I asked EVERY RANK to invent a NEW Rocket League mechanic. This is what happened...

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Have you ever discovered a new mechanic? Rocket League is a game with an unlimited skill ceiling where moves and abilities all come down to how well you can control your car. Thus, even 6 years later, we are still seeing new game mechanics or moves being discovered. Some examples could be the Wall Dash, JZR Flick, Breezi Pop, Horse Dash, Curve Dash, and Tonic Twist. All of which have been discovered over the last year or so. For this video I asked every rank (from Silver to Supersonic Legend) to show me a mechanic or move that they have invented. It may be a legit and useful new Rocket League discovery, or just a funny, meme play (like the Obama Flick). Either way, their place in this video will be determined by 3 things.
1. The pitch for the mechanic telling me why it is useful or real.
2. The name the came for it (and why).
3. The video proof of their new Rocket League Mechanic in action.
It's part entertainment, part discovery as I think we have found a good mix of both meme mechanics and some brand new Rocket League mechanics for 2021. Enjoy.

Some of players featured in this video:

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Use Creator Code: ROCKETSLEDGE

0:00 New RL Mechanics?
0:53 Seal Flip
1:42 Rocket Launch
2:21 Nox Heat Kickoff
3:03 Backwards Pinch
3:56 Just Bulldoze
4:20 Bar Dash
4:54 Ret Flick
5:58 Bug Dash / Spawn Dash
7:15 Furnas Kickoff
8:20 Yoshi Flick

#rocketleague #mechanics #meme
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Thanks to all of you that submitted, 160 entries was way more than I expected (even though there was 20 or 30 trolls). In the end this was *mostly* for fun, but it was interesting to see that there is STILL new stuff being found in this game. (and yes I'm aware these might have other names/creators) What was your favorite mechanic?


“The reverse Obama position” has likely never been said before


4:49 The peak of my rocket league career is getting sledge to say "omelette mush party dash"


I honestly really like the feel of the backwards pinch. So nice imo


9:10 That "Shrodinger's Touch" could be used to get a flip reset. It has potential, but would probably be really hard to utilize.


6:57 _"I think we've actually stumbled upon the fastest way to get back into a play after a demo"_

Woody: * _sobs uncontrollably_ *


turbo did the "ret flick" in rlcs once and it was hilarious, so people actually started calling that a turbo flick. I think it's pretty suitable.


That spawndash might actually be something we will be able to see in proplay. Getting an instant boost after a demo would be nuts at that level


Rocket League is a timeless masterpiece. "Rocket car football" is just, a perfect concept that doesn't need any more refinement and never gets old.


If someone pulled a backwards pinch on me in-game I'd just leave ngl. It's too OP


The "Yoshi Flick" is incredibly common in GC Rumble and upwards, and has been for some time - usually it's used without releasing the ball to avoid opponents, but if you're good you can time it right to get the ball to release at the desired time.


I actually tried making one called “shovel flick” you jump face your car down and flick the ball up making it high up I would usually use it if someone fakes kick off. If you were the miss u would just push the ball and it reminded me of a shovel this should be a mechanic.


9:12 I swear to god, Schrodinger's touch left me in awe and in tears from laughing, how can something be so relatable and make so much sense


Ngl, heatseeker and a Nox Kickoff is a decent strategy I can see taking off


The Seal Flip was probably the cutest thing I've ever heard, especially since I was equally obsessed with alligators.


Ah dang that furnace kick off thing with the musty I’ve been doing forever when I mess around in casual, it actually does work pretty well if you can time it right you can also lean back and backflip when your half way and if timed right you’ll throw yourself right at the bottom center of the ball and hit it over the opponent, it’s really hard to get the timing right in that though and tends to work better on corner kick offs


I’m pretty sure the Bulldoze or the “Dozer” was popularized by MustingCow, and named by Jamesbot (In the Musty Bronze Competitive tournament video)


that furnace flick thing i have been doing this whole time on kick offs and freeplay i thought that was how you did a normal flick LOL


That Nox kickoff something-something was actuallay a strategy me and my friends used in heatseeker. We did a speedflick on kickoff and that launched the ball diagonally upwards (behind us) allowing us to do amazing air redirects


I like the backwards pinch. However, naming it the "rixuk pinch" or even "hcnip rixuk" would've been 10x funnier hahah
