5 things I NEVER want to see in Total War again!

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What is annoying is that the smaller scale campaigns often have more lore, and special goals for DLC lords. And then you switch to IEE and everyone gets "Conquer 70 settlements, destroy three factions".


I didn't mind the timer on Vortex campaign, I just minded getting jumped by invasion armies that I had no way to predict.


Right now I'd just settle for Dark Elves not building a million Black Ark's and lagging my campaign to Oblivion


One problem I'd like to point out with sieges that I never hear anyone mention, The gateways have no boiling oil or murder holes, Inside the enemies gateway is actually a very safe place for your whole army so the strategy of just rushing the gate with your whole army is very effective, If they could like pour boiling oil out of murder holes in the gateway and stuff like that it would force you to consider not cramming your entire army into the gateway where they cant be hit by enemy archers on the walls or the towers.


You're so right about the intel mode, adding all those modifiers to campaigns would be so incredibly fun also fk ass ladders. This video is a banger, so many good takes


I don't mind trees in the center, not every battle map should be perfectly designed for convenient play, and some factions actually would prefer to be having a battle in the thick of it.

The issue is the perfect little circles of them. Too small to make significant use of in many cases and unbelieavably artificial seeming.


The Victory Conditions Overhaul mod is a good launching point for what Total War campaigns should be like. Basically just a bunch of lore-friendly and loosely narrative driven goals. With actual official support, maybe they could add more events and even story missions. The start of the new Balthasar Gelt campaign is a perfect example of how a lot of the campaigns could be.


When playing skarbrand in the realm of chaos campaign, I fixed the time issue by killing all the legendary lords


You know, I never really thought much about why I hate sieges so much in the Warhammer games. But now that you mention it, of course it's the ass ladders negating the wall completely. That's why the sieges feel/are completely pointless, and just tedious. They don't feel like sieges at all.
That and the units can't navigate streets at all...


I just remembered the 6 layers of protections of citadels in "Medieval 2"

3 maximum walls and 2 layers of protections from each, why ?
Because a unit needs to climb the wall first... and after that it needs to get down.
When you lose a wall in medieval 2, you put the units at the end of the wall stairs and you can still stop enemies that took your walls and towels


I'd like to see the AI using their unique faction mechanics and going for their victory condition. At the moment it seems they just violently rage against whatever at random, no goal. It makes no sense to me that the empire AI isn't actively trying to unite or protect the empire for instance, or that they aren't rewarded and punished for it like we are. Or that the Changeling isn't establishing cults like crazy, using all the theaters, and enacting his schemes on us in the background. The better and more complex the player factions get to play, the dumber the AI seems in comparison. These are systems they should be using and bound by as well 100%. The Wood Elves make absolutely no attempt to take back the other trees across the map, nor do they have to fight off beast-men invasions like we do. Just inconsistencies like that totally ruin my experience as all the AI are brain dead painting the map their color or stagnating with no other driving purpose that can help or hinder them long term.


Or instead of just 50 maps, bring back the feature from Rome where it auto generates a map based on the position in the overworld


If we got access to Realms of Chaos IN immortal Empires....oh boy...THAT would be awesome!! iv'e wanted that since day one of IE


Just have units with a trait to climb walls like spiders or have magic that makes a wall climbable like nature magic that places vines on the wall your units can then climb. or have siege units like the skaven drill or have units that just walk throu walls like ghosts. or have dwarfs dig under walls or have flying units who let down ropes if they land on a wall maybe have huge mounted units like the dinos sent their infantry on walls like a boarding attack. Or instead of building siege units have your mages prepare a ritual that gives you a single cast spell that breaks down a wall segment. Every faction could have a unique way to interact with sieges. Nurgle plagues the defenders and has more attrition during siege turns. Skaven could infiltrate with ninjarats and you get a couple of units that you can place inside the walls. Orks yould get a sone free units the longer you siege because the boys heard there is a mighty fight brewing here. Undead could get zombie units in the walls equivalent to the amount of attrision lost of the defenders. they could have done so much.


If they just removed ass ladders....my god would that be an improvement


realms of chaos should be implemented in IE for the chaos monogod factions and daniel. They have their seperate armies in the realms and they are able to invade each other, the more damage you do, the more your side becomes ascended on the world map for added bonuses, while the other faction loses power. Daniel could be like a wildcard, helping whoever he wants en receive blessings from that god, like armor, weapons demonic blessings, units, etc.


The ass ladders wouldn't be so bad if your dudes on the walls dropped rocks and stuff on them, or if you HAD to take or destroy a gate to capture the victory locations behind it.


I think using the poll as an argument against Timed Campaign is a bit misleading. since I assume most people (me included) voted for IE because i have a lot more options of factions etc that I can play, let alone mod support.


How cool would it be to have the different regions of the Ruinous Powers in the IE map, and maybe even start the campaign in them as the original four Demonic Legendary Lords? the map could have known, and secret, Chaos Gates from which you could travel to the Realms of Chaos


Also with the ass ladders, I'm always frustrated that despite all my units having ladders, and being able to destroy the gate, if I don't have monsters or artillery, I cant storm a palce.
I know, it's logical, you need siege equipment to storm a fort... except that no, even if I bring it, I can leave it in a corner, and still take the palce, so why should i bother with it? XD
