Who Was Lilith: The Woman Before Eve.

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Hello everyone, In The new video of today we review The Origins of Lilith: Adam's FIRST Wife.

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how can they blatantly say that Lillith is in Genesis. NO, she is not mentioned there, and Adam only had one wife, in the Bible. No others.


Eve was the first woman. Lilith is a mythological character. It's best to keep the distinction between mythology and scripture.


The most corrupt, false and demonic story ever


i like the comment "it's best to keep the distinction between mythology and luck with that concept


How can l get the historical book please?


If they were blind to nakedness what did they tease each other about. Also, what caused a struggle for equality?


Lilith was 3rd wife of Adam, also erased from history, I can also make up lies,


Technically, Lilith isn't in the Bible. This is basically folklore. Eve, and only Eve, was Adam's wife.


People please read and undestand, Genesis 1:26, Genesis 2:21 let us make man in our own image and let them have dominion, verse 27 is very profound for those who can see beyond the narrative to include verse 28, so why did the scriture repetes itself away from Genesis 1:26 would not this be a duplication of the narrative. Verse 26 of Gen 1 there was no sleep involved, and why was he sent the Adam to choose from the beast of the field, read, please read !, there are two actions one he created, the other formes, and if we are aware of biology we can see why, the evidence is immediately before us.


If we are to count lillith as the first woman, then what happen to the first male? if adam was created on the second time then were is the first?


This story makes a lot of sense.
Stop reducing God to your little icon in the mind. How can He create a man alone when he created animals (male and female). Then he tells Adam to look for a companion from animals which he couldn't fine. Lastly, the all knowing God remembers that, "it is not good for the man to be alone, I'll make an helpmate suitable to him." Then Adam says, "Now this is bone of my bone fresh of my fresh, she will be called woman because she was taken from man." This statement means that the first woman was not taken from man. No wonder he said Now this is bone of my bone.


Litlith is not the firt wife of Adam. Genesis chapter 1 is not chronological to Genesis chapter 2. This is your mistake. Chapter 2 is the details of chapter 1 and how He created Eve. Learn your bible my friend. By the way the bible is not written as a chronological story. Isaiah tells us God's instruction manual and how to read interpret and understand scripture and context. Liliih is a Nephilim giant of old who drowned in the flood and became a demon left to roam the earth according to Enoch until their judgement. Enoch chapter 10, 15 and 16. You've been handed Jewish fables.

Titus 1:14Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.

Isaiah 28:9Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.

10For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:


The cuneform text/ tablets was way before the bible.


Genesis 3:20
And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.

Eve is Adam's first wife.


the femenist movement aproves of this hard to read the bible nowadays since so much changed with the please forgive us for misinterpreting your word, guide us and the leaders of the church to preach the correct interprataion....in Jesus name I pray....Amen


that would not have put Adam to sleep take a rib and then sew him up that would be an advanced being but God would have done it through Magic and God would have known that it wasn't good for his creation to be alone he wouldn't have to wait and see and learn


It's good we stay within the boundaries and provisions of Scriptures: any attempt to get knowledge concerning matters as this elsewhere could lead one astray and into doctrines of demons...!


The word then, is a continuation of an action or events hence the two acts of cteation.


This is the second time I have watched this site...first was lies about how Isaih died....suggest to all believers that they knock this site on it's head....it's not steeped in the Bible.


That's ridiculous, ..fantasy and falsehood.
