Minority Languages

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Language is the most powerful communication tool we have 🗣️. Through it, we can teach, inform, and reach millions of people with a single message 💬. But with around 6,000 different languages 🌎🌍🌏 being spoken today, how do we ensure we make the right choices 🤔.
Which languages and which minorities? 🌐

At Prime Group, we ensure that the process of recording a voice-over runs smoothly, checking that the voice artists convey the content as it's expected by the local audience 📣. We have the resources to transcreate a script and make it sound closer to the particular presentation style of that community 📝.

#diversityandinclusion #languagelearning #multilingualism #culturaldiversity #minoritylanguages #languageeducation #languageawareness #globalization #inclusion
#voiceovers #translation #multilingualcontent #culturalawareness #languagebarrier
#educationalcontent #targetaudience #customercommunication #nonstandardlanguages #internationalbusiness #linguistics #culturalappreciation #tolerance #voiceoverartist #linguisticdiversity #languagebarriers #globalcommunication #multiculturalism #multilingualmarketing #education #culturalunderstanding

0:00 Intro
0:30 The Importance of #Language: Delivering messages to a larger audience
1:34 #diversity and #Inclusion: Reaching Clients in their #native #language
2:33 The Importance of Educated and #Native #speakers for #MinorityLanguageRecording
2:54 Conclusion

Prime Group, Localizing the Digital Revolution 💥
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