10 Types of Graffiti

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Don't rely on shitty street art blogs that don't know the difference between a tag and a piece for your rap tag knowledge. The Graff Lounge has got you covered with a comprehensive review of 10 types/ways of doing graffiti.

Now you know all 10 go out and paint!!
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I’m a traditional artist intrigued by graffiti, thanks for adding another dimension for me to appreciate it!


I'm a complete noob, thanks for enlightening me...truly said about not depending on street art blogs


Graffiti is life, a city with no paint is a dead city!


Back in '97 I did a roller off a roof of a factory that shut down n itsmstill there to this day....now that im thinking bout how faded It is, I wanna go re do it but my old ass gunna be hurtin' if I tried to scale those 10 or 11 floors again....I'll feel no pain on my couch watching ya'll on youtube while reminiscing of my days....



I'm a railfan with no interest in graffiti other than for making realistic models. This makes a lot of what I see make more sense.
I don't get WHY but I at least understand more of what I see on railcars now. Thank you


I kept thinking of that one scene from spiderman into the spider-verse lmao


There were only 3 in my time in the 80's it was Tag, Throw Up and Wall Piece...


I used to do a lot of Tagging, USPS Stickers (we called them slap-tags back in the day), Blocks, Bubbles & Throw Up's. I also used to do another style that maybe it was a bit niche, but common enough to say it's one you missed. Maybe it's not as common anymore or maybe people just haven't seen abandoned it all together...*Stencils!!* (multi-layered stencils were really dope too)
I would carry a backpack full of stencils made of cardboard. If I felt it was good enough to keep I would remake it from those hard/flexible plastic dividers, not like that flimsy colored film sheets today but the ones that had the rough texture on one side, and the bigger sheets from art supply stores called Mylar. Those were easy to cut and literally made for stencils.

Also a big shout out to home made drippy ass 'mops'! For those times you were broke but still needed to get down lol.


As an artist I’ve been wanting to get into graffiti art, so this video was really helpful


as someone in the middle of the desert with nobody else i know thats into graffiti, I really appreciate all the helpful tips!


I wish i saw this video 10 years ago...

A perfekt representation of graffiti


Was expecting some toy shit but I’m impressed you know what you are talking about good to see some Melbourne writers get some recognition


Thank you, I have always loved Graffiti.
I would always see it on the trains when I was in the back of the car going into Toronto with my parents. I was a very young girl when I first had a chance to observe Graffiti, and thinking back now I know I have always admired it. So brave of these men and women to paint these fantastic works of art.
I was told that that it was wrong and that they were defacing property illegally.
I looked at it as art. Art done so quickly and so skilled that I was really taken by it.
Every time we drove in to Toronto I would look forward to seeing the new designs, and tried to distinguish what the letters meant.
You have given me a little bit of insight into how I can read them next time.
They are masterpieces. I hated seeing half done pieces. This meant either the person had to run away really quickly or was caught by the cops.
The worst part was these were moving canvases and the artist probably never got the chance to finish.
Plus I would rather look at these works of art then the Gray paint that The city would use to cover them up.


For me the roller ended up being my final stage.the way it allows size height and using found materials most times mixing buckets throw out at construction sites i feel like its how graff makes its full circle back to the days of poor kids finding a can of spray paint and killing a day or night seeing how bold they can get on where they use it.. also the garden sprayer is kinda like the evolution of the fire extinguisher.. there cheap can be filled with paint and surprisingly the nozzel tip can go thin or large and hollow like a astro cap... to be completley honest most teenagers can find a roller some buckets of paint amd a garden sprayer in there garage or friends garages and little do they know they have what it takes to make a curb to roof size tag anywhere all it takes is the heart to step up to the plate and decide its there time now.... and they should cuz at 35 my sprint has become a mild jog so by having to new guys come out and play maybe youll be saving some old dude like me from catching a cop tackle at 4am hahahha


How does this Chanel not have more subs


We watch this video in my school in sweden when we had art class a few weeks ago. I thinks very nice of them to educate the studets about graffiti becuase its very fun. This was a very good video Thanks.


I cant imagine I learn from these styles, I was just drawing every day and by the time my brain lear to what shapes looks good, grafffiti are all universe of possibilities, why locked your self by rules?


Thanks for the info. I didn't know the the structure the first time I did a tag I was in fifth grade and was my nickname then when I was in Senior high school I did another tagg but I never persuit it now I want to do graffiti for hobby and I was mesmerized by the ten styles you mention . Awesome dude.


Dude my homie Cuss made it in this video… he’s a mad bomber and just never stopped getting up …no matter where he went he had paint and markers and mops ..I’m blown away right now lol


Stickers and pieces are definitely my favourite to see around my town.
