Beekeeping: When & How To Add Your Next Honey Or Brood Box

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Beekeeping is confusing when adding your next box, whether it's your second or third box, deep or a honey super. Just when and how do you add another box?

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This video was filmed Using:
Camera: Canon R10
Lens: Sigma 18-35mm F1.8 Art DC HSM
Microphone: Comica Wireless Lavalier Microphone, BoomX-D2 2.4G Compact

Plan ahead for spring. Feed your bees in the fall by using my Feeding board known as the Burns Bees Feeder. Safely feed your bees from the top. Great way to help you build up your bees of winter physiology. Check it out:
Feeding Additives:

📬If you'd like to send something to add to the store front to spruce up my back drop, send it to David Burns, PO BOX 254, Catlin, IL 61817

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My painting tip! If you are going to paint go to Lowes or somewhere and get their mismatched exterior paint. You don't get to pick the color but you can get some really good paint at a price far cheaper than retail !!!


Absolutely beautiful!!! I need one of my hives to do this! Two days I went and got a swarm, put them in the box where they stayed overnight....I went to see if my other hives needed sugar water yesterday, and noticed no bees flying in or out from that box... opened it up, and they all had flown away. Made me feel sick the rest of the day!


Wow. That looks great. I'll say it again she's a good queen to graft from 😊 Thanks for the video David and Sheri 😊


GREAT Video David. 3 and half days of great weather and now T-storm. Bees are well so I have been fishing . Hopefully I will watch you Thursday night 👍😎


Hi David 🎉thank you for your positive attitude and fantastic teaching🙏🏻
Can I add a medium box on top of deep brood box for brood and honey for the hive for winter🤗


David, you’ve got a brick layer for a queen! Beautiful pattern.


I bought some like that were already waxed and sprayed sugar water and omg and in 3 days with suger water frame they had done started drowning frame Amazing they went right to work


Let's us know how the Acorn frames do. Thank you, David.


Acorn foundation is fantastic. I would highly recommend it. Definitely high quality. I have put the extra heavy straight in and they draw it out no problem.


Just got some acorn extra heavy waxed frames in today. Can't wait to try them.


Can you provide a link to the acorn frames you used?


I have a question that I have never heard discussed. You decide to leave a super on for the bees to have for the winter. It has some honey in it but it is not by any means full. You also decide to feed your apiary sugar water in the fall to help build up their winter stores. Now spring comes and the honey super is being filled up by the bees. How do you know the honey that remained in the super is from a natural nectar source or from your fall sugar water feeding.


What is the black frame for thank you for the video


Thanks for sharing David. Is checker boarding will work here at this stage of brood building?


I cough a swarm like a month ago. I put frames less frames out of the 5gal bucket paint stick glue a marsh mellow fire 🔥 wooden sticks at first they start building extra cones in between I remove and re- stack 2 of the new cones & change some positions… now they build everything, only at the bottom start again making it funny cones again in one or 2. I added a 4 frame nuc on top, but the biggest surprise ever it was full of small hive beetles at least like 20 I kill with the hive tool cut then in half.. it was funny watching the bees 🐝 jumping & attacking the beetle 🪲 but they’re so small that the sting don’t reached 😂. Never see so many & why if the hive don’t have too much food source yet… for them to develop.. I guess that that area was infested with them some how. The other crazy thing didn’t spot the queen either seen eggs.. a lot of cap brood but not noticed anything else., maybe the bees are eating the eggs 🥚… yesterday I changed the 10 frame until 3 nucs glet me know what your guys think? The brood wax is very foundation that yellow like mustard color.


Whenever I push frames together & leave space at the ends, they fill it with an extra layer of honey or bridge wax from the frame to the wall. So I either destroy the outside comb of both frames, tick them off & have to scrape off the extra wax, or I have to clean up a sticky mess & the outside of both frames are completely misshapen. How do you avoid that?


should i have waited a while to add another deep? i put 2 deeps and a super with a nuc and queen. idk but theyre still doin their beesnis.


How many honey boxes you can add to two deep brood boxes during spring and through summer?


Some bees are good at making bees, some are good at making honey.
