Logic Puzzles

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Simple logic puzzle example illustrating the basic techniques to solve.
Can you solve the famously difficult green-eyed logic puzzle? - Alex Gendler
Can You Solve The 4 Hats Logic Puzzle?
Problem of the Two Doors: Classic Logic Puzzle
Can you solve the jail break riddle? - Dan Finkel
13 Logic Riddles 98% Get Wrong on First Attempt
Logic Puzzles
Even the Smartest Professor Can't Solve All 17 Riddles
10 Fun Kiddy Riddles That Stump Most Adults
'99% Fail This Math & Logic Puzzle – Can You Solve It?'
Could you pass this interview? The famous batteries and flashlight logic puzzle
Can you solve the secret assassin society riddle? - Alex Rosenthal
The HARDEST Logic Puzzle Ever (Simpler Version): Two Doors To Freedom Riddle
How To Solve The Seemingly Impossible Escape Logic Puzzle
6 Logical reasoning questions to trick your brain
5 Logical Riddles That Will Break Your Head
The Puzzle I Was Never Able To Solve
Viral logic test from Brazil
Can you solve the three gods riddle? - Alex Gendler
9 Riddles That Will Boost Your Thinking Skills
20 Mystery Riddles And Logic Puzzles To Exercise Your Brain!
5 Logical Puzzles That'll Take Time to Crack
Discrete Math - 1.2.2 Solving Logic Puzzles
Can you solve the rogue submarine riddle? - Alex Rosenthal
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