World Of Warcraft Quest Info: The Befouled Element

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Side: Horde
Start: Befouled Water Globe
End: Mastok Wrilehiss

The slain elemental has produced an intensely glowing globe of water. The contents of the globe are, at best, disgusting. It would be safe to assume that whatever has befouled the water of Mystral Lake is most likely present in the water of the globe.
It's not exactly common knowledge who might be interested in such a find; perhaps Mastok Wrilehiss at Splintertree Post, might have an idea.

Bring the Befouled Water Globe to Mastok Wrilehiss at Splintertree Post, Ashenvale.

1,230 experience
25 reputation with Orgrimmar

/*** All other languages ***/
DE: Das beschmutzte Element
ES: El elemento contaminado
FR: Les éléments souillés
IT: L'elementale contaminato
PT: O elemento conspurcado
RU: Оскверненная стихия
KR: 타락한 정령
CN: 被污染的水元素
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