EDITED: Ford Wants You To Pay $800 A Year For BlueCruise. It's Cheaper Than Tesla's FSD, But...

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Please note: this is a re-upload with added note at the start. - and sadly Nikki forgot to change the video length (so the end credits are not in this video - sorry)

[Editorial note: In preparing this video we reached out to Ford for clarification on its new subscription model, and were issued the following statement

"On May 2, we announced that BlueCruise would be available as a stand-alone option on Mustang Mach-E, helping to lower the initial purchase price of the vehicle and giving customers the choice of when and how to activate the technology. Customers can consider including a 3-year subscription for $2,100 as part of their vehicle purchase price or choose to make the decision later by activating a 90-day trial to experience BlueCruise before deciding to purchase a subscription. BlueCruise renewal pricing was also updated to an annual rate of $800 or a monthly rate of $75.

These options are designed to help more people experience BlueCruise hands-free driving.

Ford recently released BlueCruise 1.2 which builds on previous hands-free capabilities with Lane Change Assist which allows the driver to safely switch lanes when the driver taps the turn signal and In-Lane Repositioning ability which helps keep the vehicle in its lane while subtly shifting position away from vehicles in adjacent lanes – especially helpful when next to bigger vehicles such as semis. Also, Predictive Speed Assist, which automatically adjusts the speed as drivers approach a sharp curve. BlueCruise 1.2 is available from the factory on the 2023 Mustang Mach-E and will come soon to later models through an over-the-air-update (OTA). "]
Semi-autonomous driver assistance systems are becoming must-haves for many new electric cars coming to market. Many come from the factory with free trials of such systems, be they Tesla Autopilot FSD, GM's SuperCruise or Ford's BlueCruise to name a few.

But this week, we learned Ford, which has included BlueCruise with its EVs to date for three years from the point of purchase, has changed its policies moving forward. Now, Ford's semi-autonomous driver assistance system will cost $75 a month, or $800 a year, after the initial trial period is over.

But would you pay for this system? Or any system like it? Or is there a more affordable alternative?

Today, we delve in deep, and explain why we think advanced driver assistance systems shouldn't be subscription services.

00:00 - Editorial correction.
04:29 - Introduction
07:10 - Ford's BlueCruise, Tesla's Autopilot FSD, and Other Creatures
08:44 - Co-operative Driving
10:45 - Not just convenience, but safety features too
12:02 - Why automakers are trying to recoup their costs
13:36 - Objections to subscriptions
16:23 - Open PIlot (OPGM) on a Comma 3
17:04 - Comma (Open Pilot) Vs other systems
19:13 - Retrofit Option - and lower cost
20:08 - Dfferent cars = different capabilities
24:54 - Closing Thoughts


Script, Presenter: Nikki Gordon-Bloomfield
Editor, Colorist: Michael Horton
Art and Animation: Erin Carlie
Producer: Nikki Gordon-Bloomfield
© Transport Evolved LLC, 2023

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I’m very impressed with your edits. Many other YouTube channels don’t bother to correct errors and make clarifications. Thanks for taking the time. In addition, I found the introductory edit to be a very succinct comparison of the Tesla, Ford and Cruise offerings. Good work!


The level of integrity of the TE team is a rare thing these days.


Really respect and appreciate the genuine and thorough correction. Thank you Nikki and TE Team!


I can only sit here in awe of your thoroughness and integrity. Mahalo for this clarification.


I work for a software company that sells software as a service for a re-occurring fee. IMO, if the company is doing real time updates and improvements to the car after the purchase then a subscription model makes sense. If they are charging for something like heated seats then I think it is ridiculous.


I've never been a fan of subscriptions, so the slow move by corporations toward subscriptions is saving me money since I won't purchase those and I find I need those items less than I thought.


Props to the people that posted good comments on the original video. Props to the TE Team for posting this update.


