FULL GUIDE To Becoming A Top 1% Man

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If you want to actually take the first step towards earning money online, now is the time. Enrollment to myContent Academy is live until 11/21.


After watching him for like 5 years or something maybe more, this is hands down the best video he ever made period. Thank you to Jose for being a brother I needed that I’ve never had


I'm a woman and I've been following you for a year now. You know that you not only speak of and to men, you speak of and to the whole humankind. Keep on inspiring and enlightening us all. Thanks a lot José!! Besos y abrazos desde España 💜


Top 1% Man
Level 1: Looksmaxxing
- Workout
- Dress better
- Grooming
Level 2: Masculinity
- Maintain composure
- Purpose
- Disciplined
- Unmatched work ethic
- Self control
Level 3: Money
- 10 years till the first million (Long term)
- Who you choose as a partner
- Build a family


Thank you g

1:40 how you look
Your body- burn more calories than you consume + gym = perfect
3:23 how u dress
If you have a nice physique, everything you where looks good
4:44 grooming

6:35 masculine
8:35 discipline
9:20 work ethic
13:00 self control

14:15 money


This must be the most powerful video you’ve ever made in my opinion. Makes you drive and aim to be the 1% of this world even though it would be tough. Better die trying than just do nothing.


Jose has taught us how to become part of the top 1% from day 1 until the end our lives in just 23 minutes. 😮 you are inspiring, man!


It was so good he didn’t even have a sponsor he genuinely wants to help us


Used to make me laugh when you say"Let's hop into it". Maaan today, i almost shed a tear today. I respect you Jose.MayAllah keep blessing you. I pray for the same in my life. Its not an easy journey, i fall but i keep coming back, i pray to be more stronger.


Jose after watching you for about 6 years now you have one of the biggest role models for me and still are for style, motivation, self care and much more I truly think this is one of your best videos you have ever made and I’m gonna take your advice to become apart of the 1%


This is a side of Jose we never really get to see. You’re a strong intelligent man . Wish you the best!


The only thing I want to say is thank you. I have been watching your videos since I was 12 years old and I am now 17 and you have been of great help, inspiration, and motivation. Every time I watch one of your videos I want to be more like you. I do not have brothers and grew with just my mother, thank you for providing to me a man to admire and learn from him.
Thank you Jose.


I’m 21 right now but I can’t believe I started watch him 5-6 years ago . Really helped so much.


I have never felt a message so powerful outside of church. Jose took all the knowledge I've known and heard over the years through my grandfathers and through his videos and put it in a story that for some reason enlightened me to a point way beyond I've ever had before. I have been trying to self improve for a while now and it has changed my life but I still have been utterly distracted and inconsistent. I had my 80+ hour plus work weeks, my ups and downs, and constant drive to break every barrier in my way. But I've also have my weeks of laziness and distraction. Life throughs curveballs that I can't control and that knocks away my momentum. I let the loss of something that effects one part of my self development hurt the entire process. Now I have such an awakening that literally feels spiritual. I felt an opening in my mind and chills down my spine after this video. I stared in awe the entire time and processed everything for minutes in silence after it finished. Jose you changed my life for better before I stared watching you since 6th grade and its affected me so much. But this video has truly changed the course of my life and it came at a perfect time. I turn 18 on Saturday and my life properly begins as a man. I am holding back tears typing this. I have the amazing feeling of peace and understanding right now. I am so very thankful for all the great works you have done Jose. May God continue to carry you through this journey of life. May his power and wisdom continue to make you stronger. Thank you for everything.


Apart from the arguably quality content you put out consistently what impresses me most is your morals. Keep going my friend.


I will do it, Jose! 😣😤 I promise I will. You are such an inspiration. For over 4 years, I've seen my life change just from following your advice. I'll admit I haven't been very disciplined, I would have gone so much farther. But today, it's different. Today, I step into my masculine frame. Today, I focus on my purpose. Today, I start to build with all discipline. I mark these words!


Jose... This might sound weird but this video made me cry. So inspirational. This is your best video yet. I promise you my family and myself that... I'll become the top 1% at all good costs. Thank you so much for this video.


Jose, I want to say I came across you in 2017 - 2018 when I was a senior in HS, you changed my life then and I truly believe you are an amazing role model for men. Keep doing what your doing.


I've been subscribed for over 4 years now, and can say this is THE most important video you've made thus far Jose. A lot of reality checks in this one, and I do agree with you that even though everyone knows it, the majority will not execute. Hats off for this one


as a man growing up without a dad, this really helps me, so thanks man❤
