Reclaim Your Attention in a Distracted World

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In this podcast, we will speak about reclaiming our attention in a distracted world. The modern world is constantly trying to hijack your attention, fragmenting it so that you become a slave to technology and the corporate machine. As a result, our attention spans are decreasing, leading to a world where we lack empathy, compassion, humility, a sense of community, and ultimate sanity. Eastern spirituality, on the other hand, is built around meditative techniques designed to hold our attention for lengthy periods of time which enhances peace and equanimity within the individual, leading to a world inhabited by sane and healthy people. The sad fact is, though, we're unconsciously choosing the insane alternative of distraction and this is inhibiting ones spirituality and ability to deeply practice meditation.









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*”Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.” - Lao Tzu*


Thanks guys may the Tao fill you with peace and happiness


Awww so many things. I love sovereign of your own mind.


I recall in the days well before smartphones when every second person commuting by train was listening to their Walkman, before that it was reading the words of discontent in newspapers. It struck me then why couldn't they enjoy the trip in silence or, heaven forbid, chat with their fellow travellers. The level of distraction has increased many times since then as has the level of isolation from community and the natural world. A second order experience is a poor substitute for engagement in the present.
Thank you Jason and Gayoung.🙏


I’m very grateful to have found this community. The majority or people in the meditative community seem to have gotten fully behind the woke ideology, while a lot of people who haven’t are evangelical Christians. It’s been so difficult these past few years to see so many of my friends get lost in this stuff, and so frustrating that they don’t see what’s actually going on. I’ve been trying to let go of other peoples beliefs and practice the way. I deleted my Facebook last year, such a great decision. I’m glad people like you are out there to still give me hope for this world. Shanti


Thank you both! I love your podcasts! Perfect content for my everyday life. Great to see beings making impactful content in which I can follow who aren't gurus or spiritual leaders. Sending love, peace, compassion, and positivity your way!

In peace,
Gerraud (Columbus, Ohio) USA


I deeply enjoy sitting in cafés listening to audio book translations of the Tao Te Ching recently while having a coffee. It's a nice combination of listening to the teachings while also observing people, nature, just every day life. This calms me a lot.


Morning, many thanks for this podcast! I suppose the thing meditation can do if you get disciplined enough is to be able to be still whilst moving, silent inside even talking or listening


I wish I can be on that podcast with you guys. Thank you so much for what you do! You're truly helping to shine the light on a lot of these issues we're experiencing here in Western civilizations. Eastern spirituality is greatly needed in this day in age and I do think there's hope, regardless of how bleak the future may seem. Greatly appreciate watching you guys. Namaste🙏


Great topic and discussion! This is something I’ve found myself struggling with a lot recently, especially regarding attention. When I try to calm myself for meditation, my mind just starts to crave any kind of external stimulation. It’s taken me a while, but I’m finally starting to feel ready to delete social media. Keep up the great content!


I normally don't really react to videos but this talk really clarified in words what I have known in feeling for a long time. Thanks for this one, keep it up!


Another great reminder, eloquently worded with a sense of urgency which really appealed to me. Although I am mindful and have a daily meditation practice I still catch myself inadvertently having my attention diverted by frivolous things daily. This talk really helped me reset my mind. Thank you, love your work as always🙏❤


Very straightforward talk on how we are being played by algorithms. I will delete my social apps for a month now. See how it goes.


This is an important talk Jason. I was fortunate ss a kid to grow up in my Grandparents home. We had a mini farm my Grandpa and I would plant, grow and pick things. I was always outside in nature and hated being boxed up in School rooms. Even when I was on the hamster wheel, i would get into nature again to be able to breathe. When cell phones came out they were handy. When they morphed into the smartphone it became a very negative thing promoted and encoraged by social mefia developers who are well aware that negativity sells advertising. Kids don't get outside anymore...their to busy with their laptops and smartphones to be silent long enough to appreciate nature and just being outside. It's sad. Your right seething anger and intolerance seemed to srart up with the development of social media. I think your right however. Many people are beginning to wake up to this


Such an important discussion, I am actually relieved to know that conscientious people are having these conversations. Thank you to the both of you. I quit FB and Instagram over a year ago, one of the best decisions I have ever made. The larger conversation about attention spans was brilliant and spot on as usual.


This program was very helpful, as I am trying to limit my intake of social media and focus mostly on positive messages anymore.
I love this practice and am thankful for your great potcasts.



This is an interesting topic. Here in the part of America I am from, the dominant religion is Christianity. I was raised to believe that meditation is downright evil. After leaving that religion, meditation, specifically, seems to become a more and more important part of spiritual growth. Without the emptiness, there is no beauty.

Thanks for the cool talks!


I had to come back and listen to this again. I hadn't realised that I'd become so reactive in exactly the way that was being described because I'd been watching too many videos about political opinions. Getting caught up has certainly caused a disturbance as I've been drawn into over time - it is like a very subtle form of addiction that has resulted in some very unsettling biases and reactions that I wasn't aware of. I'm really going to try to have a clean break from social media and read some of the books on the recommended list to help improve attention and perspective. Many thanks for the pointers.


I agree with everything you are saying. I extract the positive aspects of Facebook by sticking with only my own page (which is my spiritual platform) and the few enlightened beings I am "friends" with across the world. we have deep and enriching discussions about much of what you guys podcast on (spiritual truths). thanks for all you guys do. you are making a difference. sending my love out to both of you.


Great video and so apt for today. Sharing a personal experience: I love going for walks in nature and always calms me down. The other day I made the thoughtless decision to wear my headphones whilst walking. It was so strange, as my heart was racing and I felt so anxious with the loud noise in my ear. Once I took them off and just listened to the birds sing, heard the bees in the bush and the cows munching, I felt my shoulders just relax! Lesson learnt. So I smiled when you talked about that. Reading is definitely something worth doing to hold attention in this crazy time. Thanks as always.
