How To Turn Your Yearly Income Into Your Monthly Income - Bob Proctor [ The Law of Compensation ]

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Imagine making money without working for it.

Sound impossible, unless you’re investing it?

Well, it’s not.

Thousands of people are making twice as much money without working twice as long. In fact, relatively speaking, they’re hardly working more at all.

How are they doing it? Through Multiple Sources of Income (MSI).

MSI should be viewed as passive sources of income, not another job. Why? Because if you get a second or third job, you’ll have to trade your time for money, and eventually you’ll run out of time.

Virtually all wealthy people have several little “streams” of income coming in that eventually build into a “river” of wealth. I’ve been a huge proponent of MSI ever since I passed out on the street in the mid-1960s from working too many jobs.

For more than half a century, Bob Proctor has been the foremost authority in the personal and professional development field. Bob Proctor has dedicated his adult life to helping a world of individuals realize and act on the greatness they already possess within themselves. He’s widely regarded as the grandfather of personal development, and when it comes to mastering the mind – he is simply the best.

After meeting Bob Proctor, Sandy Gallagher, an esteemed banking attorney, created Thinking into Results – the most powerful corporate transformational program of its kind. Sandy is now the Co-Founder, President, and CEO of Proctor Gallagher Institute. A genius businesswoman and visioneering expert committed to improving the conscious awareness of the entire world, one individual at a time.

The good life's expensive. "There's another way to live that doesn't cost as much, "but it isn't any good." Well, a lot of what he said is true. Many years ago, a man gave me this book, Think and Grow Rich. I was flat broke. I had always been flat broke. I had never had any money. I was 26 years old, I had two months' high school and no business experience. He said, "Bob, you read this, do exactly what I tell you, "you can have anything you want." Now, I really didn't believe that, but I believed he believed it. And I said, all I want is some money. I figured if I had enough money, all my problems would go away. See, I was earning $4,000 a year, but I owed 6,000. If I had paid every cent I owned, or earned, in 18 months, I would have just broken even. So I really didn't think I was going to be able to change that. Do you know that within a year, I was earning 15,000 a month. I went from 4,000 a year, to 15,000 a month, within a year. Now, I hadn't got that much smarter. You don't have to be very smart to earn money, but you do have to understand some basic rules, and that's what I want to talk to you about.

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Рекомендации по теме

-Have multiple sources of income
-Learn, unlearn and relearn
-never stop learning


Bob, you may be gone physically but your soul still guides us through your videos and your writings . May your teachings help us all and the whole world to lead an insanely happy, immensely wealthy and super healthy life .
Let me end this with the poem by James T Moore as is shared in Bobs Book “You Are Born Rich”

“That is where it all starts With you, a wonderful unlimited human being.”
Thank you Bob for teaching us our true Potential.
May your teachings inspire the generations to come.
Om Shanti 🙏🏼


Don't read this wrong!! this is not to brag but to motivate!! I’m glad I pulled through, despite the crises. I am retiring next yr at 55 with 3 houses paid off worth 4.5 million . One is my place of residence the other 2 properties will give me $80, 000per/yr rent . I will have an income stream of $20, 000 per yr through my super which gives me total $100, 000 a yr to live comfortably . I have no debts ... Stay Motivated!!


All those commenting about "saving 15 minutes of your life" are missing the point. They don't understand the value of repetition, especially with this kind of really valuable information.

edit: Also, the point of this video is not setting up multiple sources of income. it is this:


So keep being lazy and tell me later how it worked!


The next time you guys here from me again I'll be a Millionaire!!


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Leverage other peoples effort.
Real estate, online store, etc.
Just work toward it slowly and consistently....


What I've learned is becoming rich is a "Mathematics Game". It doesn't matter if you're an employee or business owner. You can make it happen! You don't have to be smart, but you do have to have a plan to get it. Period.


He his himself promoting his main source of passive income in a video talking about how to make multiple sources of passive income.👏👏👏


Thanks Bob! this video went straight to my success playlist. I can't even fathom the amount of wealth you've helped people accumulate.. you're the man!


Bob Proctor videos are really amazing, kept me inspired and motivated me to create my social channels too for a happy and successful life. Thank you Sir.


"Money is just a way to keep score of how much value you are bringing to the market"
- Donald Trump


I just became so passionate about self grow, I was listening to Bob’s videos every day. Just by reading the comments I just found out he is resting. God! To me he will always live, of course his legacy live as well. Is great that he lived to inspire all of us. I’ll continue to listen Bob will always do until the day I die. I’ll listen to your audios, and read your books as you read your mentors book though out your life! Rest well Mr. Gallagher.


Its simple. Do one business and keep opening multiple branches of that business around the world. This is all about multiple sources of income


Thank You Bob Proctor!
You’re big inspiration for everyone around the World, sure and for me !
Everything you’re talking about is true
I’m Grateful for your lesions


“By not understanding money, the vast majority of people allow its awesome power to control them.” – Robert Kiyosaki


Hello Mr Bob. I'm only 20 and my life has improved, my self image has changed. I'm a Swazi, and in Swaziland and South Africa, including all SADAC countries, we love you.


Rest well Bob, thank you for all the corrections you have plan in me and the world now and the world to come


Thank you Bob Proctor. You're awesome. Thank you so much for sharing your tremendous wisdom.
God bless you!


After 5 minutes of this show I started to get rich all the way to the end but just before the end. I started my truck to head back to my work
