Is it possible to do the Knowledge in 18 months

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In this video Dean will explain why you need to try to do the knowledge quickly and how its possible to do in 18 months. Many changes are expected to the knowledge in the near future and now is one of the best times to start.
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I’m on week 6 of the knowledge, been doing 16 runs a week and I’m determined to get it done. Thanks for the motivation Dean!


Many of life’s ups and downs may slow your progress but if you were to watch all of the K videos Dean has done and take on board all of his advice you will pass the K quicker than if you don’t.


I’m on 56’s now. Thanks for the video now more motivated then ever.


Wish I had seen this video prior to starting out. I took around 18 months to complete the blue book, but from first appearance to req was 12 months.

It can be done, be lucky all 👍🏻


I am glad i found this video, very inspirational talk that was Dean, thanks.


Good morning Mr Warrington! To start with, same as I say with all the other excellent video's you've produced, this is a great help! As usual, you're straight to the point with no nonsense, and secondly, it gives us a clear path, almost like a syllabus to follow! Personally that's something I feel I need as felt overwhelmed and confused a few times! Slowly plodding through book 1 at the moment, trying to wrap a few things up before I feel I can do proper full time! But this has inspired me that but more! Thanks Dean! Truly appreciate you're videos and the time it must take to produce them! Thanks!


Ahhhh Mr W. Try a few more and more and more years on that with I. But will get there. I’m sure they be and are sick of me. Excellento video as always.


My dear old dad did it in 8 months on a pushbike, mind you, it was 1953


Dean your right I’d say you can do the Knolwedge in 24 months people have no direction and guidance And that’s the reason for such a big drop out


Cheers Dean, very inspiring video. I will aim high now Thanks again.


I think this the best video you have done to date Dean very inspirational thank you 👍🏻


I completed Knowledge in 36 months and 2 weeks. It could have been quicker if I had started of with Wizann and lock down cancellations. But yes 18 months is realistic.


Missed this when it came out! Very inspiring and a definite eye opener! Cheers Dean


Very important video. I wish I have this guidance many years ago.


I gave up my job that I got straight from school as a music instrument salesman in a music shop in the West End and I did the green badge KOL full time as I had no financial responsibilities plus I was living at home with my parents, my dad was also a London taxi driver and he did it on a pedal bike as many did in his day. Whilst i'm not the fastest to complete the KOL by any means I completed it in sixteen months including my suburbs and drive. I could have finished it in fourteen months but I was working and studying so hard on it I missed my second 56 day appearance and the swines at the, then, PCO wouldn't let me have my second appearance immediately, they said I had to wait another 56 days. Although I do not let it eat into me (honest) I don't deny I still have opprobrium towards those at the time who didn't allow me my second 56 day appearance immediately after my phone call to them and made me wait. I'm now in my 48th year as a proud working licensed London taxi driver, and as long as my health continues and I pass the medicals we have to undertake I will still continue to be a proud working licensed London taxi driver.... the World's best. Remember nobody fails the KOL they just give up. Only 10% or less of knowledge students will ever get through to the end regardless how ever many there are on the KOL. Study and work hard at it and hopefully you will be one of the (approx) 10% who get through.


Dear sir, I hope you are well. I love the way you teach the knowledge and I am using your app.
I completed 80 runs, what do you suggest me to do, shall I go for 1st appearance? Or shall I wait until I do more runs?

Thank you.


Crazy as it seems to some people, I thinking of doing the knowledge. My only hesitation is my age, I’m 56 and always been interested in doing the knowledge. Is it still worth my time ???


Just out of interest, it was said the average time for people to complete the Knowledge was around 4 Years, has that changed.


Anyone know what changes are being made and when if any? Think 2 to 3 years still sounds like the training would be expensive unless living inner city. Especially with the cost of cc and ulez now if trying to do in 4 wheels


Have you got a video on how to do pointing
