Easter Eggs You Missed In Alita: Battle Angel

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Easter Eggs You Missed In Alita: Battle Angel
Now there has been buzz around this movie for awhile some good, some bad some perplexed by certain stylistic choices, but now the moment has arrived and people can go check it out for themselves. So let’s take a look at some of these references and Easter Eggs.

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They moved Iron City south to Panama City to put it closer to the equator which explains the Hispanic look to the architecture. It is more scientifically accurate assuming that the sky city is held up by a space elevator.


Good movie just watched in IMAX 3D worth the money


Movie was awesome.. Can't believe this movie isn't making more money!!


Fact : End scene when Alita enter the arena, you can see banner "ialita rodoran cabezas". It's spanish for "Alita will rolls heads".


Saw it-Loved it. My rating is FUll$/Matinee/DVD Worthy-Wanting to see a sequel.


Sorry for the somewhat lengthy review but here is my take.

Well this probably is not really an Easter egg. But had me grinning through the entire scene. There seemed to be a shout out to none other than Mass Effect in a couple of scenes lol.

If there isn't a better indication that we need a Mass Effect film that was it. That alone was worth the price of emission. But really the movie was far more ambitious than the trailers first portrayed.

This was a far more competent and involved effort. Then we got from either Ghost in the Shell. Or even that of BladeRunner 2049. Which was a huge missed opportunity I think.

No it was not quite as violent or as dark as the manga. But Rita's character was spot on. Action sequences were intense and well choreographed. I will also be one to say that this is a must-see in 3D.

Probably the best I've seen since Avatar. But given that we have James Cameron involved here. I guess that shouldn't be much of a surprise. Overall Battle Angel exceeded my even lowest expectations.

I just think some of these critics are getting lazy. Or maybe they just don't like watching movies anymore. Not everything has to be Marvel. I was more than happy with the outcome. Highly Recommended!! :b


The arm Dr. Ido picks up in the beginning is an exact replica of the T800 Terminator arm.


My fiancee caught an Easter Egg! One line mentions something about if her brain is damaged, she be nothing more than a 'Ghost in a Shell'


Loved the movie and when I go see it again this Friday I’ll be on the look out for Rose Salazar in the bar.


Love the movie, and "f*ck your mercy" is the most badass moment of 2019 so far!


OMG!!!! HOW DID YOU ALL MISS IT!! SHE IS NOT THE ONLY ONE WITH THE BIG EYES! Check out my manga review to learn more about Alita.


I wanted an after credit scene so badly, just to make sure they do intend to make a sequel :(


Top 10 Nerd should do a lot more non-Marvel n DC's related stuff. It's good to see more variety.


I saw the pre screening and it was amazing. I’m going to watch it again this Saturday!


Alita: Battle Angle IS the title and the title is CORRECT. They are NOT reverse it, they do it as the concept from the begining. The manga titles were Alita: [theme of the movie] and so the sequel will be and always. Even James Cameron himself confirmed it in his interview when the interviewer wrongly saying the tittle.


One easter egg/reference you missed was Master Clive Lee and Hugo.

When Zapan is introducing him Hugo's paralyzer bolt is seen entering his hand. Master Clive Lee in the manga and his OVA counterpart Gime are the ones who critically injure Hugo, not Zapan. Manga Clive Lee if I remember right has his hand glow white hot and literally melts his arm off his body and his OVA counterpart cuts off his arm.


@Top 10 Nerd : There is a shot in the movie when Alita visits Hugo in his apartment... (she's sitting on an open window)... Hugo wears a necklace that looks like a key for something... maybe a reference to something?


Alita was the greatest movie I've seen in many many years. It is not hyperbole to say its my fave film ever. I went into it with no knowledge of the source material, and no expectations. They did a perfect job keeping to the manga (which I became a fan of from the film, not the other way around), and yet fit in so much story, AND MOTORBALL into a 2 hour runtime. Compare that to any of todays MCU/DC crap, and then with a straight face say that one of those did a better job of relating complex source material with heart and entertainment.


I thought Nova was Cameron till I saw Norton's name in credits.


As most anime/manga live-action adaptation, they'll expect this to be a blockbuster which is why they made the cliffhanger at the end by showing Nova.
