Repentance, What it Means to Repent and Why We Must Do So | J. C. Ryle | Christian Audiobook Video

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~ Audiobook Description ~
Except you repent, you will all likewise perish. – Luke 13:5
It is indifference that leaves people alone and allows them to go their own way. It is love, tender love, that warns them and raises the cry of alarm. The cry of “Fire! Fire!” at midnight might sometimes rudely, harshly, and unpleasantly startle a person out of his sleep, but who would complain if that cry was the means of saving his life? The words Except you repent, you will all likewise perish might at first seem stern and severe, but they are words of love, and they could be the means of delivering precious souls from hell.

1. The nature of repentance: What is it?
2. The necessity of repentance: Why is repentance needful?
3. The encouragements to repentance: What is there to lead people to repent?

~ Contents ~
00:00 Opening Credits
00:11 Introduction
02:57 What is Repentance?
18:26 Why is Repentance Necessary?
40:26 What is There to Lead a Person to Repent?
58:32 Conclusion
01:20:10 J. C. Ryle – A Brief Biography

NASB Bible text. Used by permission. Narrated by Saethon Williams.
Updated and Annotated.
Copyright © 2021 by Aneko Press, 203 E Birch St., Abbotsford, WI 54405


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Thank you Jesus. I cannot understand why You love me. But I bow at your feet and worship.


This is a great explanation of repentance and actually it is the best I have ever heard, even though I have been "in church" for decades. The subject is clearly and simply explained. I purchased the book. In fact I purchased about 10 copies to distribute to "church people" I know (friends and family). This is what I will distribute for "gifts" going forward. No card or gift can provide an explanation of eternal life the way this sermon can. I just wanted to add, I am continuously reading the book and applying it to my life. Repentance towards God and faith towards Jesus Christ IS the message for this hour. Thank you for releasing the copy of the sermon.


This is one of my new favorite books and this is the second time I’m listening to it and it won’t be the last. Thank you, Jesus.


What a blessing, that we can still learn from these Gods generals after many years!


Everyone, please listen to this at least 16, 000 times until it sinks completely into your soul!


Thank you so much for making these books available in this format. Love JC Ryle, look forward to meeting him in heaven one day soon.


Repentance is the rope that pulls the sinner out of Hell.
Forgiveness is the loving Savior holding on to the end of that rope🙏


"Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death." II Corinthians 7:10 AND "Do you take lightly the kindness, tolerance and patience of God, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance." Romans 2:4 . First, comes a "godly sorrow" which is a deep remorse in that we have treated a holy God in ways that this God doesn't deserve to be treated . . . and that pierces our heart to the core. Secondly, it is (that is repentance) a gift of God and is a daily spiritual disciple that true believers should take part in. Therefore, let's not take God's goodness lightly or else we may become hardened and forget, forget, forget . . . where each breath we take comes from. Honor and praise to our Creator God forevermore !!!


For by grace our you saved through faith and not of works lest any man should boast


This is the 1st time I shall listen to this particular study by R.C.Ryle.
I Have been listening to his expository notes on the Gospels, The Gospel of John in particular. I’m captivated by his lucid and articulate mentality, . Above all, by his sincere admiration and love of The Gospels.



I have listened to this dozens of times and it still impacts me every time! I can’t get over the richness and profound simplicity of the gospel rightly divided for our edification. Thank you


Amazing Word of God…I am undone, again! Hallelujah to OUR Great King…our Elder Brother and Merciful Savior


I have been working on translating J.C.Ryle teachings in Romanian language, specially this video. I have been preaching in Gipssies Churches here in Romania, I notice that a lots of Christians here in our churches are being touch deeply by the message of repentance. I pray to God to bring a revivial in our Churches. Thank you for posting. God bless


Thank you Lord for another day to Repent. Thank you for your Love


Big up Aniko Press for what you are doing. Old book gems of folks who were committed and consistent in service to our Lord Jesus Christ, our Champion. May our good God richly bless you all and colleagues


Wow! What a wonderful book!

We must repent everyday!!


Such a very God given word in a Holy Spirit deliverance! Thank you Jesus Christ for this very needed message!🙏🩸✝️🙏


Thank you for this video. I want to help everyone I know to repentance. It’s so obvious, and it blows my mind that many people ignored their sin into the grave for the last 2, 000 years.


I shall have to buy myself a copy of this book by J. C. Ryle. and read it carefully. I have enjoyed his commentary on Luke's gospel.
