The Difference Between Medicare and Medicare Advantage

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The good news for seniors today is that there are more Medicare options than ever before! In addition to Original Medicare, there are many different Medicare Advantage plans to choose from. But what's the difference between Medicare and Medicare Advantage plans?

Keep watching as we discuss everything you need to know about Original Medicare vs. Medicare Advantage plans.

Start (0:00)
How does Original Medicare work? (0:58)
Your costs with Original Medicare (2:56)
Who is a good fit for Original Medicare? (3:29)
How does Medicare Advantage work? (4:54)
Most common types of Medicare Advantage plans (6:02)
Your costs with Medicare Advantage (7:28)
Maximum out-of-pocket limit (9:31)
Is Original Medicare or Medicare Advantage right for you? (10:33)

Order 10 Costly Medicare Mistakes You Can't Afford to Make HERE:


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Рекомендации по теме

Thank you for an extraordinary explanation of Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage.

Are there penalties for switching between (1) Original Medicare plus Medigap and (2) Medicare Advantage?

If you move, I can see where a change may be necessary.


The clearest and most concise explanation!


Why it is so complicated?
Cannot the US Govt consider all her citizens equally regarding health care, which must be a basic right for every human all over the world. How much budget is required for that? Cannot the Govt cover that expenses for humanity from the tax earned from such a huge economy of USA?
We are now older and it is difficult to remember and also it is difficult to go to the challenges of medical system made so complicated. Please make some necessary changes to be kind towards the senior people.
Cannot the Govt get rid of health insurance system and become a welfare state like there in some other countries?


Great presentation, although you omitted to mention that Medicare Advantage is a for-profit enterprise while Original Medicare is not. And to make huge profits, Medicare Advantage has to deny service and decline claims hoping you will die before you exhaust all appeals. In healthcare, time is of the essence, and delaying treatment and surgeries can be costly in terms of life and well-being.


Fantastic presentation---thank you SO much!


The title is a misnomer; you might call Advantage Plans 'Medicare Advantage Plan;' but, when you go on an Advantage Plan you are no longer on Medicare. You have exited Medicare. If you want to go back to a regular Medicare Plan; it may be very difficult. To do that you have to pass the 'Medical Health Questions.' I love the name they gave this; instead of calling it what it is. The questions really are being able to pass 'Pre-existing Health Conditions Questions.' Today, most people 65+ have some type of pre-existing condition. You will be denied returning to regular Medicare if you can't pass those Healthcare Questions. This will keep you stuck in an Advantage Plan the rest of your life.
You better not have a major health problem on an Advantage Plan; such as, heart issues, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, other auto-immune diseases, cancer. The out of pocket on Advantage Plans may stun you and the healthcare expenses if any of these conditions occur can put people deep in debt and even cause bankruptcy. My best friends sister; got cancer. Her Advantage Plan denied the Chemo treatment she needed for her type of cancer. To get the treatment she needed she put her house up for collateral. When she passed away a year and half later; her home was sold and they got paid. She was stressed before she passed; her and her daughter were very close. Her daughter gave her excellent care over the time she was very ill and her daughter did not get any inheritance. This broke her heart before she passed away.


Thank you for your excellent presentation 💯Bendiciones para usted 🙏🏽


Thank you for the thorough video! Do you have any information on how much is total average cost for Medicare Part B + Part D + Medigap ? compare to total cost of Medicare Advantange? Thanks!!


One disadvantage of Medicare Advantage is it "in-network" which would not work well for folks like us who winter in the lower-48 for 6 months and summer in Alaska for 6-months. One disadvantage of Medigap plans (even Plan G) is there is no coverage for preventive dental cleaning.


You can’t switch back to Medicare original without approval if you are on advantage. These plans used to be higher rated, but there is now concern that things they should cover legally are being denied.


My biggest concern is if you go into a Hospital for a long stay or have to be in a nursing home for awhile does the MA plan or Original Medicare is the better choice.


Do you plan to get licensed in New York in the future? Because my first experience with Medicare is a on going Horrible experience. I was not aware Medicare used Sub Contractor's. CNBC used you as a source and found your Video's very accurate. I was wondering if you could do a Video on Form CMS-L564? Because Allegaly 776, 200 in 2020 people have been tripped up by delaying Medicare Part B. Benes Act 2.0 (S.3675) is supposed to address the problems of delaying Medicare Part B.


How come nobody ever gives us an estimate of the medigap cost on the original medicare plan I live in california 96088 is my zip. I am planning the red white and blue original medicare a, b, and gap coverage w/ d. If you pro's don't tell us than the info... is a bit lets say short. No disrespect, I know who you are and I know your one of the best at what you do. Thanks for the videos and keep up the exceptional work.


The Med Advantage means you use there in house Primary care doctors. If you have something more complicated the Primary care will give you a referral. My Advantage plan is max $2800 a year or less. I had a serious problem and yes you have to get an OK from the Advantage plan but my doctor called and they OKed it on the phone. But once you have a serious problem you cannot go back to Medicare supplement for years apparently. If you are in the clear after a few years you can go back. I don't understand why they do that because Medicare is involved with the payment anyhow. My Advantage plan covers me in the State I am in. If I move I don't think they will have the network in another state.


What is your Commission from Medicare Advantage versus Medicare Part B ? Thank You.


So since Medicare pays private insurance companies to manage Medicare Advantage Plans, is that a factor in making the rates for Original Medicare higher?


I see no advantage whatsoever to the advantage Medicare… When I turn 65 I’m going with the original Medicare and the high deductible plan G… this to me definitely sounds like the Way to go…. The advantage plan doesn’t look like it has many advantages lol


How fast do rates rise between MediGap companies vs Medicare Advantage companies? It looks like most MediGap providers are using Attained Age for pricing so costs will go up with age. The Advantage providers seem to use Community Rate like pricing where everyone pays the same price (not age based). Which premiums will rise faster as we age? Will age based pricing cost more over time since age increases are built in? Advantage plans don't seem mention Attained Age, Issue age, or Community Rate pricing. Any historical pricing info on rate increases between MediGap vs Advantage over time?


Hi, on this video @ 3:45 minutes it says that you don't need a referral to see a specialist. Why are specialist now requiring you to get a referral from your family doctor before they see you. I am original Medicare. Thank you for your videos and your time!.


If Medicare denies something, day a blood test, will I pay a lower than cash rate on that bill because Medicare has a lower negotiated rate?
