Why don't more people invest like Buffett?

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Warren Buffett explains why his investment philosophy isn't more widely copied.

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I've got a suggestion that might make this video get more views. Right now the video title is 62 characters, which makes it cut off on some devices (which is bad for how clickable the video is). If you just call it "Why don't more people invest like Buffett?", then that is 42 characters which won't make it cut off. Remove the text that is currently on the thumbnail and move Buffett more to the left (to make space on the right side for the text). And then you take the text you removed from the title ("It's too simple"), and put it on the right side. Keep the text color white, but try to make the text bigger, so it's easily visible even on smaller devices. And then enjoy the extra views :)


As Japanese saying goes: an evening with an expert is better than 10 years of study.
He told those secrets which many of us finds after so many losses. Legend


2 reasons:
1) Most people don't have control over their emotions. A lot think they do but then they decide to "adjust their positions" at a time when they're stressed.
2) Most people want a luxury lifestyle which requires a lot of money but they're starting with very little capital so the buffett approach would only result in them having a decent retirement fund, not money they can enjoy while they're young or middle aged. A more aggressive approach is required if you want to be able to use the money sooner.


if i invest like buffet, with my budget, I will be financially independent in about 45 years, when I'll be long gone


It’s simple, people don’t want to wait for 50+ years

Edit: Also, we invest for our retirment and travelling, and not for buying those lamborghinis etc.


Be greedy when others are fearful, and fearful when others are greedy.


I think a conservative investment strategy can look boring for the first 10-15 years. But in the long run, the most boring strategies are often the best. Looking back, Altria is a good example of this.


Day trading and investing is not the same thing. One is a scam and the other is a willing contribution made to support the efforts of a company, their success eventually comes around full circle.


Amazing thing about Buffett is that his thinking on investment hasn’t changed over all these years.


buffet invests LONG LONG positions. Dont confuse him with day/swing traders at all.


Start a total stock market index fund for your kids when they are born…don’t put money in a bank account for them…contribute what you can each month along with every penny they get from Nanny and Pop Pop for birthdays, graduation etc…don’t tell them about it for 30 years or until they’re responsible enough to take over…time in the market, not timing the market


Great pick Andre. Thanks for your efforts. Got this in suggestion here in India. Wish you a million views 😊


It is a rare sight when you see young Warren Buffet.


A lot of people don't have the stomach or thick skin to invest. When they see red, they get scared and sell, and they follow what youtubers or other media personalities recommend, instead of doing their own research.


Well... personally, I think it is due to one reason. Back then, people misundersrand Buffet's approach as a theory, when in fact it is an investment philosophy.

As a theory, it will have to be scientifically exact, mathematically sound etc... which it's not. Business world is an ever changing environment.

If one see it as a philosophy, it will guide your thinking. You will evaluate opportunity, investment, and business just as Buffet does, through his perspective, and that is truly remarkable. It will guide your profesaional life and career.

This interview was probably 40 years old, there are a lot more people who invest like him since then.


I wish I grew up in boomerville. Where everything was sunshine and rainbows.

You didn't need college. Ya barely needed high school. One income can provide for a family. No camera, no computers mostly cash. So everyone lied or fudge the books.

Yes and I do mean EVERYONE


I do want to invest start my own business aswelll I don't how I'm new and open opinion and idea if any one


So he is techincally saying that you just have to hold it long term and keep investing right? Did I get it right?


best investment is yourself, improve it.


Hey can you put the captions on or can anyone explain me what did buffet say because english is not my native language and it is hard to understand
