Caring for your dog after Neutering them? | 5 Tips - Veterinarian approved

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Hey Guys! Your dog just got neutered or is about to be neutered tomorrow and you need to know what to prepare for???
1. Limit their activity for 2 weeks
a. Controlled Leash walks only.
b. At least for the first week be as strick at possible to not let your dog Run, Jump, definitely no swimming, no going up stairs, and no jumping on furniture.
c. The easiest way to confine your dog is to keep them in their crate during this time and take them out 3-4x a day for short walks.
d. If your dog is extremely energetic ask your veterinarian for extra sedatives to help keep your dog calm during the healing process. I like to use Trazadone or Gabapentin, each vet is different.
2. Keep the cone of shame on – or monitor them 24\7 not to lick at their incision or scratch it. This is SO HARD. But I believe in you!!!
(Put the Cone on for affect) haha
3. Check the incision 2x a day and keep it dry and clean.
a. A normal incision may be swollen and red for the first 3 days. Normal clear oozing fluid is ok.
b. Not normal to look out for to bring your pet back into the veterinarian is: Bright red blood and excessive bleeding. Green Pus discharged. Removed or torn open sutures by your pet or pets activity. Bring your pet in right away for the incision to be checked if you are worried at all!
4. Don’t miss medications.
a. Your Veterinarian will give you Antibiotics, pain medication and anti-inflammatory medication to go home. Antibiotics are necessary to prevent infection and the pain medications to keep your pet comfortable and anti-inflammatories to help with swelling at the incision site.
5. Call your veterinarian whenever you are concerned or bring your dog in for them to check the incision site.

Most Veterinarians will schedule a recheck 1 week after their surgery and then
Sutures are removed at 14 days post – operation.

I hope this video helped you feel comfortable after your pets neuter to take care of them!
Thank you and please share this video to a friend.
Dr. Lindsay Butzer
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I brought my girlie home from being in surgery and she’s such a boss calm before and calm after. She’s fast asleep just chilling. You got this guys don’t be nervous x


I don’t recommend any other cone than what they give you at the vet! I thought I was helping my dog by getting him a more comfortable one but it didn’t work properly and he opened his stitches. I thought there was no way he could get to his sutures yet he did. So be careful!


I researched and investigated and waited until the right time to make this decision. I’m taking my 2 1/2 GSD In tomorrow and he is very sensitive and so sweet. It kills me to know it will be difficult however after 3 years large dogs don’t need those hormones for their bones, joints and
Health. Every specialist I have spoken with has said chances of cancer increases each year after 3 if still intact. I rather not take any risks and just get this over with.
He’s my baby! Appreciate the advice and all the comments shared


Thank you so much! My dog is getting neutered tomorrow and I’m so nervous for him😭


Just got home with our 20 month old golden retriever, Scout. He doesn’t want to lay down. He’s been standing for about 3 hours now. More than likely due to pain. Reading some of your comments about them getting acclimated to the cone is helpful. Hopefully, he’ll be able to get some rest later.


, the first sentence of this video was exactly what I was thinking but not tomorrow the next today 🤦🏻‍♀️ thank you from an anxious dog owner


Okay one thing I’ll say is take the cone off when you feed your dog, just watch them finish their meal and put it back on. They can reach the bowl with it on, but I didn’t want him leaning in a weird way just to eat out of his bowl. Dudes struggling enough 😅


Just got my XL bully done today as per the new UK law and this video was extremely helpful. Thank you 😊


The recovery suit is way far superior to a cone. Bought mine at the vet, pups are safe & happier.


I’m getting my 3 year old girl sprayed later this month and I’m so anxious. She means the absolute WORLD to me and I can’t imagine her going through all this pain for 2 weeks or more. I should have gotten a hamster and called it a day xD haha


Wow! Doesn't mince words does she?! "Your dogs balls are about to be chopped off tomorrow" Yep, that pretty much sums it up! LMAO! Thanks for the video. Right to the point and extremely helpful!


My Frenchie was absolutely bulletproof during and after surgery. He has a memory foam version of the blow up collar. However, calm……there was no calm. I gave up on that on day 5


I’m getting my puppy neutered next month. Thanks for this video! Very helpful.


Really helpful info. My 6 mo old jack russell was spayed 4 days ago. She stays calm when in my work space, and since we got her a surgical recovery suit, she hasn't gotten close to lick her sutures. The only problem is that she wants to jump when we're out for a short leash walk and sometimes when we're in the living room watching TV. I try to stop it as much as possible, but jumping is what these dogs do best. Her incision looks fine, but I was still anxious. Hearing you explain about the redundancy in the suturing made be feel a lot better. Thanks!


Loved the video. The beginning was hilarious. Very helpful


You automatically earned a like from me for wearing the cone of shame.


Thank you my dog is currently in post-care at the vets!
Luke is so cute :)


I had to get a recommended dog tee shirt from Amazon. My girl wouldn’t stop panting so that came recommended from the vet. Worked everything is fine after 5 days. Thought I made a mistake, she wouldn’t eat, throwing up, 5th was the miraculous recovery. By the afternoon she was a different dog. Now eating, running around a very happy dog.


Hi, my 5 year old female Labrador is going to be neutered soon and I'm so anxious. She's my world and I hope everything goes on well. Thanks for sharing this informative video. I'll try to take good care of her.


great tips. straight to the point! thank you!