Having watched a large number of your videos as a subscriber I am not in the least surprised at this thorough display of honesty and integrity.
Thanks for the correction of a minor speed bump on your lengthy highway of sterling and well researched information.
Yes, we are all human and may it ever be so.
Cheers from Ottawa, ON


Such excellent coverage of Open Pilot (OPGM) and Comma driver assist systems. 

I too don't believe in monthly software subscriptions for hardware that was purchased. Might consider if subscription period was 3-5 years long. The problem with subscription models is they need to deliver supplemental value with each renewal period. In the context of a print material like magazines, newspapers, this meant new content delivery. The same is true today of cable TV, or streaming media services. They delivering new content each subscription period.

A subscription that doesn't deliver new content (features) is just a lease, or membership, which has a much lower value proposition. More like a gym membership, which may only be used seasonally.


I really like your take on autonomous driving and subscriptions. I’m with you on all of what I saw in this video. Well done and thank you. ☕️


Love you all. 1 minor error in the edited post, though hopefully not too big an issue. With advance autopilot or FSD, it's not either or there can be co-operation. You can request either version changes lanes simply by putting the blinker on. It'll make turns by itself, no need to handle the wheel during turns our line changes, unless the car requests it to make sure you're paying attention.


I am very impressed with the integrity, grace, and professionalism of this channel, and the willingness to update with more accurate information. Thanks for understanding that we (sometimes irascible) viewers are human as well. I appreciate your channel and your entire team, and what you stand for.

I think these autonomous driving features will make the roads safer and save lives. I understand having to pay a lot for the development of these features in these early times—and I appreciate witnessing the evolution of the technology first-hand. When I bought FSD it was $7k, and now it's more than double that. I wish I had a choice to either sell the feature with the car or transfer it to a newer vehicle I purchase. I think I'd be much more likely to buy a newer Tesla sooner if I could take FSD with me when I do. I appreciate that Tesla and others include some basic autonomous driving functionality as standard, yet offer more advanced features for a cost. Perhaps, when the technology is fully developed, the cost for the advanced features will come down. 

I didn't think I'd use autonomous features as much as I actually do—and will likely rely on it more as it becomes LVL 3 & 4—just don't take away my steering wheel, because I still like to drive those curvy roads.


Good corrections, good video, keep up the hard work.


Thanks for taking the time to make the editorial corrections!


FANTASTIC video! I couldn't agree more that these systems are cost prohibitive on vehicles that are already cost prohibitive to purchase. I do understand and agree with paying for nice-to-haves like park assist, summon, point-to-point on surface streets (FSD Beta), but paying either a subscription or paying up to $15k for them is ludicrous! If I don't want to drive, $15k is a LOT of Ubers. Personally, I think Tesla's inclusion of basic autopilot is a great move. I do think that lane changes and stopping for stoplights should be part of the standard package, though. And, for 99% of people out there, this is all they will ever need or want. For the infinitesimally small percentage of the population who can justify paying for more, more power to em


Thank you as always for your integrity and all of the great videos that you and your team create.


I think I understood majority of what you clarified even from the original video (about the lane assist and ACC), the Tesla part about transfer of ownership is quite important to form the relevant opinion though. Thanks for the update, really appreciated.


IMO these companies should be dinged by the NHTSA for any features like this that arent just included in the price of the vehicle. If we had to pay a subscription fee to use airbags, how many people would pay it? Heck, if there was an extra charge for airbags when you first buy a car, how many people would option them? I dont think these features should be counted towards safety scores at all unless they are just built in and free to use. Period. They shouldnt be allowed to have it both ways... to get a high safety score based on a feature that isnt just standard.


Nicely done Nikki, you're right, of course you're only human. You can only speak what you believe to be the truth after all your research. Very few youtubers would go to the trouble to make such an eloquent retraction and correction. Beautifully done, much respect. 👍👏

Family stuff meant i didnt have the time to come back and check the comments this time so i hope everyone was kind in their helpful comments. I know they really seem to have been ok so far. Got to go before finishing re-watching, sorry. 🙏


140, 000 miles with OP in control, cannot sing its praises enough. Also sunny is a great human who has really pushed the system ahead
