Get Paid! 3 Income Producing Assets That Really Work

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Get Paid! 3 Income Producing Assets That Really Work

An income producing asset is anything that is of value to you and gives you an income steadily, generating cash flow.
What many call passive income. It's passive because you don't have to be looking at it or working on it for it to pay you.

- Why Income Producing Assets?

Let me ask you a question. Do you want to work forever? I love my work in the health professions but not enough to do it forever!

In order to get paid forever at a job where you are employed, you would have to work forever.

-Income Producing Assets Produce Leverage

Passive income or residual income once built, will continue to pay you forever without the need to work forever.

The goal is to invest physical energy into building assets that generate cash flow. In other words...leveraging other resources other than your own physical ability to work to pay you continuously.

-Equities as Income Producing Assets

These include stocks and bonds, things of that nature. You grab you some shares of a company and you "share" in the appreciation of the value in the company

The disadvantage is that the stock market's pretty volatile. So if you're not careful you can actually end up losing a lot of money.

-Real Estate Income Producing Assets

Everybody loves real estate! The beauty about it is that it appreciates. You buy property and over time the real estate market can appreciate in value.

You can generate cash flow by putting renters in the property as well.

The cons is that you tend to need quite a bit of cash to get started. You're looking at about hundreds of thousands of dollars. Property's not cheap, and being a landlord, well, it's not the easiest thing in the world!

-Home Based Business Income Producing Asset

A business asset is a must. You can leverage resources, leverage time, and leverage people.

A network marketing home based business or MLM multi level marketing can be a great option for many. Its advantageous because usually they don't take much resources to get started. The accounting, the payroll, the distribution, and all those things are taken care of.

Disadvantage is network marketing businesses can be and IS a lot of work to be successful. But its not like any other business...they require work to build the asset but is definitely worth it when it can finally run and generate cash flow without your presence.

The definition of true wealth my friend!

📰Show Notes, Links, and Resources mentioned in the video:




Get Paid! 3 Income Producing Assets That Really Work


DISCLAIMER: This video and description contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. Thank you for the support!
Рекомендации по теме

Real estate is defiantly my favorite! So many different options within real estate it's amazing!


A home based business is one type of asset almost anyone can afford to start! Good stuff!


choosing the right stocks can also create income through dividends.


good stuff dude! As a side note, your brows look like the nike symbol bro! JUST DO IT


thank you Michael Jordan....learned a lot...


I’m a avionics instructor supervisor that gives annual evaluations to my instructors that lecture for 50 minutes each hour. A positive feedback for you going forward is to fix your verbal distractor. We all have them “right”. I stopped counting but when you say “right” 20 plus times, it detracts from your message. Hope this helps and fantastic job energy wise. Keep grinding....


You can start off buying stocks and shares with very little also it is good to find stocks with appreciation potential but also the stock should provide it's investors with dividend payment. as mentioned below peer-2-peer lending is a good way to make a great return it's also diversified and can earn upwards of 10%PA also you can auto reinvest with some companies and just keep adding and let it compound they have also introduced the innovative finance isa so you don't pay tax on earrings.


Chris, look into Peer to Peer Lending, if you are eligible. It is the easiest money you'll ever make besides bank interest.


turn them facebook notifications off tho. lol
