panel discussion, Nobel Laureates Professor Aaron Ciechanover, Professor Didier Queloz and Sir Novoselov shared their insights on new methods and tools that help drive scientific breakthroughs. Moderated by Professor Gisbert Schneider from the Singapore-ETH Centre, the panel touched on advances across fields from optical fibres to artificial intelligence.

While the panellists—each from different fields and generations —had unique experiences with technology informing their research, they were united in stressing the power of the brain combined with a passion for science.

“True discovery comes from nowhere specific and shouldn’t depend on money,” said Professor Queloz. “Money helps, but a long history of discovery shows it isn’t always necessary.”
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