Major Egan Bailing Out Scene - Masters Of The Air S1 E5

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#mastersoftheair #airforce #the100thbombgroup #ww1 #ww2 #worldwar #austinbutler #dogfighter
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0:48 My son Nathen Solly plays Lt John L.Hoerr, the one that pulls the release. MOTA was his first acting role out of university :)


When my grandfather had to bail, the plane had started to spin. The force of that would often pin you in place so you'd not be able to move. Him and three others made it out, the last man jumped only holding his parachute pack. Probably through panic as he didnt clip it on. The slipstream ripped it out of his arms and they watched him plummet down with no chute. He made it back and would fly again. His career came to an end when a direct hit took the pilots head off, partially scaled and temporarily blinded (blood) Grandpa. The crash landing left him badly injured but he did recover his sight and was able to walk and live a normal life again some time later. He was mentioned in despatch as having acted quickly and despite his temporary blindness, he was cool and calm during the landing, managing to fly the plane down. Grandpa was 24 years old then. When i was 24, we went flying together and it was awesome especially as he cracked open a beer on landing and said "thank the lord for that" 😅


My grandfather wrote when he was shot down, it felt like forever before his parachute touched ground. He saw the bombers being shot at by FW-190s, tracers, and planes going down.

The only sound he heard was wind. My only criticism of this scene.


Actually Egan's plane going down was the catalyst for the 100th's disaster.
Althought going down, apparently Egan didn't pass command into another plane and pulled out of the formation. Instead Egan slowed out his plane and tried a controlled descent... and since he was stil the flight leader, the rest of the bomber group automatically followed slow and down, consequently becoming an easy prey for the germans fighters.
No idea if it was just an honest mistake, fog of war or what, but this screwed up his bomber group.


it's not in this clip but my heart sunk later in the episode when we see a guy falling with a torn chute. He knows what's coming but has such a long wait before he gets there


life and death and you can bet your ass blokes were still like "ladies first, NO U"


They surrounded my dad before he touched the ground and spent the rest of the war in Stalag 17b


I find it amusing both refusing jump till other goes first.
like hello? Theres no-one at the controls


What smooth exits and landing. Hard to suspend disbelief. Even experienced paratroopers can have dismal exits and landings, like bang the sides of plane during exit or get a concussion when landing. I had 2 concussions during my career. It’s risky work even with experience and during controlled exercises.


" you go !"
Me " ok cya "


Got a ride in one once, couldn't hear for hours


I’m still here you sons of bitches!! 😅


My dad knew a man that flew P-47s during the war. He told me he shot down an FW-190 and seeing the pilot bail out. I asked him what happened, and did he shoot the pilot. He said no. The pilot came to the position of attention and saluted him while floating down in his parachute. He said he then saluted the German pilot back and went on his way. He has nothing but respect for the German pilots


My grandmother was on the other end of the bombs--a German mother. She would talk about hearing the B-17s long before they hit. She also talked about a bomb hitting and the pressure of his took her brother--blew him from one house to another and smashed him against a wall. Also--from what my mom tells me--my great grandmother and great grandfather were on a Flak-88 team that tried to shoot down bombers. My grandfather was on the Russian Front.


I've walked through the bombay of a B17 in flight, scary enough. I can't imagine trying to jump from it


He looks like a trained skydiver. There weren't any back then.


The way that guy landed he would've broken his legs


"in WestPhila, Germany bloody and dazed, on the farmland is where i landed and hid for days, till a couple of guys who were up to no good, started asking questions in the neighborhood. They checked one little barn and boy i was scared and thats how i ended up as a prisoner in the Stalag."


The part where they are arguing about who goes first was actually real.
They really did stand there arguing about that shit for a minute...



Mooie pararol 2.19 alleen iets meer je benen bijelkaar houden
