The Difference Between Diversity & Inclusion And Why You Need Both | Jacob Morgan

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Diversity and inclusion are not the same thing.

But although they are very different, both are crucial to the success of any organization.

Diversity is simply having a mix of people from different backgrounds, genders, religions, cultures, and ethnicities inside your organization. On the other hand, inclusion is making those people feel like they belong.

Research shows that diversity and inclusion lead to more ideas, better products and services for customers, and improved innovation and productivity.

Diversity and inclusion is something every organization around the world needs, and it's going to start with you demanding it inside your company.

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"Diversity and Inclusion is what every organization needs". That is a completely false premise.

There is no need to distinguish the difference between Diversity and Inclusion since both are irrelevant. Actually, these terms are dangerous to individuals and to any organization (except, perhaps, a social club.).

There is no "need" to have any kind of "mix of people" in an organization based on attributes your are born with (race, appearance, gender, etc.) This is what he defines as "diversity". Then he says Inclusion "is about making people feel like they belong [to the group or organization]". If your primary criteria for hiring an individual is based on race, gender, culture, religion, sexual orientation, etc you are a fool. In fact some of that "criteria" as a hiring standard is outright illegal.

These criteria might be acceptable if you are creating a social club but not an organization concerned with providing a service or product. Helping them to "feel" as being a part of an organization ignores the purpose of the organization - producing something. I don't care about how you "feel" about being in the company. I care about you having the skills to do your job. Feelings are a minor thing. Morale is important. But that is different. If you feel like you don't belong, that is your problem, not the company's. There is a simple solution. Leave.

If an employee doesn't FEEL like he belongs, or doesn't get along with others or they don't want to be a part of your organization that is not my problem. It's not a social club. If your attitudes affect your productivity or the productivity of others then you are a liability. You will keep (or lose) your job based on your worth to the company's production, not your personal feelings.This is entering into the idea of Entitlement.

Morale should be based on productivity and pride of the company - not on Diversity, Inclusion or what BLM says about anything.

Diversity and Inclusion are merely a form of racism or identity politics. Both are destructive. Both are subtle tools of Socialism and racism. If you let them flourish in your company your company will be diminished.

"Diversity and Inclusion is what every organization needs". That is a completely false premise.

Don't fall for this "Racial Justice". There is no "justice" in this argument.


Thank you for the simplified explanation of Diversity and Inclusivity.


Oh my god you are truly a legend....Thank you very much dear Jacob for this wonderful explanation.



If you’re a government worker or a veteran that has applied for a government job your qualifications are based upon KSA = Knowledge, Skills, Ability.

DIE = Diversity, Inclusion, Equity (Equity is not the same as Equality) does nothing to prove an individual’s Knowledge, Skills and Ability to do the job.

If a company feels compelled to add a DIE hiring manager or change their company logo to rainbow colors to pander to the LGBTQ group or DIE group, it’s perceived as patronizing and thus that company may have had prior discriminatory hiring practices.

Bottom line…any public or private company that discriminates against a person’s race, religion, sexual orientation, political affiliation, economic status, veteran status or disability is in violation of State and Federal employment laws. KSA or DIE. Teach your children well.


This is nothing more than an attempt to interfere with how individuals run organizations. Diversity, inclusion, and especially equity are irrelevant to success. You hire the best people you can, regardless their race, ethnicity, etc.


Yes and no on diversity in the workplace. Running a business is and should be about getting the skill and talent that is capable of meeting the expectation for success. The belonging should only evolve around this regardless of the race, religion, orientation, ethnicity or whatever the the personal convictions or categories someone feels attached to. Once on the job it should be all about business regardless of everything else, keep it professional. Because everything outside of the mechanics of the business operation are distractions that deflect from productivity. Inclusion is the respect and acceptance of human differences that would allow the smooth transition of business as usual. I feel that if a company focuses too much on the diversity and inclusion premises it will lose sight of the overall goal of productivity.


Sir, I enjoyed watching your excellent video. Warm regards Andre BERENYI English language trainer.


You make some good points in terms of definitions. Unfortunately, there are moral reasons for cultivating diversity and inclusion that go far beyond ROI and profit margins. It should be something we support because it's ethical, not profitable. When we focus on profit, we create a veneer of inclusion and diversity without the depth and compassion that should be represented; this is why most businesses still struggle with inclusion and diversity, and why they never include classism in their models.


Thanks Morgan! How do you make inclusion work? Any ideas on practical things companies can do to really include it’s diverse workforce?


Why you need diversity and inclusion;

Because government says so and HR is more worried about race than productivity.


Good video, great points. Well done! :)


That makes sense. Thank you for the useful explanation.


Thank you Jacob. This was very helpful. I have an interview coming up and they are asking me to differentiate the two.


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