Repentance what is it? #repentance

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What Is Repentance?

Another way to understand repentance is that you are walking in one direction and turning completely around and walking in another direction. So repentance is a total change in the direction of your life. From complete control of yourself to Jesus. To begin a life of you allowing God to change you. In particular, your mind equals your choices and the things that form your choices. 

In all battles, it's about territory.  First, capture the territory, securing it and making it your own, and then occupying it.

Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

The serpent in the garden attacked Adam and Eve. The devil attacked Jesus during His forty days in the wilderness? Their minds. With what? Temptations built on misinformation regarding God. Mostly built on partial truth about God.

In your life, where do all the temptations, struggles, addictions, obsessions, anger, bitterness, hate, envy, and jealousy begin? In your mind. God has not given us a spirit of fear but of love, power, and a sound mind. A mind that is full of the knowledge of the love of God. A mind that is sound because it operates under the power of the Holy Spirit. 

All sin enters our lives through our minds. Some sin never manifests itself physically but remains in the mind. Like anger, bitterness, lust, and envy, all can for some remain undetected other than by God. Most of the sins we are aware of are those that first began in the mind through temptation, distraction, deception, and lies. They are seen in destructive behaviors against what God wants for our lives.

Ask for forgiveness, repent, and experience the love and forgiveness of God.

#shorts #forgiveness #repentance
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Repentance is changing the way you think. I like to attach it with Romans 12:2. Before someone call bs on this. You must change your way of thinking first before you will see and let go of your sinful ways. There is an intellectual battle to see sin as something that is against God.
