COVID-19 and the brain...and what you can do about it!

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COVID-19 is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation. This includes our understanding of it's effects on the brain. However, a range of neurological effects have already been observed and many potential mechanisms have been hypothesised. Time will tell how frequently the novel coronavirus attacks the brain in COVID-19 patients and how severe the consequences will be. Additionally, we will not be able to quantify the potential long-term effects of the virus on the brain until years into the future.

Today I explore some of the potential mechanisms of damage to the nervous system by infection with SARS-CoV-2 that have been proposed so far, which can be broadly grouped into two categories - indirect and direct. We will see how parallels can be drawn between COVID-19 and many of our top chronic diseases, and how this might inform how we can combat these neurological effects in the event that we do become infected.

But remember, the only way to ensure we avoid most of these neurological effects remains avoiding the virus altogether.

I will also touch on some nutrients that I think are of particular importance in COVID-19. There is a lot to cover in this video and it has turned out to be quite long even with my best attempts to stick to just the essential stuff, so I have added timestamps to each section below for easy navigation. I have also referenced many of my past videos to back up my points, or this video would have gone on forever! The links to these past videos referenced with timestamps are also provided here if you would like to follow up further:

0:00 Introduction

Diet, brain diseases and motivation for healthy eating:

1:57 Neurological effects observed in previous coronavirus outbreaks

2:22 COVID-19 neurological SYMPTOMS

3:00 Outline of COVID-19 neurological effects

3:46 Indirect effects of the novel coronavirus on the brain:
- 3:58 Blood clotting and disruption to flow
- 4:53 Inflammation, immune system and the 'cytokine storm'
- 5:54 Intestinal microbiome and the gut-brain axis

6:51 Direct and mixed effects of the novel coronavirus on the brain
- 7:00 Retrograde axonal transport
- 7:30 Happy hypoxaemia neural hypothesis: brainstem invasion
- 9:16 Blood-brain barrier
- 9:58 ACE2 receptor
- 10:34 Direct invasion from the blood and neurotoxin ingress
- 11:47 Reduced ACE2 function
- 12:22 Loss of brain blood flow autoregulation
- 12:49 Systemic dysregulation of blood pressure
- 13:27 ACE2-mediated invasion of brain and loss of autonomic function
- 14:12 Invasion and replication in the brain and secondary effects
- 15:34 Post-infectious complications and auto-immunity

16:15 All pathological processes take place on a background of hypoxia

16:49 Mental health effects

18:07 So what do we do about it?

20:25 A case for WFPB diet and specific nutrients

22:54 Modifiable risk factors for severe COVID-19

23:24 Diet and modulation of the immune system

24:25 Intense inflammation, profound immune system priming and predisposition towards brain diseases

25:04 Nutrients that may be of particular importance in COVID-19
- 25:16 Vitamin D
- 26:04 Zinc
- 26:47 Selenium
- 27:46 N-acetylcysteine

My video on zinc:

29:55 The COVID-19 pandemic as an opportunity


32:39 A final thought

33:31 Diet and brain health in general

33:54 References

Since this disease has only been with us for around a year and there is no way many of the hypothetical mechanisms of neurological effects can be validated and quantified yet, I have weighted this video towards a qualitative analysis of COVID-19 brain effects. I think it is too early to call how common neurological sequelae are going to be - they could be relatively uncommon, but conversely they might turn out to be far more prevalent than they seem even now. Out of an abundance of caution, I will restrict the discussion to an outline of mechanisms with less reference to burden of disease.

#COVID19 #Coronavirus #Brain

The information provided on this YouTube channel is not intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The content presented is for informational purposes only.
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Let me know if there is anything you would like clarification on or to explore further!


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Nice to see you back online! Thanks for the information! 🌽 🥦🥔🥕


Yeeey you are back!! Hope you will upload more frequently again, I literally just discovered you an hour ago and I'm OVERWELMED :D


Welcome back and thank you for these essential info!


I really love your high quality videos. Much love to you!


I am very impressed with this video you have done. Your review of the literature, exploration of potential issues, and suggestions on options is thorough and well presented. It dovetails with things that I have been working on for the last decade. Keep up the good work.


It's good to see you again! Thank you for this important information. I hope you are doing well!


Welcome back! Hope you're doing well Dr.


Hey doc, just subscribed! Looking forward to seeing more of your content (no rush ofc. Btw, what do you specialize in?)! Happy New Years, hope you're safe!


I pray that nature keep on answering to your callings as you have cured my herpes virus  with natural supplements Dr Madida. I am so happy for being well again.


Great stuff Dr Des, thans.

My cold/flu/ronawhatever goes away in a day... But I do my homework (and do what you point out at the end of the video Dr Des and more) and just don't allow for the bugs/aliens to hurt me...


Thank you so much for your Great and informative videos, could you please give us more info about vaccines and your take on the pros n cons in covid_ 19 vaccine?!
I really appreciate !!!


I suffer from severe memory issues im in my 20s I guess it has to do with 3 main things amalgam in my teeth because of Mercury second is after getting covid my brain fog is deteriorating more 3 is depression which is also neurotoxic and I have attention deficit disorder due to my mother being stressful and angry that I think I have a reptilian brain I wish I could get help because I don’t think I would find out without people like you and dr amen and neuroplastisty and neurogenesis hope you dm me because I need your consultation doctor Harrington


Can it cause brain zaps/shocks like a shot of electrical adrenaline discharge in the head?


Yes just switch off the TV . Dont brainwash your brain
