Kitchen revisited...what does the future hold for a very small camper van?

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True confessions time - after over two years of using my minivan as a camper van everything is not perfect. A few things are starting to need to be replaced or upgraded and a few things where just wrong from the start. In this video I will go through some changes I have made and some that are needed and what that means for the future of a very small camper van.

#vanlife #minivancamper
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Can’t wait to watch the new kitchen build!


Is there any chance that you have a set of plans. I have the same van and would very much like to copy your van. You have been so incredible thoughtful and skilled in your build. I’m trying to convince my partner to go camping with me this summer. BC to the east coast. Thanks Meg


Truly truly thank you for being honest up front and to the point it has helped me greatly in deciding what I need to do for my build bless you thank you


Always good content ideas! Don’t feel bad about rebuilding stuff, I don’t think anyone gets it exactly right the first time because you don’t really know what works until you hit the road. I’m on my third build :-)


I love listening to your videos. You sound like a school teacher and a best friend, all in one!
I’m just starting out in a Kia Sedona with an ice chest, a stove like yours, which I didn’t use on my first 3-night camp out, and a cot with extra foam and two quilts, doubled up. I brought a porta-potty bucket, but I didn’t need it since my space in a very nice state camp ground was close to the bathrooms.
Thank you for your humility concerning your boxes, many of us won’t build boxes, but I know the information will be helpful for those that do.
I’ve been so encouraged about camping as a single woman of 71. I believe that planning for safe sites and common sense can get me outside for many seasons to come.
My biggest observation so far….the more stuff you put in the van, the more you will need to unpack, and that’s not the fun part!
Don’t forget the marshmallows, Donna


Another amazing video! Dry bags for ice are such a great idea! We were just looking for a solution to hold store-bought ice blocks (instead of cubes) when we’re on the road for an extended time. We are currently waiting for a shipment of reusable freezer bags but now wish we had thought of dry bags instead.


Great example of how to get from ok to great! Your humble attitude about things that "failed" added to your willingness to rework the troublesome areas... bravo! This video was a delight to watch. We've just reignited an old camping interest, so will keep your ideas in mind.


You are such an inspiration! Your enjoyment of designing and building makes me reconsider doing more of it myself. Your persistence is encouraging.


You are an amazing person!

Your design and building skills are a sight to behold!!

Thank you for showing us all of what you like, and what you'd like to make improvements on.

I look forward to seeing what you come up with to improve upon what you have already done.

Thank you for taking us on this journey with you!


It is the people who are able to criticise themselves and admit their mistakes in public, that have the better self contentment and generally do better in life.
I very much hope that you are such a person.
I like your style and how you portray your content in an easy and entertaining way. Thanks.


Very thoughtful reflections on what worked and what to improve


Thank you for sharing not just the good parts, but the parts that go as well. I learn more from the “things I would do different” videos


I appreciate your persistence in trying to build your camper. And your realism is on point 😁


You are a great designer and can’t wait to see the changes. Happy camping.


I LOVE your videos. You have totally inspired me to try this and upgrade from my tent now that the kids don't want to camp with us anymore. :)


Not being a designer or woodworker, I've been working by trial and error with existing furniture pieces. For instance, I just 'won' a set of legal size teak file cabinets. One is for inside my in-law apartment, but the other one is for the minivan. I did a dry run last spring on a trip down to FL to visit my son's family and I used a camping cot, but I'm not really happy with that, since I can't put drawers under it. I'll figure it out, but I love visiting videos like yours for options and possible answers! Very glad to see what you liked and didn't like of that kitchen.


Such valuable information. I must admit, I love your creative ideas, and am also so appreciative that you share your "mistakes." Sharing those will save some of us from making the same ones. Much appreciation! You have many skills and great ideas!


Even with your perceived mistakes, you did a fantastic job. You are fixing what needs to be fixed and that's how it goes. Is this something you just figured out or you an artist. I could do some of it, but in my head it would be to abstract.


I don't even have a drivers licence yet but your videos are so addicting and I have already a ton of plans for when I have the economy and space to make my own camper :D

If I would replicate your setup, I would probably use the curves in the back for my advantage. If you just moved the fridge a bit to the left maybe you could use the odd shape for the drawer for bottles since they get slimmer at the top. I would also make the sink stick out a bit to contain drips but one thing that I thought of is to cut a U shaped hole in the box where the water jug is contained along the bottom seam from the tap and inwards. That way if it leaks and it runs along the bottom of the jug it would eventually drip in the sink without coming to contact with the wood at all. It should be doable to your current setup as well if you want without compromising the aesthetics

Looking forward to see more improvements to the camper :D


I wouldn't even know where to start. I know you put a lot of time into the design. Hope you can find a small frig which will fit. You never know.
