Beginner bike shopping

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If you're a beginner and you ride a 170hp bike, dropping it in the parking lot should be the least of your worries mate...


Don’t buy a new bike for your first bike. You will drop it and you will cry.


R1 is a great beginner bike because it’s Yamaha’s level 1 into their collection of sport bikes. 😊👍


Christian is a good dude. Sold me my XSR700 a year back. Super friendly and helpful staff at State 8.


Start on a busa, lol just grow into it


Just start on a 125 cc or a 250cc get the controls down till its second nature then slowly gain experience and go on to the next cc class. Once it stops scaring you you can move up too.


there are two types of riders, ones who've been down and ones who are gonna go down. you'll drop your bike eventually always better to start off small and used rather then big and new


Speaking of dropping a bike. Friend just bought a ZX10R. We were linking up at a little mom and pops store. He come rolling up so excited. Says he needs to get something but talking about his brand new bike. Walks away and no kick stand. Good thing he was going the flush mount way. Cheers fellas and ladies. Stay safe but most importantly, stay dangerous!! Yes you can do both. Haha


best beginner bike is a used one for sure. i dropped my 07 zx6r about 3 times while teaching myself how to ride and it didnt make me feel bad at all cause it was already scratched up from previous owner. buy something you’ll like thats not in mint condition that you will feel okay beating up for the sake of learning. had it been new i wouldve shed a tear


Ducati has always made the best bikes. I remember being a kid in the 90s and they were highly respected back then


Social media has ruined the world were it's just a competition to who has the bigger and better stuff 😂 your first bike should be what you can afford and screw anyone else who has anything to say! There the same people who need there egos stroked on social media


I bought my first bike brand new hours away from home and so I got a trailer to haul it back. I was so excited to take it for a spin that I stopped on the way home when it was getting dark. Not thinking clearly from the long drive, I unclipped the strap on one side of the bike — down it went. Dropped the thing before I ever even got the chance to ride it. 😭

In hindsight though, it was just cosmetic scuffing and not a huge deal. It taught me not to sweat the small stuff and I still love that bike today (husky 401)


R3 is an amazing starter bike. Got a brand new one with a mile on it last august, never rode through the winter and still just put 5050 miles on her. If you’re a little familiar with bikes though, you’ll get bored fast. They’re very quick, but not on the top end


Honda CBR 250!
So much fun learning on this one! 😍


Started a week ago with a 2022 SV650 as my first bike. Easy to ride, having a lot of fun with it


If you are really a beginner with zero experience, I would suggest you start with a 150cc or 200cc bike. It will have less power and will not scare you and a better chance of you not dying or ending up in a ditch.


Kawasaki ninja 650 is what I got for my first bike. Only experience I had with was riding bmx bikes and 4wheelers. Learned how to ride within the 1st hour and then felt really confident after the first week. I have a pretty good paying job and got a 2019 ninja 650 in orange for 7, 500 with 2, 800 miles. Also the bike had a bunch of after market stuff too. I purchased it in 2021 and still have it and it’s paid off.


1st step: slaving myself for 2 years to barely afford a bike after using my whole salary.


Start small, used, and cheap. Learn on something that won't break your heart if you drop it.


My first bike was a 1990 GSXR 550. After years of riding motorcycles, my wife started to think she wanted one and I got her the Harley iron 883. I found it used it’s perfect. It’s lightweight. It doesn’t sit too high. It’s not too loud. And the best part is they make it so it can grow with you when you start getting more comfortable on the bike. They have a 1500 cc conversion kit. And there’s so much customizations for it. Even my mother-in-law who already had another Harley that she didn’t like, sat on this one and rode this one around and loved it
